Category: Kingwood TX Divorce Attorney

Top Divorce Attorney Kingwood TX

Top Divorce Attorney Kingwood TX

Divorce can be an emotionally difficult process that can often be made worse for families when they drag out the case in court. At Renken Law Firm, our Kingwood, TX  divorce mediation experts can help to ease some of the stress that comes with traditional divorce cases by helping couples find alternatives that are easier on them and their families. Our goal is to help divorcing couples work together to find solutions that are mutually beneficial for both parties in order to reach an amicable divorce agreement. By making the choice of divorce mediation you will be able to negotiate directly with your spouse about how to divide property, finances, responsibilities, and more. This can help accelerate your divorce process by cutting out the back and forth litigation that can sometimes last months in courtroom divorces. Additionally, this gives the divorcing couple more control over their divorce. With mediation, a divorce is not finalized until both parties sign off on it.  Why Choose Divorce Mediation in Kingwood, TX Divorce Cases?   -Most often, divorce mediation is considered a more affordable option for divorcing couples because they are able to work with one mediator instead of two attorneys. -Mediation has a high success rate among couples that are able to work together to reach an agreement that fits the needs of both parties. -Mediation is a private process that allows couples to work together with a mediator to decide the terms of their divorce. In courtroom divorces, everything that is said or entered as evidence will become public record.  Is Divorce Mediation Right For Me? You may be unsure if divorce mediation is right for your divorce case. If you believe you and your spouse are able to sit down and calmly talk through your shared property and responsibilities, divorce mediation

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