
Divorce Attorney for Queer Parents of Adoption in Houston

Divorce Attorney for Queer Parents of Adoption in Houston

July 25, 2024

Divorce is a challenging experience for any family, but for queer parents who have adopted children, it comes with unique considerations and legal nuances. The Renken Law Firm in Houston understands these complexities and is dedicated to providing compassionate and knowledgeable legal support for LGBTQ+ families navigating divorce and adoption issues. This blog post explores the specific challenges faced by queer parents of adoption, the legal landscape in Texas, and how our experienced attorneys can help ensure a fair and respectful resolution. Understanding the Unique Challenges Legal Recognition and Rights One of the primary challenges queer parents face in divorce cases is the legal recognition of their parental rights. While same-sex marriage is legally recognized and adoption laws have progressed, there can still be discrepancies in how parental rights are acknowledged, particularly in conservative states like Texas. This recognition is crucial in determining custody, visitation, and child support arrangements. For instance, even though both parents may have played an active role in raising the child, if only one parent is legally recognized, the other may face significant hurdles in asserting their parental rights during divorce proceedings. This can lead to unfair custody arrangements and visitation rights, potentially disrupting the child’s …

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10 Things You Need to Know About Property Division in Texas Divorces

10 Things You Need to Know About Property Division in Texas Divorces

July 21, 2024

Divorce is a challenging process, and one of the most complex aspects is the division of property. Understanding how property is divided in Texas can help you navigate this difficult time with more confidence. Here are ten essential things you need to know about property division in Texas divorces. 1. Community Property State Texas is a community property state, which means that most property acquired during the marriage is considered jointly owned by both spouses. This includes income, real estate, and other assets accumulated while married. Understanding this concept is crucial because it forms the basis for how property will be divided. However, not all property falls under this category, which leads to the next point. 2. Separate Property Separate property refers to assets owned by one spouse before the marriage or acquired through inheritance or gift during the marriage. These assets are not subject to division in a divorce. Proving that an asset is separate property can be complex and typically requires clear documentation. It’s essential to differentiate between community and separate property to ensure a fair division. 3. The Role of Marital Agreements Marital agreements, such as prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, can significantly impact property division. These legal …

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Licensed Divorce Mediator Serving Houston

Mediation Attorney for Easy Divorce in Houston

July 12, 2024

Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally draining process. However, it doesn’t always have to be a contentious and bitter battle. In Houston, the option of mediation provides a more amicable and cooperative approach to divorce. This method allows couples to work together with a neutral third-party mediator to reach an agreement on various aspects of their separation, such as asset division, child custody, and support arrangements. The Renken Law Firm in Houston specializes in mediation services, helping couples navigate their divorce with less stress and conflict. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of mediation, how the process works, and why choosing the right mediation attorney is crucial for an easy divorce. Understanding Divorce Mediation What is Mediation? Mediation is a voluntary process in which a neutral third-party, known as a mediator, helps divorcing couples communicate and negotiate to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Unlike litigation, which involves a judge making decisions for the couple, mediation empowers the spouses to control the outcome of their divorce. The mediator’s role is to facilitate discussions, offer guidance, and ensure that both parties have a chance to express their views and concerns. Benefits of Mediation Reduced Conflict: Mediation encourages cooperation and …

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Divorce Made Simple with Renken Law Firm in Houston

Divorce Made Simple with Renken Law Firm in Houston

July 9, 2024

Divorce is often perceived as a complex and emotionally draining process. However, with the right guidance and support, it doesn’t have to be. The Renken Law Firm in Houston specializes in making the divorce process as straightforward and painless as possible. This blog post aims to shed light on how our firm achieves this and why choosing Renken Law Firm can make a significant difference in your divorce experience. Understanding Divorce in Texas The Basics of Divorce Law in Texas Divorce laws can vary significantly from one state to another. In Texas, the divorce process involves several legal requirements and steps that must be followed to ensure a fair and equitable resolution. Here are some key points to understand: Residency Requirements: One of the spouses must have lived in Texas for at least six months and in the county where the divorce is filed for at least 90 days. Grounds for Divorce: Texas allows both no-fault and fault-based grounds for divorce. The most common ground is “insupportability,” meaning the marriage cannot continue due to discord or conflict. Property Division: Texas is a community property state, meaning that all property acquired during the marriage is considered equally owned by both spouses …

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Parents Set the Tone for How Their Children View Divorce

Parents Set the Tone for How Their Children View Divorce

June 24, 2024

Divorce is never easy, and when children are involved, it becomes even more complex. As parents, the way you handle your divorce can profoundly impact your children’s mental and emotional well-being. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand the critical role parents play in shaping their children’s perspectives on divorce. This blog will explore how parents can set a positive tone for their children during and after the divorce process. Understanding the Emotional Impact of Divorce on Children Children often experience a range of emotions during their parents’ divorce, including confusion, anger, sadness, and fear. These emotions can lead to behavioral changes, academic challenges, and difficulties in social relationships. It is crucial for parents to recognize these potential impacts and take proactive steps to mitigate them. Recognizing the signs of distress in children is the first step. Younger children might regress, displaying behaviors such as bed-wetting or clinging to parents more than usual. School-aged children might exhibit changes in their academic performance, becoming either distracted or overly focused as a coping mechanism. Teenagers might show rebellion, withdrawal, or a sudden disinterest in activities they once enjoyed. Each child is unique, and their reactions will vary based on their …

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Factors That Influence Custody Arrangements

Factors That Influence Custody Arrangements

June 20, 2024

Custody arrangements can be one of the most challenging aspects of divorce or separation, particularly when children are involved. Parents and legal guardians must navigate a complex legal landscape, balancing the best interests of the child with the rights and desires of each parent. The Renken Law Firm in Houston is committed to helping clients understand the various factors that influence custody arrangements. In this blog post, we will explore these factors in depth, providing a comprehensive guide for those navigating this difficult process. Navigating the intricacies of custody arrangements can be one of the most emotionally charged aspects of divorce or separation. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand the profound impact these decisions have on families. Our goal is to ensure that parents are well-informed and prepared for the legal process, helping them achieve arrangements that serve the best interests of their children. This blog post aims to demystify the factors that courts consider when determining custody arrangements. By understanding these factors, parents can better prepare for their custody cases and make decisions that support the well-being of their children. Whether you are currently facing a custody dispute or simply seeking to understand more about the …

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Is Divorce Mediation the Same as Therapy

Is Divorce Mediation the Same as Therapy?

June 11, 2024

Divorce is a challenging and often painful experience. When a marriage dissolves, it’s common for couples to seek various forms of support and resolution mechanisms. Two common approaches that people might consider are divorce mediation and therapy. While both processes aim to assist individuals during a difficult time, they serve distinct purposes and operate in fundamentally different ways. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between divorce mediation and therapy, examining their goals, processes, benefits, and the roles of the professionals involved. This will help you understand which option might be more suitable for your circumstances or whether both might be beneficial. Understanding Divorce Mediation Goals of Divorce Mediation Divorce mediation is a structured process in which a neutral third party, known as the mediator, helps divorcing couples reach an agreement on various aspects of their separation. The primary goals of divorce mediation include: Reaching a Fair Settlement: The mediator facilitates discussions to help the couple agree on issues such as property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. Reducing Conflict: Mediation aims to create a cooperative environment where both parties can communicate effectively and respectfully. Saving Time and Money: Compared to litigation, mediation is often quicker …

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Mediation Specialist for Affordable Divorce in Houston

Mediation Specialist for Affordable Divorce in Houston

May 31, 2024

Divorce can be one of the most challenging experiences of a person’s life. Emotions run high, and the legal and financial implications can be daunting. However, there is a way to navigate this difficult period with less stress and lower costs: mediation. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we specialize in mediation to provide an affordable, amicable solution for couples seeking divorce. This blog post will explore what mediation is, how it works, its benefits, and why it might be the best choice for your divorce. What is Mediation? Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party, known as a mediator, helps couples communicate and negotiate to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Unlike traditional divorce litigation, where decisions are made by a judge, mediation empowers the divorcing couple to make their own decisions about their future. The Role of a Mediator The mediator’s role is not to take sides or make decisions but to facilitate communication and guide the couple toward a resolution. They help identify issues, explore options, and assist in negotiating a settlement. The mediator ensures that both parties have an opportunity to express their needs and concerns, fostering a cooperative rather than adversarial atmosphere. …

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Divorce Does Not Equate to a Broken Home

Divorce Does Not Equate to a Broken Home

May 20, 2024

Divorce is a life-altering event that can create a whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty. When children are involved, the stakes feel even higher. However, it’s important to understand that divorce does not equate to a broken home. With the right approach and mindset, it is possible for children to grow up happy, healthy, and well-adjusted even after their parents separate. This blog post will explore how parents can foster a positive environment for their children post-divorce, ensuring their well-being and growth. Understanding the Impact of Divorce on Children Divorce can profoundly affect children, impacting their emotional, psychological, and social well-being. However, the extent of this impact largely depends on how parents manage the situation. Children are resilient and can adapt to changes, but they need support and reassurance from both parents to navigate the transition. Effective communication, maintaining routines, and ensuring both parents remain actively involved in their lives are crucial. By providing a stable and loving environment, parents can help mitigate the negative effects of divorce, allowing their children to thrive despite the family changes. Common Concerns and Misconceptions Many parents worry that divorce will irrevocably damage their children. Common concerns include emotional distress, such as fear of causing …

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Can My Child's Grandparents Fight for Custody

Can My Child’s Grandparents Fight for Custody?

April 30, 2024

In an ideal world, families would stay intact and children would always be raised by their parents. However, the reality is that family dynamics can be complex, and sometimes parents are unable or unfit to raise their children. When this happens, it’s often the grandparents who step in to ensure the child’s well-being. But what happens if the parents disagree with the grandparents’ involvement? Can grandparents fight for custody of their grandchildren? At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand the legal and emotional challenges that come with these situations, and we’re here to help you navigate them. Understanding Grandparent Custody Rights in Texas In Texas, the law generally presumes that a child’s parents are the most appropriate custodians for their child. This is based on the belief that parents have a fundamental right to raise their children as they see fit. However, this presumption can be overcome in certain circumstances, particularly when the child’s safety and welfare are at risk. Grandparents can seek custody or visitation rights, but these cases are typically more complex than standard custody disputes. To succeed, grandparents must meet specific legal criteria to demonstrate why they should be granted custody or visitation rights. Scenarios …

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Summer Co-Parenting Tips from a Family Attorney

Summer Co-Parenting Tips from a Family Attorney

April 23, 2024

As summer approaches, families look forward to vacations, pool days, and more time with the kids. For divorced or separated parents, however, summer can also bring unique challenges as they navigate co-parenting. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand that managing parenting time during these months requires careful planning and clear communication. Here are some valuable tips from our family law expertise to help you ensure a smooth, enjoyable summer for both you and your children. 1. Plan Early Summer schedules can get complicated with vacations, camps, and other activities. Start discussing summer plans with your co-parent as early as possible. This not only minimizes conflicts but also helps both parents feel involved and informed about the children’s schedules. Early planning also provides an opportunity to request vacation time from work and look into availability for camps or classes your children might want to attend. 2. Use Written Agreements While verbal agreements can seem easier and more flexible, they often lead to misunderstandings and conflicts. Instead, put your summer co-parenting plan in writing. This can be a formal modification of your parenting plan or a temporary summer agreement. Detailing pick-up and drop-off times, vacation dates, and financial responsibilities …

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Understanding Alimony and Spousal Support in Texas

Understanding Alimony and Spousal Support in Texas

April 16, 2024

When facing the complexities of divorce, one of the most critical areas of concern for many is the financial aspect, particularly the concepts of alimony and spousal support. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand that grasping the nuances of these financial responsibilities is essential for anyone going through a separation. This comprehensive guide will break down what alimony and spousal support entail, who qualifies for it, and other essential details you need to consider when divorcing your spouse in Texas. What is Alimony and Spousal Support? Alimony, also known as spousal support, is a financial provision legally mandated for one spouse to support the other during or after a marital separation or divorce. The core objective of alimony is to mitigate the potential adverse economic impacts following a divorce, particularly affecting the spouse who either does not earn a wage or earns a lower wage compared to the other. This financial support is crucial in helping the lower-earning or non-earning spouse cover their living expenses and maintain a reasonable standard of living similar to what was experienced during the marriage. The provision of alimony is integral to ensuring fairness and economic stability in the aftermath of a …

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Family Law Firm Serving the Houston Community

Family Law Firm Serving the Houston Community

April 10, 2024

In the midst of life’s most turbulent storms, the guiding hand of a skilled and compassionate attorney can be the beacon of hope and resolution many seek. The Renken Law Firm in Houston stands as a bastion of support, offering comprehensive family law services that extend well beyond the realms of divorce. Our commitment is to provide our clients with a holistic approach to their legal needs, ensuring they receive the tailored advice and representation necessary to navigate the complex landscape of family law. Beyond Divorce: A Full Spectrum of Family Law Services Family law encompasses far more than the dissolution of marriage. At The Renken Law Firm, we understand that family dynamics are intricate, and legal challenges can arise from various aspects of life. Our services are designed to address the wide-ranging needs of families, ensuring that every client receives the attention and expertise their unique situation demands. Child Custody and Support When it comes to the delicate matters of child custody and support, The Renken Law Firm places the well-being and best interests of children at the forefront of every legal action. Recognizing that the emotional and physical welfare of children is paramount, our dedicated team of attorneys …

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Navigating No Contest States The Role of Divorce Attorneys

Navigating No Contest States The Role of Divorce Attorneys

April 2, 2024

Divorce is a complex and emotional journey that many couples face. For residents of Houston, Texas, understanding the legal landscape, including the concept of a “no contest” state, is essential for navigating this challenging process. The Renken Law Firm, with its deep expertise in family law, stands as a beacon of guidance and support for individuals considering or undergoing divorce. This blog post aims to demystify the concept of a no contest state, explore common reasons for divorce, and highlight how working with a seasoned divorce attorney can significantly ease the divorce process. Understanding No Contest States Texas is known as a “no-fault” divorce state, a term often confused with “no contest.” In a no-fault state, a spouse can file for divorce without having to prove that the other spouse did something wrong, like adultery or abandonment. Instead, most divorces are granted on the grounds that the marriage has become insupportably broken, with no reasonable expectation of reconciliation. A “no contest” divorce, also known as an uncontested divorce, occurs when both parties agree on all major issues, including property division, child custody, and support. This pathway is favored for its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and the privacy it affords. It reflects a …

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Your Ally in Houston Family Legal Needs

Your Ally in Houston Family Legal Needs

March 27, 2024

In the heart of Houston, a city celebrated for its diversity and spirit of inclusion, The Renken Law Firm stands as a beacon of support and understanding for individuals navigating the complexities of family law, especially within the LGBTQ+ community. With a deep commitment to equality and a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, The Renken Law Firm positions itself not just as attorneys but as allies, advocates, and advisors. Embracing Diversity, Understanding Unique Dynamics Family law encompasses a broad spectrum of issues, from marriage and divorce to child custody and adoption. For members of the LGBTQ+ community, these matters can be laced with additional layers of complexity. These complexities aren’t just legal—they’re personal, social, and deeply emotional. Recognizing this, The Renken Law Firm has dedicated itself to being more than just legal professionals; they are allies who understand the unique dynamics at play. At the heart of their approach is a deep-seated belief in equality and fairness for all. This is not just a legal principle but a guiding light for their practice. The Renken Law Firm knows that legal issues within the LGBTQ+ community can often involve navigating uncharted territory. With changing laws and …

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Summer Break Separated and Divorced Parents

Summer Break Separated and Divorced Parents

March 19, 2024

Summer break is often a time of excitement and relaxation for children, but for separated, divorcing, or divorced parents, it can be a period filled with stress, uncertainty, and emotional challenges. The shift from the structured routine of the school year to the freedom of summer can exacerbate existing tensions and create new complexities in co-parenting dynamics. However, with thoughtful planning, open communication, and a child-centered approach, summer can be a season of joy and growth for your children, despite the changes in your family structure. Here’s how to make summer go smoothly and maintain a healthy environment for your children to thrive. 1. Plan Early Start planning for summer as early as possible. Discuss with your co-parent about vacation plans, camps, and other activities your children might be interested in. Early planning helps in avoiding last-minute conflicts and ensures that both parents are involved in the decision-making process. It’s also crucial to refer to your parenting plan or custody agreement, if applicable, as it may have specific provisions for summer break. 2. Maintain Open Communication Open and honest communication is key to successful co-parenting during the summer. Utilize tools and methods that work best for both of you, whether …

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Everything You Need to Know About Divorce Mediation in Texas

Everything You Need to Know About Divorce Mediation in Texas

March 12, 2024

Divorce is a significant life event that can be both emotionally and legally challenging. While traditional litigation has been the go-to approach for many, divorce mediation offers a less adversarial and more collaborative route. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand the complexities of divorce and believe in empowering our clients with information. This comprehensive guide breaks down everything you need to know about divorce mediation, from its definition to its benefits. What is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a structured process wherein divorcing couples collaborate with a neutral intermediary, known as the mediator, to discuss and settle disputes pertaining to their separation, including but not limited to the division of assets, custody of children, child support payments, and spousal support or alimony. This method distinguishes itself from traditional courtroom divorce proceedings, where a judge renders decisions. In contrast, the mediator’s role is not to make judgments or decisions for the couple. Instead, this professional acts as a facilitator of dialogue, ensuring that both individuals have the opportunity to be heard, and assists in steering discussions towards resolutions that are acceptable to both parties involved. Who Mediates the Divorce? Central to the mediation process is the mediator. Mediators …

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Navigating Divorce with Expertise How The Renken Law Firm Can Help

Navigating Divorce with Expertise How The Renken Law Firm Can Help

March 11, 2024

Divorce is an inherently complex and emotionally charged process that can significantly impact your life and the lives of your loved ones. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand the intricacies of divorce law and the emotional toll it can take on everyone involved. Our experienced attorneys are here to guide you through every step, ensuring your rights are protected and the process is as smooth as possible. Here’s how we can help: Understanding Legal Rights and Entitlements Navigating a divorce starts with a comprehensive understanding of your legal rights and entitlements. Each divorce case presents its own unique challenges and circumstances, requiring personalized attention and expertise. Our attorneys at The Renken Law Firm possess a profound grasp of Texas divorce laws, covering critical areas such as property rights, child custody, spousal and child support obligations, and more. We’re committed to ensuring you are thoroughly informed about your rights from the outset. Beyond basic legal rights, we also focus on the nuanced aspects of divorce law, such as the potential impact of prenuptial agreements, the specific requirements for a fault versus no-fault divorce, and the implications of community versus separate property laws in Texas. Understanding these complexities is …

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Can I Divorce My Spouse if They Are Incarcerated

Can I Divorce My Spouse if They Are Incarcerated?

February 27, 2024

A Detailed Exploration from The Renken Law Firm, Houston: Navigating Divorce with an Incarcerated Spouse The path to divorce is never straightforward, and it becomes significantly more complex when one of the spouses is incarcerated. The Renken Law Firm in Houston recognizes the unique challenges and emotional toll that this situation can impose on individuals seeking to dissolve their marriage under such circumstances. Our comprehensive guide is designed to demystify the legal landscape, offering clarity and support through each step of the divorce process in Texas, especially when dealing with the added complexities of incarceration. Deep Dive into Texas Divorce Laws Texas’s legal framework accommodates various grounds for divorce, enabling a tailored approach that reflects the specifics of each case. Understanding the nuances of these laws is pivotal for anyone navigating through the dissolution of a marriage, particularly when it involves an incarcerated spouse. Fault vs. No-Fault Divorce: A Strategic Choice In Texas, the law delineates between fault and no-fault grounds for divorce, allowing petitioners to choose the approach that best suits their situation. Fault Grounds for Divorce: When opting for a fault-based divorce, incarceration of a spouse presents a specific ground. This path is applicable under circumstances where the …

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Navigating Life's Changes How a Family Law Attorney Can Help

Navigating Life’s Changes How a Family Law Attorney Can Help

February 23, 2024

Family law is a branch of legal practice that deals with issues related to family relationships, such as marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption, among others. It can be one of the most emotionally charged areas of the law, affecting deeply personal aspects of individuals’ lives. In such times, having a knowledgeable and empathetic legal guide is invaluable. The Renken Law Firm in Houston, Texas, offers comprehensive family law services, understanding the complexities and sensitivities involved in these matters. This blog post explores the various ways a family law attorney can assist you, ensuring your rights are protected and your family’s well-being is prioritized. Guidance Through Divorce Proceedings  Divorce is not just a legal ending of a marriage; it’s a complex emotional journey that affects families on multiple levels. Navigating this process requires not only legal expertise but also a compassionate understanding of the emotional dynamics at play. Family law attorneys play a pivotal role in guiding individuals through these turbulent times, ensuring the legal process aligns with the emotional and psychological needs of all involved. The divorce process can be daunting, filled with legal jargon, paperwork, and court proceedings. A family law attorney demystifies this process, providing clear, step-by-step …

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Understanding the Role of a Divorce Mediator

Understanding the Role of a Divorce Mediator

February 13, 2024

Divorce is a complex and emotionally taxing process that often involves navigating a labyrinth of legal, financial, and personal issues. In such challenging times, the guidance of a professional who can facilitate a constructive dialogue between parties is invaluable. This is where the role of a divorce mediator comes into play, and professionals like Dawn Renken at The Renken Law Firm excel in guiding couples through their divorce proceedings with empathy, understanding, and expertise. The Essence of Divorce Mediation Divorce mediation is a confidential and voluntary process that allows couples to resolve their divorce-related disputes outside of court. A mediator, like Dawn Renken, acts as a neutral third party to help both spouses communicate their needs and negotiate an agreement that works for both parties. The goal of mediation is not to reconcile the couple but to reach a mutually acceptable settlement that addresses key issues such as property division, child custody, child support, and alimony. The Role of a Divorce Mediator Dawn Renken’s role as a divorce mediator encompasses several critical responsibilities, all aimed at facilitating a smoother transition for both parties involved. These responsibilities include: 1. Facilitating Communication: A Deeper Dive The role of a divorce mediator in …

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Navigating Divorce in Houston A Guide to Finding the Right Attorney

Navigating Divorce in Houston A Guide to Finding the Right Attorney

February 7, 2024

Divorce is a challenging and emotional journey that requires careful legal navigation. In Houston, where the laws and procedures can be complex, finding the right divorce attorney is crucial to ensuring your interests are protected and the process goes as smoothly as possible. The Renken Law Firm in Houston stands out as a beacon of support and expertise for those navigating through these turbulent times. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the essentials of seeking a divorce attorney in Houston, offering insights, advice, and why The Renken Law Firm should be your first choice. Understanding Divorce Law in Texas: A Deeper Dive In the state of Texas, navigating the complexities of divorce law requires not only a fundamental understanding of the legal framework but also an intimate knowledge of the specific statutes and requirements that govern the dissolution of marriage. Texas law presents a unique landscape for divorce proceedings, characterized by its distinct options for filing—namely, fault and no-fault divorce. These options are not merely procedural; they carry significant implications for the division of marital assets, arrangements for child custody, and determinations regarding spousal support. Choosing between a fault and a no-fault divorce is a decision that can fundamentally …

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Understanding Different Types of Child Custody in Texas

Understanding Different Types of Child Custody in Texas

January 30, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide for Parents By The Renken Law Firm, Houston Navigating through divorce is a complex and emotional process, especially when children are involved. Understanding child custody is essential for parents facing separation. The Renken Law Firm in Houston offers a concise yet comprehensive guide to help parents comprehend the various types of custody available in post-divorce scenarios. This guide delves into the nuances of legal and physical custody, including sole and joint arrangements, and specialized forms like split and bird’s nest custody. Our aim is to illuminate the paths available for custody decisions, assisting parents in making choices that prioritize their children’s well-being. With our expertise, we strive to support and guide parents through these challenging times, ensuring informed decisions that benefit the entire family. Understanding Child Custody Child custody refers to the legal and practical relationship between a parent and their child, including the right and duty to care for and make decisions for the child. After a divorce, determining who gets custody is often one of the most critical decisions. In Texas, like in many other states, courts focus on the best interest of the child when making custody decisions. Detailed Overview of Types of Custody …

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Attorney for Custody Battle in Houston

Attorney for Custody Battle in Houston

January 23, 2024

Navigating through the intricate landscape of custody battles can be a daunting and emotionally taxing journey for any parent. Understanding what this process entails, the factors considered in custody agreements, and how an attorney can guide and support you is crucial. At The Renken Law Firm in Houston, we specialize in family law and are deeply committed to providing our clients with the knowledge and assistance they need during these challenging times. Understanding Custody Agreements What Do Normal Custody Agreements Look Like? In Texas, custody agreements are typically referred to as “Conservatorship” and involve two main components: physical and legal custody. Physical custody determines where the child will live, while legal custody involves the rights to make decisions about the child’s education, health, and welfare. There are generally two types of custody agreements: Sole Managing Conservatorship (SMC) and Joint Managing Conservatorship (JMC). In an SMC, one parent has the majority of the custody rights, whereas in a JMC, both parents share these rights, although not always equally. JMC is more common, reflecting the state’s preference for shared parenting responsibilities, unless it’s determined to be against the child’s best interests. Factors Considered in Custody Agreements When deciding custody arrangements, the court’s …

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Navigating Divorce in Texas A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Navigating Divorce in Texas A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

January 17, 2024

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, especially when children are involved. Understanding the intricacies of divorce laws in Texas is crucial for parents seeking to navigate this difficult journey. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the key aspects that parents should know before filing for divorce in Texas, covering custody arrangements, visitation schedules, co-parenting strategies, and other relevant information. Grounds for Divorce in Texas: Texas allows for both fault and no-fault divorces. No-fault divorces are granted when the marriage becomes insupportable due to conflicts or discord between the spouses. Fault-based divorces may be pursued on grounds such as adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or felony conviction. It’s essential to consult with a family law attorney to determine the most appropriate grounds for your specific situation. Child Custody in Texas: One of the most crucial aspects of divorce involving children is determining child custody. Texas recognizes two types of custody: Legal Custody: Legal custody refers to the right to make decisions regarding the child’s upbringing, including education, healthcare, and religious upbringing. Courts in Texas may grant joint legal custody to both parents, allowing them to share decision-making responsibilities, or sole legal custody to one parent if it is deemed in …

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Navigating Child Custody in Houston Texas

Navigating Child Custody in Houston Texas

January 5, 2024

Child custody cases can be emotionally charged and legally intricate, often leaving parents and grandparents with numerous questions and uncertainties. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore child custody in Texas, shedding light on how custody is decided, circumstances under which grandparents are granted custody, the process of revising a custody agreement, and the invaluable role an attorney like Dawn Renken from The Renken Law Firm in Houston can play in these delicate situations. Additionally, we will address common questions to provide a thorough understanding of child custody laws in Texas. Understanding Child Custody in Texas: A Detailed Exploration Child custody laws in Texas are founded on the fundamental principle of prioritizing the best interests of the child. This legal standard serves as the compass guiding courts in their determination of the most suitable custody arrangement for the child. A nuanced understanding of this principle is essential for parents navigating the complexities of custody disputes in the Lone Star State. The court’s evaluation is multifaceted, taking into account a spectrum of factors that collectively contribute to the child’s overall well-being. Firstly, the court assesses the child’s physical and emotional welfare, aiming to ensure that the chosen custody arrangement promotes a …

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Exploring Child Custody With The Renken Law Firm in Houston

Exploring Child Custody With The Renken Law Firm in Houston

December 21, 2023

Child custody battles are emotionally charged and complex, requiring careful consideration of various factors to ensure the best interests of the child. In Houston, families often turn to The Renken Law Firm for guidance in navigating these challenging situations. In this blog post, we will delve into the factors that influence custody decisions and address the concerns of stay-at-home parents seeking sole custody. Factors Considered in Child Custody Decisions When determining child custody, courts prioritize the child’s well-being and aim to create an arrangement that fosters a stable and nurturing environment. Various factors come into play during custody evaluations: Child’s Best Interests: The paramount consideration in any custody decision is the best interests of the child. Courts assess factors such as the child’s age, physical and mental health, educational needs, and emotional ties with each parent. Parental Fitness: Courts evaluate the physical and mental health of each parent to ensure their ability to provide a safe and stable environment. Issues like substance abuse, criminal history, and domestic violence can significantly impact custody decisions. Parental Involvement: The level of involvement each parent has in the child’s life is crucial. This includes the willingness to support the child’s relationship with the other …

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A Comprehensive Guide to Mediation vs Traditional Approaches in Houston

A Comprehensive Guide to Mediation vs Traditional Approaches in Houston

December 13, 2023

Divorce is a profoundly challenging and emotional journey, marked by complex legal considerations and deeply personal decisions. The approach chosen to navigate this process can significantly impact both the outcome and the overall experience for the parties involved. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the nuanced differences between divorce mediation and traditional divorce, the indispensable role of a mediator, and the multifaceted benefits of choosing mediation—especially for couples with children. What is the difference between divorce mediation and traditional divorce? Divorce mediation and traditional divorce represent divergent paths toward resolving the dissolution of a marriage. Traditional divorce typically involves each party hiring an attorney, with negotiations often taking place within a courtroom setting. Litigation, formal hearings, and a judge’s final decision are common elements of this approach. Conversely, divorce mediation entails the involvement of a neutral third party—the mediator—who acts as a facilitator for communication and negotiation between the spouses. This mediation process unfolds outside of the courtroom, fostering a more cooperative and less adversarial environment. Mediation, by design, encourages open communication and empowers couples to make decisions collaboratively, contributing to a more amicable resolution. In contrast, the traditional divorce process often intensifies conflicts, resulting in a …

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The Comprehensive Guide to Divorce Mediation with Renken Law Firm in Houston

The Comprehensive Guide to Divorce Mediation with Renken Law Firm in Houston

December 7, 2023

Who Should Consider Divorce Mediation? Divorce is a challenging process that can take an emotional and financial toll on couples. For those seeking a more amicable and collaborative approach to ending their marriage, divorce mediation can be an excellent option. This alternative dispute resolution method is particularly well-suited for couples who wish to maintain control over the decision-making process and foster a cooperative environment. Mediation is most effective when both parties are willing to engage in open communication and negotiation. If you and your spouse are committed to finding mutually agreeable solutions and are willing to work together to reach a resolution, then divorce mediation could be the right choice for you. One of the primary advantages of mediation is that it allows couples to tailor solutions to their unique circumstances. This flexibility makes mediation a suitable option for couples with children, as it provides a platform to discuss and agree upon child custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and parenting plans collaboratively. Additionally, mediation can benefit couples with complex financial situations, as it enables them to work together to find fair and equitable solutions to the division of assets and liabilities. Choosing divorce mediation reflects a commitment to minimizing conflict and …

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10 Ways to Make the Holidays Easier On Your Kids After Divorce

10 Ways to Make the Holidays Easier On Your Kids After Divorce

November 28, 2023

Divorce can be a challenging and emotional process, especially during the holiday season. However, it’s crucial to prioritize your children’s well-being and make the holidays as special as possible for them. The Renken Law Firm in Houston understands the importance of fostering a positive environment for your children during this time. Here are ten thoughtful ways to make the holidays easier for your kids after divorce: Maintaining open and effective communication with your ex-spouse during the holiday season is paramount. Foster a proactive dialogue to discuss and align on various aspects, including holiday plans, scheduling, gift-giving, and the continuation of special traditions. Clear communication ensures that both parents are on the same page, promoting a harmonious and stress-free environment for your children. The establishment of fresh holiday traditions holds immense potential in aiding your children’s adjustment to the changes brought about by divorce. Delve into creative and meaningful activities such as baking cookies together, engaging in volunteer work, or crafting a special ornament annually. These new traditions can serve as bonding experiences, fostering positive memories for your children during this transitional period. Flexibility in holiday scheduling is a key component of creating a balanced and fulfilling experience for your children. …

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How Can I Make My Divorce Easier on My Child

How Can I Make My Divorce Easier on My Child?

November 20, 2023

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process, and when children are involved, the stakes are even higher. The impact of divorce on children can be profound, influencing their emotional well-being, academic performance, and future relationships. However, there are ways for parents to navigate this difficult time with sensitivity and ensure that their child’s well-being is prioritized. In this blog post, we will explore five detailed ways parents can make their divorce easier on their child, emphasizing the importance of handling the situation delicately and avoiding unnecessary involvement of the child in personal feelings. 1. Open Communication and Honesty: Building Trust through Transparent Conversations One of the most crucial aspects of making a divorce easier on your child is maintaining open communication and honesty. Children are perceptive, and they can sense tension and changes in their parents’ relationship. It is essential to have an age-appropriate conversation with your child about the upcoming changes in the family dynamics. The Importance of Transparent Conversations Explain the situation in simple terms, assuring them that the divorce is not their fault and that both parents still love them. Be honest about the changes they can expect, such as living arrangements and visitation schedules. Encourage …

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Can Infidelity Affect My Ability to Gain Custody in a Divorce

Can Infidelity Affect My Ability to Gain Custody in a Divorce?

November 17, 2023

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process that can have far-reaching implications for all parties involved, especially when children are in the picture. One concern that often arises during divorce proceedings is the impact of infidelity on child custody arrangements. While the legal system primarily focuses on the best interests of the child, it’s important to understand how infidelity can influence custody decisions and how the guidance of an experienced divorce attorney can help navigate this sensitive situation. The Role of Infidelity in Custody Battles Infidelity, or marital misconduct, can play a role in divorce proceedings, including child custody disputes. However, it’s important to note that family courts prioritize the well-being of the child above all else. Thus, the mere presence of infidelity does not automatically determine custody outcomes. Courts consider various factors when determining custody arrangements, such as the child’s age, emotional bond with each parent, each parent’s ability to provide a stable environment, and the willingness to foster a healthy co-parenting relationship. How Infidelity Might Impact Custody Impact on Parental Decision-Making: Courts may question the judgment of a parent who engaged in extramarital affairs, particularly if the actions exposed the child to emotional turmoil or instability. If …

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What Options Do I Have for Divorce in Texas

What Options Do I Have for Divorce in Texas?

November 15, 2023

Exploring Paths to Resolution with The Renken Law Firm in Houston When the foundation of a marriage starts to crumble, individuals often find themselves facing one of the most challenging decisions of their lives—seeking a divorce. In the state of Texas, the process involves navigating through a unique set of legal procedures and considerations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various options available for divorce in Texas, shedding light on the distinctive aspects of filing for divorce in the Lone Star State. Understanding the Landscape of Divorce in Texas 1. Traditional Litigation: The Conventional Route One of the most common ways to dissolve a marriage is through traditional litigation. In Texas, this involves filing a petition for divorce, initiating a court case that follows a set legal process. Each party hires their own attorney, and the case proceeds through the court system. This method is often chosen when couples are unable to come to an agreement on critical issues such as asset division, child custody, and spousal support. While traditional litigation can be effective in resolving disputes, it tends to be time-consuming and costly. The adversarial nature of the process can further strain relationships, especially when children are involved. …

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How Can I Reduce the Impact of Divorce on My Children

How Can I Reduce the Impact of Divorce on My Children?

November 9, 2023

Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience for all parties involved, especially when children are in the picture. Parents often wonder how they can minimize the impact of divorce on their kids and help them navigate this difficult transition with resilience and strength. At Renken Law Firm in Houston, we understand the importance of prioritizing your children’s well-being during this challenging time. In this article, we will outline the best practices to avoid involving your children in the turmoil, stress the significance of maintaining a healthy routine, and offer guidance on how to talk about your divorcing spouse without negativity. Avoid Involving Your Children in the Turmoil Divorce can bring forth a range of emotions, including anger, resentment, and sadness. However, it is crucial to shield your children from the turmoil and prevent them from becoming collateral damage in your marital dissolution. Here are some best practices to avoid involving your children: 1. Maintain a Unified Front: Regardless of your feelings towards your spouse, it is vital to present a united front to your children. When you are together, try to maintain a civil and respectful demeanor. Avoid arguments or conflicts in their presence, as this can cause …

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10 Things That May Complicate Your Divorce

10 Things That May Complicate Your Divorce

November 8, 2023

A Guide by The Renken Law Firm in Houston Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged process, but certain factors can make it even more complex. Whether you’re navigating the dissolution of a marriage amicably or dealing with contentious issues, understanding the elements that can complicate a divorce is essential. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten factors that can add complexity to your divorce and explain why you should consider reaching out to a top Houston divorce attorney like Dawn Renken for guidance. Children One of the most significant factors that can complicate a divorce is having children. While your primary concern should be the well-being of your kids, child custody and support issues can create contentious disputes between parents. Deciding on custody arrangements, visitation schedules, and financial support can be emotionally charged. A skilled family law attorney like Dawn Renken can help you work towards a fair and balanced resolution that prioritizes the best interests of your children. When children are involved in a divorce, their emotional and psychological well-being should be the top priority. Unfortunately, disagreements between parents on custody arrangements can escalate into prolonged legal battles. This not only places emotional strain on the children but …

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If My Spouse Cheated, Do I Have to Split Assets 50-50

If My Spouse Cheated, Do I Have to Split Assets 50/50?

November 5, 2023

Understanding the Impact of Infidelity on Divorce in Texas Divorce is undoubtedly a highly emotional journey, laden with legal complexities. When infidelity enters the equation, it triggers a common query: Do assets have to be divided equally? In Texas, the backbone of asset distribution lies in community property laws. However, these regulations remain silent on infidelity’s role, leaving individuals wondering how it affects property division. In this blog post, we set out to provide a comprehensive and accessible understanding of divorce law in Texas, with a specific focus on the intricate interplay of infidelity and its influence on the division of assets throughout divorce proceedings. Our goal is to offer clarity and guidance to those dealing with the intricate dynamics of divorce, especially when infidelity is a factor. Understanding Community Property Laws in Texas To comprehend the impact of infidelity on asset division in Texas, it’s crucial to first grasp the foundation upon which the state’s divorce laws are built – community property. Texas is one of a handful of states that follows the community property principle. This means that, in the absence of a prenuptial agreement, most property acquired during the marriage is considered community property and is subject …

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How Fast Can I Finalize a Divorce in Houston

How Fast Can I Finalize a Divorce in Houston?

November 2, 2023

Divorce is a challenging and emotionally taxing experience. It’s a significant life event that can have long-lasting consequences, both emotionally and financially. When contemplating a divorce, many individuals want to know how long the process will take and what they can do to expedite it. If you’re in Houston, Texas, and considering divorce, you might be wondering: “How fast can I finalize a divorce in Houston?” The answer to this question depends on various factors, but one thing is certain: working with an experienced attorney can significantly accelerate the process. Understanding the Texas Divorce Process In Texas, the divorce process is not one-size-fits-all. The duration of your divorce proceedings will depend on various factors, including whether it’s a contested or uncontested divorce, the complexity of your financial situation, and the presence of children. Uncontested Divorce: If you and your spouse can agree on all aspects of the divorce, including property division, child custody, and support, you can opt for an uncontested divorce. This is generally the fastest way to finalize a divorce in Houston. With an experienced attorney by your side, you can navigate the paperwork efficiently and ensure that all necessary documents are filed correctly, reducing delays. Contested Divorce: …

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Dividing Property Following a Divorce in Texas

How Can I Protect My Personal Assets From Divorce in Texas?

November 1, 2023

Marriage is a beautiful union of hearts, but it’s also a legal contract that can have significant consequences for your personal assets if it ever ends in divorce. In Texas, community property laws dictate that most assets acquired during a marriage are considered joint property, potentially subject to division in a divorce. However, there are proactive steps you can take to safeguard your personal assets and financial well-being. One of the most effective ways to protect your interests is by crafting a comprehensive and custom-tailored prenuptial or postnuptial agreement with the assistance of an experienced family law attorney. Understanding Community Property in Texas Texas is one of the few states in the United States that follows the community property system. Under this system, assets acquired during a marriage are presumed to be community property, which means they are owned equally by both spouses. This includes income, real estate, investments, and even debts acquired during the marriage. While community property laws can seem daunting, it’s essential to remember that there are ways to protect your personal assets within this framework. Protecting Your Personal Assets Prenuptial Agreements A prenuptial agreement, often referred to as a “prenup,” is a legally binding contract signed …

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Attorneys Offering Divorce Mediation in Houston Area

Attorneys Offering Divorce Mediation in Houston Area

October 30, 2023

Divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging and emotionally taxing experiences anyone can go through. The complexities of legal proceedings, emotional distress, and financial implications can be overwhelming. However, there is an alternative approach to divorce that can significantly reduce the stress and conflict associated with the traditional litigation route: divorce mediation. In the Houston area, experienced attorneys like Dawn Renken offer divorce mediation services, making this process more accessible and effective for couples seeking an amicable resolution. In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of divorce mediation and delve into how attorney Dawn Renken can guide you through this process. What is Divorce Mediation? A Collaborative Alternative Divorce mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) where a neutral third party, the mediator, facilitates discussions and negotiations between the divorcing couple. The goal is to help both parties reach a mutually agreeable divorce settlement without going to court. This approach is quite different from the traditional adversarial process where each spouse hires their own attorney, and the case is litigated in court. The Role of a Mediator In divorce mediation, the mediator’s role is to create a safe and neutral environment where open …

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Divorce Attorneys in Houston Area for Queer Couples

Divorce Attorneys in Houston Area for Queer Couples

October 29, 2023

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process for any couple, but for queer couples, the hurdles can be even higher. The need for compassionate, understanding, and experienced divorce attorneys in the Houston area cannot be overstated. In this article, we will explore the importance of selecting an attorney who is not only familiar with family law but also dedicated to providing inclusive services for queer families. Attorney Dawn Renken, founder of The Renken Law Firm in Houston, stands out for her commitment to serving the diverse needs of the LGBTQ+ community in divorce cases. Understanding the Unique Challenges of Queer Divorce Queer couples face unique challenges when going through a divorce. Legal issues, such as property division, child custody, and spousal support, are already complex, but they become even more intricate in the context of queer relationships. One of the primary challenges is that the legal landscape for LGBTQ+ families has evolved rapidly over the years, with varying laws and regulations in different states. In Texas, where Attorney Dawn Renken practices, there have been significant advancements in LGBTQ+ rights, but navigating the legal intricacies still requires an attorney with expertise and experience in this specific area. Queer couples may encounter …

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10 Things You Should Never Say or Do During Divorce Mediation

10 Things You Should Never Say or Do During Divorce Mediation

October 28, 2023

Divorce can be an emotionally and financially taxing process, but mediation can offer a more amicable and cost-effective alternative to courtroom battles. In this blog post, we’ll explore the critical do’s and don’ts of divorce mediation. We’ll also introduce you to experienced divorce mediator and attorney, Dawn Renken, of The Renken Law Firm in Houston, who can help couples navigate this process and make thorough and informed choices when drafting a divorce agreement. Divorce is never easy, but divorce mediation can make the process smoother and more manageable. Unlike traditional divorce proceedings, which often involve lengthy courtroom battles, mediation allows couples to work together with a neutral third party to resolve their differences and create a mutually acceptable divorce agreement. When done right, mediation can save time, money, and emotional distress. However, divorce mediation isn’t a walk in the park. It requires open communication, patience, and a willingness to compromise. To help you navigate this process successfully, here are 10 things you should never say or do during divorce mediation: 1. Refusing to Communicate Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful mediation. Refusing to talk or listen can hinder progress and lead to a more protracted and contentious divorce. …

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What Is Typically Included in a Prenuptial Agreement

What Is Typically Included in a Prenuptial Agreement?

October 26, 2023

Prenuptial agreements, commonly referred to as prenups, are contractual agreements made between two individuals prior to their marriage. They establish the framework for how assets, debts, and other financial matters will be handled should the marriage end in divorce or due to the death of one spouse. Prenuptial agreements provide a level of financial security and peace of mind to both parties by outlining their rights and responsibilities. When considering a prenup, it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable Prenup Attorney in Houston, like the experts at The Renken Law Firm, to ensure that your agreement is comprehensive and tailored to your unique needs. The Importance of a Prenuptial Agreement Prenuptial agreements are not only for the wealthy or those anticipating divorce. They can be invaluable tools for protecting individual assets, managing financial expectations, and ensuring a fair resolution should the marriage end. Here’s a breakdown of what is typically included in a prenuptial agreement: 1. Property Division One of the primary purposes of a prenup is to specify how assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce. This includes real estate, personal property, bank accounts, and investments. The agreement can outline whether certain assets will …

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Exploring the Different Types of Divorce in Texas

Exploring the Different Types of Divorce in Texas

October 25, 2023

Divorce is an emotionally charged, life-altering event. When a marriage reaches a point where it can no longer be sustained, the process of legally ending it can be intricate and emotionally draining. While Texas law provides for various divorce options, understanding the different types of divorce is crucial for making informed decisions. In this article, we will explore the various divorce options available in Texas, from uncontested to contested, mediation, and more. Additionally, we will highlight the invaluable role of an experienced divorce attorney like Dawn Renken from the Renken Law Firm in Houston, emphasizing how they can help make the process smoother and ensure you don’t overlook important details. 1. Uncontested Divorce An uncontested divorce is often the most straightforward option for couples who have reached an agreement on all significant aspects of their separation, such as child custody, property division, and alimony. This type of divorce is generally less time-consuming and costly than other alternatives, as it minimizes the need for court appearances and lengthy legal battles. An experienced divorce attorney like Dawn Renken can guide you through the process, ensuring all legal requirements are met. Their role is to make sure that the agreement is comprehensive and …

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Questions Your Houston Divorce Attorney May Ask

Questions Your Houston Divorce Attorney May Ask

October 24, 2023

Divorce is a significant life event that can be emotionally challenging and legally complex. When navigating the process of divorce, having an experienced and understanding attorney by your side is crucial. A skilled divorce attorney from Renken Law Firm in Houston can provide you with the guidance and support you need during this trying time. As you prepare to work with a divorce attorney, it’s important to be prepared for the questions they may ask to ensure a comprehensive and successful representation. 1. What Are Your Goals and Priorities? One of the first questions your Houston divorce attorney will likely ask is about your goals and priorities for the divorce proceedings. Understanding what you hope to achieve – whether it’s custody arrangements, division of assets, or alimony – helps your attorney tailor their approach to best meet your needs. Your attorney will work to align their strategies with your desired outcomes, advocating for your interests every step of the way. 2. Have You Considered Alternative Dispute Resolution? Divorce cases don’t always have to be resolved in a courtroom. Your attorney may inquire about your willingness to explore alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or collaborative divorce. These approaches can …

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Divorce Attorney for All Families in Houston

Divorce Attorney for All Families in Houston

October 23, 2023

Are you in search of an affordable divorce lawyer located in the Houston area? Allow me to introduce Attorney Dawn Renken, who is ready to provide her assistance. With a focus on family law in Texas, Attorney Renken specializes in divorce cases specifically within Houston, TX. In 2014, she obtained her mediation license through ADR Services International Inc. Since then, she has collaborated with diverse couples seeking divorce, including same-sex couples and those aiming to avoid conventional courtroom procedures. Looking for a Same-Sex Divorce Lawyer Nearby In a time when gay marriage is recognized nationally, it’s important to note that not all family law and divorce lawyers possess expertise in handling same-sex cases. At Renken Law Firm situated in Houston, we stand as allies of the LGBTQ+ community. We acknowledge the unique challenges that can arise in such cases and are dedicated to assisting couples in achieving divorce settlements that cater to their distinct needs. Our commitment revolves around ensuring our clients’ requirements are met and that they receive respectful treatment throughout the entire process. If you’re interested in learning more about the services we offer for same-sex divorces or wish to initiate the divorce proceedings, feel free to reach …

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What Factors Impact Me Gaining Full Custody in My Divorce

What Factors Impact Me Gaining Full Custody in my Divorce?

October 22, 2023

Going through a divorce is undoubtedly a challenging and emotionally charged experience. When children are involved, custody arrangements become a pivotal concern for parents. If you’re contemplating or in the midst of a divorce, it’s crucial to understand the factors that can influence your chances of gaining full custody. In this blog post, we’ll explore these factors and offer guidance to help you navigate the complex world of custody disputes. For expert advice and support, it’s essential to seek the assistance of a seasoned Houston Divorce Attorney at Renken Law Firm. Understanding Child Custody in Texas Child custody laws vary from state to state, and Texas has its unique rules and regulations. In the Lone Star State, child custody is commonly referred to as “conservatorship.” There are two main types of conservatorship: Joint Managing Conservatorship: In this arrangement, both parents share the rights and duties of a child’s upbringing. While it emphasizes shared decision-making, it may not necessarily entail equal physical custody. Sole Managing Conservatorship: This grants one parent the majority of decision-making authority and physical custody, often referred to as “full custody.” This is the focus of our discussion. Factors Impacting Your Chances of Gaining Full Custody Child’s Best …

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What You Should Know Before Getting a Divorce in Texas

What You Should Know Before Getting a Divorce in Texas

October 19, 2023

Texas is a state that’s known for its strong independent spirit and willingness to do things its own way, even when it comes to divorce. While the basic divorce process is similar across the country, there are some unique aspects of getting a divorce in Texas that you should be aware of before you start the process. Getting guidance from an experienced divorce lawyer who knows the ins and outs of Texas divorce laws can make a big difference. Here are three important ways that divorcing in Texas differs from other places: Reasons for Divorce: In Texas, you don’t need a specific reason to file for divorce. Either spouse can initiate the process without having to prove fault. This means that neither party is blamed for the marriage ending. However, Texas also provides six reasons for divorce based on fault, including things like adultery, cruelty, and felony convictions. Fault-Based Divorces: If you’re filing for divorce based on fault in Texas, it can affect how property and alimony are divided. Unlike some other states, where factors like adultery might not impact property division, in Texas, the court might take fault into account. This could encourage someone to opt for a fault-based …

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Filing for Divorce in Harris County Texas

Filing for Divorce in Harris County Texas

July 17, 2023

Time to File for Divorce in Harris County and Houston If you’re considering filing for divorce in Harris County, Texas, it’s crucial to understand the specific requirements and options available to you. The divorce process varies from state to state, making it essential to do your research or seek guidance from an experienced divorce attorney in Houston, Texas. Residency Requirements for Divorce in Texas Before you can file for divorce in Texas, you must meet certain residency requirements. At least one spouse must have lived in Texas for six months prior to filing for divorce and must have been a resident of the county where the suit is filed for at least 90 days. These residency requirements aim to prevent individuals from seeking favorable courts or judges by moving to another state or county. Grounds for Divorce in Texas Texas allows both “no-fault” and “fault-based” divorces. In a no-fault divorce, the court doesn’t require either spouse to prove the other’s actions as the cause of the divorce. Fault-based divorces, on the other hand, require one or both spouses to demonstrate that the other’s actions led to the failure of the marriage. No-Fault Grounds for Divorce in Texas No-fault divorces are …

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Memorial Houston TX Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Mediation Lawyer Serving Memorial Houston

July 13, 2023

If you and your spouse are considering divorce and are open to working together to reach an agreement, divorce mediation might be an option worth exploring. Rather than going through the typical court process, mediation involves a neutral third party called a mediator who helps facilitate communication and negotiation between both spouses, allowing them to make decisions about their future. Divorce mediation offers several advantages, including privacy and affordability. Unlike public courtroom proceedings, mediation gives couples more control over the final decisions made during their divorce. It promotes a cooperative and collaborative approach to resolving issues. Dawn Renken, a family law attorney and licensed mediator, can provide valuable legal guidance throughout your divorce case. She can assist in resolving disputes, developing a child custody schedule, determining child support payments, dividing property, and addressing other important matters. At what point in the divorce or custody process do we have to go to mediation? Do we have to file suit first? You can go to mediation before or after you officially file your petition for divorce. The court may order you to go to mediation once you have filed, or you and your spouse may decide to attend mediation before your divorce …

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A Private and Cost-Effective Approach to Divorce

A Private and Cost-Effective Approach to Divorce

July 7, 2023

Even in the best scenarios, getting a divorce can be difficult. These days, many couples are choosing divorce mediation instead of going to court for a traditional divorce. Mediation can be a good option because it has a lot of benefits. It keeps things private, doesn’t cost as much money, and gives you a chance to have a say in how things happen. If you’re thinking about doing divorce mediation, it’s helpful to work with someone who knows what they’re doing, like Dawn Renken, who is a mediator and divorce lawyer. Listed below are some ways you can work to make the mediation process easier: Remove Emotion When you do mediation, both people have to agree to work together and find solutions for their divorce. It’s important to talk to each other in a respectful way. Try not to blame or accuse each other, and use words that are fair to both people. If you are angry or only care about what you want, it can make mediation more difficult. So, it’s good to practice talking without emotion and being open to suggestions from the mediator. The mediator will help if one person is being overbearing or asking for things …

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Houston Attorney Specializing in Divorce

Houston Attorney Specializing in Divorce

July 4, 2023

In Texas divorce cases, it is advisable to consider obtaining legal representation as an option. By working with an attorney, you not only gain a representative in court, but also access to valuable insights on common practices in similar divorce proceedings. An attorney is committed to advocating for their client’s best interests and can provide guidance throughout this challenging period. If you’re searching for a Houston attorney specializing in divorce to assist with your divorce, consider reaching out to Renken Law Firm. With extensive experience supporting individuals from diverse backgrounds and lifestyles, our team of family law attorneys is dedicated to guiding clients through their divorce proceedings. We provide skilled legal representation to assist you during this challenging period. Based in Houston, our divorce lawyers are well-versed in handling various aspects of divorce cases, including child custody and support, spousal support, division of marital assets, and other family law matters pertaining to children. Do not wait for your spouse to file, instead contact us today to arrange a comprehensive evaluation of your specific divorce and family law case. Why Being the First to File for Divorce Matters To get a divorce started, one (or both—more on joint filing later) spouse …

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Filing for a Divorce in Texas

Filing for a Divorce in Texas

June 21, 2023

If you’re thinking about getting a divorce, there are many important things to consider when discussing it with your partner. The division of property and rights can be a sensitive process that requires agreement from both parties. If you’re ready to start the divorce process, the attorneys and legal team at Renken Law Firm are here to assist you. Our dedicated professionals can provide advice and information to help you navigate this challenging time and ensure you get what you deserve. Contact us to schedule an appointment and protect your rights. We offer a free one-hour consultation with no obligation. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you navigate the process and reach a fair agreement that suits your unique needs. If you’re thinking about divorcing your spouse in Texas, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Divorces can be complex and emotionally and financially challenging. Many couples postpone filing because of these difficulties. However, even a simple divorce can take several months or longer to complete. In Texas, the minimum time for a finalized divorce is 61 days. If child custody, complex finances, or shared property are involved, the process can take months …

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4 Benefits to Choosing Mediation for Your Divorce

4 Benefits to Choosing Mediation for Your Divorce

June 15, 2023

What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is for couples who seek an efficient, yet fair, divorce process. Mediation is a collaborative process that allows individuals to control the outcome. The mediator is a neutral, third-party professional who keeps spouses focused on the goal of a fair outcome, not battling over past resentments. During divorce mediation, the mediator guides couples in addressing all the issues associated with divorce, including asset division, custody arrangements and spousal and child support. Couples often choose divorce mediation because mediation is faster, less expensive and less contentious than a traditional divorce process. Reducing the stress and trauma of the divorce process itself may ease co-parenting after divorce, as well. Mediation is often a “one-stop” option for couples, as the mediator prepares the full divorce settlement agreement and provides the paperwork necessary for the divorce to become final with a court. How Is Divorce Mediation Different From Traditional Divorce? Many say one of the biggest pros of divorce mediation is that it is fundamentally different from a traditional divorce process. Divorce mediation is a non-adversarial process, unlike traditional divorce, in which lawyers represent spouses against each other. In mediation, spouses work together with the help of a …

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Family Law Attorney Accepting New Clients

Family Law Attorney Accepting New Clients

June 11, 2023

When facing the complexities of a divorce, it’s crucial to have the support of the best Houston divorce attorney who understands your unique circumstances. With an experienced divorce attorney by your side, you gain invaluable knowledge and guidance to reach a resolution that addresses the needs of your family. At Renken Law Firm, our dedicated divorce attorneys act as your ally and advocate throughout the entire process. Our priority is to facilitate amicable and mutually agreeable settlements for every client we represent. Whether you opt for divorce mediation or require assistance with contested divorce, our team of specialists in Houston, TX offers unrivaled services. We are committed to protecting your rights and assets during this challenging time. In addition to traditional divorce methods, we excel in providing the best divorce mediation services in Houston, TX. Divorce mediation offers a more cost-effective and private approach, allowing the divorcing parties to determine the final terms of their divorce. To explore this option further, we encourage you to contact our office and learn more about our mediation services. Renken Law Firm understands that many individuals hesitate to initiate the divorce process due to uncertainty and concerns about excessive legal fees. We assure you …

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Should I Hire a Family Lawyer

Should I Hire a Family Lawyer?

June 8, 2023

Renken Law Firm, a specialist in family law in Houston, can provide valuable support and advice during challenging family disputes. Whether you’re going through a divorce, require assistance with will drafting, or dealing with other family matters, our experienced family law attorneys are equipped with the knowledge to help you achieve a favorable resolution. With a deep understanding of family law principles, we are committed to effectively guiding you through any legal family issues that arise, aiming to secure the best possible outcome for you and your family’s unique needs. What Does a Family Law Attorney Do? Family law encompasses a wide range of matters, including marriage, civil unions, adoption, guardianship, and family disputes. The family court system ensures equitable, timely, and reasoned handling of family-related court proceedings. Family law also addresses crucial aspects such as divorce, spousal support, property division, child custody, visitation rights, and relocation. When dealing with family law matters, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of your rights, obligations, entitlements, and the applicable family laws governing your case. Each family’s circumstances must be considered to reach fair and just agreements for all parties involved. At Renken Law Firm, our team stays up to date …

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Do I Qualify for an Annulment

Do I Qualify for an Annulment?

May 24, 2023

What is an annulment? An annulment is a legal case that ends a marriage. A judge can grant an annulment based on reasons that existed when the marriage started. If the judge grants the marriage, it will be like the marriage never happened, legally speaking. Getting an annulment can be fairly simple once you can prove one of the grounds for an annulment. It can be more complicated if you did the following during the marriage: You had a child or conceived a child; or You bought property together. Do I Qualify for an Annulment?  Common grounds for annulment include: Lack of legal capacity: One or both parties did not have the legal capacity to enter into a marriage, such as being underage or mentally incapacitated. Fraud or misrepresentation: One party deceived the other, leading them to enter into the marriage under false pretenses. Bigamy: One party was already married at the time of the marriage. Incest: The marriage is between close relatives who are prohibited from marrying under the law. Non-consummation: The marriage has not been consummated, meaning the spouses have not engaged in sexual intercourse. Consulting with a family law attorney in your jurisdiction can provide specific guidance …

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When Should I Hire a Family Attorney

When Should I Hire a Family Attorney?

May 21, 2023

What is Family Law? Family law consists of a body of statutes and case precedents that govern the legal responsibilities between individuals who share a domestic connection. These cases usually involve parties who are related by blood or marriage, but family law can affect those in more distant or casual relationships as well. Due to the emotionally-charged nature of most family law cases, litigants are strongly advised to retain legal counsel. The vast majority of family law proceedings come about as a result of the termination of a marriage or romantic relationship. Family law attorneys help their clients file for separation or divorce, alimony, and child custody, visitation, and support. Spouses married a short time may seek an annulment, and special rights may exist between same-sex couples. The division of property at the end of a marriage is also a common issue in family law cases. With respect to property division at the time of divorce, every state has a comprehensive set of laws in place to determine the rights of the parties. However, couples who do not agree with the default rules in their state can “opt-out” by hiring a lawyer to draft a prenuptial agreement. Absent fraud or …

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Helpful Tips for Co-Parenting This Summer

Helpful Tips for Co-Parenting This Summer

May 15, 2023

Summer vacation planning can be more complex whenever you are co-parenting. Trying to figure out a visitation schedule, how to split the cost of fun summer activities, and ensuring you are spending time with your child can be a lot to juggle. The best think you can do is communicate with your co-parent and help your child to get the most out of their summer break. Parent Map shared the following tips for successfully co-parenting this summer. Summertime Survival Tips for Divorced Parents Make plans with your co-parent well in advance. Making summer plans doesn’t have to be a summer activity in and of itself. It’s best if it isn’t and should take place before summer, if possible. Last-minute deviations to a well-considered parenting schedule that moms, dads and kids depend on usually don’t go over well. By discussing the children’s summer plans with your co-parent early, you give yourself and your kids the best chance to have a summer you’ll all look forward to. Summer activities and vacation spots fill up fast, and you don’t want to miss out or have your co-parent turn around and tell you “no” to the only week you could make your bookings. Ironing …

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Divorce Attorneys Help Simplify Divorce

Divorce Attorneys Help Simplify Divorce

May 10, 2023

Divorcing couples that are choosing to work together to reach a settlement agreement often do not see the benefit of working with a divorce lawyer throughout the process. You may wonder, how can a lawyer help me with collaborative divorce? Collaborative divorce attorneys work with you to provide legal advice for all the traditional divorce issues you will face including spousal support, child custody, child support, and property division. For divorcing couples that are entering into a contested divorce, working with an experienced attorney can help simplify the divorce process. If you have minor or dependent children, working with an attorney can be especially helpful. The Divorce Settlement No matter what the court calls the process, it usually involves the same items. The settlement itself usually is an agreement between spouses to reach a divorce and complete the process. This could include child custody matters for who has primary or sole custody, child and spousal support for the noncustodial parent and payments to the other spouse and the division of property between assets and liabilities. The agreement is possible through a divorce civil suit, mediation, arbitration or a state program. There are often certain requirements necessary before settling the dissolution …

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Can Divorce Mediation Work if I Have Kids

Can Divorce Mediation Work if I Have Kids?

May 3, 2023

Divorce mediation is an excellent option for any divorcing couple that is able to calmly work together to discuss the terms of their divorce. This includes couples that share minor children together. Child support and custody mediation are just some of the many topics your mediator can help you to navigate when trying to come up with a finalized divorce agreement. Not only is mediation considered a cost effective alternative to litigated divorce, it also leaves more of the decisions up to the divorcing parties. If you do not believe the parent you are divorcing is capable of reaching an amicable agreement that promotes the best interest of your child, divorce mediation is not the right option for you. Contact Renken Law Firm today to learn more about what steps you need to take in order to divorce your spouse in Texas. Mediation for Custody Agreements Mediation is a great way to come to terms for a custody agreement, as well, because of the greatly reduced cost versus a full-blown child custody lawsuit. While there may be some fees associated with the mediator, these fees are often split between the parents and will almost definitely be a tiny fraction of …

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Divorce Mediation Experts in Houston

Divorce Mediation Experts in Houston

April 28, 2023

Divorce mediation is an attractive alternative to traditional divorce for many reasons. This is because the traditional divorce process requires more time and money than mediation and all the details of your divorce agreement are public record. When you use mediation to reach an agreement for your divorce, the details of your divorce are private. It is important to realize while divorce mediation is typically much faster than litigated divorces, you will still have to wait the minimum of 61 days for your divorce to become finalized in Texas. Contact us online or reach out directly to schedule a consultation with divorce mediation attorney Dawn Renken. How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take? The mediation process can be as short as one session or last several weeks. Sometimes it can be longer. How long divorce mediation takes depends on factors such as: the number of issues to be addressed how complex the issues are (for example, if there’s a lot of property to divide) the time between sessions, and the level of cooperation between the spouses. In mediation, you’ll have a lot more control of the process—especially when it comes to pace and scheduling—than you would with in a court case. …

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Enforcing Child Support Payments in Texas

Enforcing Child Support Payments in Texas

April 18, 2023

Unfortunately, just because a court orders a parent to pay child support does not mean they actually will. Enforcement actions can be taken by the attorney general in order to collect court ordered child support when a parent fails to pay. Read below to learn more about how child support agencies enforce court orders to collect support payments in the state of Texas. Tools for Collecting Child Support Child support agencies have many tools for enforcing child support orders. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common methods CSS uses when attempting to collect past-due child support. Wage Withholding All child support orders include the enforcement tool of immediate wage withholding (also called “wage deduction,” “wage garnishment,” and “income (or earnings) assignment”). The state can order the obligor’s employer to deduct the child support amount from the obligor’s paycheck. Employers must deduct the payment from the obligor’s paycheck just like any other payroll deduction (such as income tax or social security). Depending on the order, the employer will send the payment to either the local child support office or the custodial parent. Wage withholding is very effective when the obligor has a regular job with a steady, predictable paycheck. …

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Why Choose Divorce Mediation in Texas

Why Choose Divorce Mediation in Texas?

April 14, 2023

These days, more than ever before divorcing couples are looking for alternatives to traditional courtroom divorces for dissolving their marriage. One of the most popular alternatives being used is divorce mediation. What is Divorce Mediation? Until the last 10 years or so, just about the only course for divorcing couples was to hire lawyers to do battle for them. Often the spouses would not even speak with each other, “communicating” only through their attorneys. And attorneys proliferated. The addition of “no fault” to divorce laws has given rise to an emerging alternative for divorcing couples: mediation. Mediation is the process in which the divorcing couple works out its problems, disagreements, and marital issues with a trained, impartial third party””the mediator. The mediator assists the couple in resolving its differences in a constructive way to reach a “win-win” decision rather than the adversative “win-­lose” situation. Who are Mediators? The mediator may be a marriage counselor, social worker, psychologist, or lawyer trained in family and divorce mediation. At present, mediation is still open turf for any of the above professions to claim. Texas does not have any licensing requirements for mediators. At any rate, the mediator should have received formal training from …

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What is the Goal of Divorce Mediation

What is the Goal of Divorce Mediation?

April 12, 2023

A common misconception surrounding divorce mediation is that the goal is for two divorcing spouses to reconcile their differences in order to save their marriage. Mediation is not counseling and your divorce mediator will never try to push tactics for healing your marriage on you. The goal of mediation is simple, to help both parties have productive communication while coming up with a mutually beneficial and amicable divorce agreement. Divorce mediation costs less than traditional divorce because it allows both parties the opportunity to have a direct conversation about serious matters such as child custody, child support, property division, and more. Traditional divorces can take much longer and cost significantly more because all communication goes through attorneys. Mediation also allows divorcing couples more privacy than traditional divorce. This is because any divorce agreement or evidence submitted leading up to a finalized divorce agreement is public. This can mean your tax records, information surrounding your finances, problems in the marriage, and more are available for anyone to see. When you choose to reach an agreement through the divorce mediation process, all the specifics of your divorce will be kept private between the divorcing couple and the neutral mediator. How Long Does …

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Tips for Helping Your Child Through Divorce

Tips for Helping Your Child Through Divorce

April 5, 2023

It is no secret that divorces are difficult, not just for those going through it, but also for other family members, especially children. In order to make the process easier on your child, it is a good idea to take steps to make your child feel like they can express their true feelings and reassure your child every step of the way. Children cope with divorce in different ways, some may feel anxious, others may benefit from joining a support group, some may be happier that their parents are getting divorced. Whatever the case is, encouraging your child to talk and spend time with both their mom and dad can help them through this emotional transition. Psychology Today shares the following strategies for helping your kids adjust to a divorce: 1. Explain the divorce in a simple, straightforward way. When possible, both parents should talk over how to explain the situation and have the discussion with the children jointly. They can explain, for example, “Mommy and Daddy fight all the time and it makes us all unhappy. We’ve decided it would be better for all of us if we live in separate houses.” 2. Reassure your children that they will …

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Licensed Divorce Mediator Serving Houston

Licensed Divorce Mediator Serving Houston

March 31, 2023

Between the emotional pain, financial stress, and time consuming back and forth negotiation, it’s no secret that divorces can get pretty nasty. This is why more and more divorcing couples are deciding to pursue divorce mediation to dissolve their marriage. Divorce mediation works by assigning a neutral third party to work with both sides throughout their divorce case. The goal is to come up with an amicable divorce agreement that both parties are satisfied with. Working with a Houston divorce mediator that is also a certified family law attorney can help to ensure you are exploring all of the necessary facets of a divorce agreement before finalizing any decisions. It is important to keep in mind that divorce mediation can only work if both parties agree to put their emotions aside and have calm, peaceful, and productive conversations about how to move forward with their divorce. Attorney Dawn Renken is a practicing family law attorney in Texas, that specializes in divorce cases in Houston, TX. Attorney Renken received her mediation license through ADR Services International Inc. in 2014. Since this time, she has worked with a wide range of divorcing couples looking for alternatives to traditional courtroom divorces. The Divorce …

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Do I Have to Pay Child Support Without a Job

Do I Have to Pay Child Support Without a Job?

March 24, 2023

Many parents wonder, ‘Do I Have to Pay Child Support Without a Job?’ The answer to this situation is that even if a noncustodial parent is unemployed, they will still owe child support. There are few exceptions to this rule. Speaking with an experienced attorney can help you make the best choices for your unique situation. What is child support?  Child support is money a parent pays to help with the cost of raising a child. This includes costs like food, housing, clothing, school supplies, daycare, and activities. A court can order one parent to pay child support to the other parent. The obligation to pay child support begins when the judge signs an order. A court can sometimes also order a parent to pay retroactive or “back” child support. Texas law expects both parents to provide financial support for their child, even without a court order. A court could order a parent to pay back child support if: They do not live with the child; and They have not helped support the child financially. Who pays child support? Who receives it?  In most custody arrangements, a child lives with one parent most of the time. This is the “custodial” …

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Can I Take Custody of My Grandchild

Can I Take Custody of My Grandchild?

March 22, 2023

Are you a grandparent that has concerns about the quality of care your grandchildren are receiving? Are you looking to gain custody of them? If so, below is a basic understanding of how the law works surrounding grandparents right and their ability to take custody. For more detailed information contact Renken Law Firm in Houston. When can a grandparent obtain custody of a grandchild? Parents’ rights to rear and raise their own children are one of the oldest and most fundamental rights. A court can’t interfere with the parent-child relationship unless a parent is unable to meet the child’s basic physical and emotional needs. Thus, a grandparent can only obtain custody of a grandchild when: the grandchild’s current home environment presents a serious concerns regarding the grandchild’s physical and emotional welfare, or one or both parents has consented to a change in custody. A grandparent may seek custody by intervening in a custody action filed by the state or by the parents. Grandparents don’t have standing to bring original custody suits against a grandchild’s parents. Instead, a grandparent’s request for custody must be filed as part of an existing custody case. A grandparent’s rights over a grandchild are always secondary …

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Understanding Alimony Before You Divorce

Understanding Alimony Before You Divorce

March 20, 2023

Understanding alimony before you divorce is a good idea whether you are the higher earning spouse or the spouse potentially receiving alimony support payments. This article shares helpful information regarding what alimony is, how courts determine the amount of alimony ordered, and more. If you are considering filing for divorce, speaking with an experienced attorney can help you to understand the process and what to expect every step of the way. Reach out to our team today to learn more about divorce in Texas and to begin the process of filing the paperwork required to dissolve your marriage. What is Alimony?  Alimony refers to court-ordered payments from one spouse to the other spouse or former spouse within a separation or divorce agreement. The point of alimony is to provide financial support to the spouse who makes a lower income, or in some cases, no income at all. What is Spousal Support? Spousal support is ordered by the court, not contractual. The Texas Family Code dictates when and for how long spousal support can be awarded. Because it’s court-ordered, spousal maintenance may be modified by court order. If there is a significant change in life circumstances, such as remarriage, a new …

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Texas Divorce Specialist in Houston

Texas Divorce Specialist in Houston

March 17, 2023

Each divorce case will come with its own set of unique circumstances making it important to take your time when choosing a divorce attorney for your case. At Renken Law Firm, our Houston divorce lawyers work with you through a wide range of issues including child custody, spousal support, property division, and much more. How to File for Divorce in Texas Eligibility Before you go any further, you’ll want to make sure that you are eligible to file for divorce in Texas or if, for some reason, there is another state you should be filing in. To be eligible to file for divorce in Texas, at least one of the spouses must have been a continuous resident of the state for at least six months. Additionally, you’ll have to file in a specific county within the state. To be eligible to file for divorce in any county in Texas, at least one spouse must have been a resident of that county for at least 90 days. Grounds for Divorce in Texas Texas allows for no-fault divorces. This means that the person requesting the divorce does not have to present any evidence that the other party has done something wrong. In …

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How to Handle Summer Visitation as a Divorced Parent

How to Handle Summer Visitation as a Divorced Parent?

March 12, 2023

It is common for children of divorced parents to spend more time with their non-custodial parent during the long summer months. While this can be a great chance for your child to spend quality time with their other parent, it can also be a source of anxiety and stress on the parent with primary custody, and in some cases the child as well. Listed below are some tips on how to handle long summer visitations. Set Your Mind at Ease When your child is preparing to go away for summer visitation, do some advance planning that will help you feel comfortable with the vacation or the trip. Find out where your child is going and get the contact information. Ask questions so you know what the plan is. If your child will be traveling, get the details of the itinerary. Make sure your ex understands your child’s capabilities when it comes to swimming, hiking, or other activities. If your child is going to another state to stay with your ex, find out who will provide child care while your ex is at work. Stay in Touch If your child is in elementary school, this might be a good time to …

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Can I Get Divorced in a Month

Can I Get Divorced in a Month?

March 2, 2023

Deciding to get divorced is not a choice to be taken lightly. Many individuals spend weeks, months, or even years considering getting a divorce before finally taking the plunge and filing the official paperwork. Many people believe once they make the choice to get divorced they can just file the paperwork and be done, however, it is not quite so simple. Can you get divorced in a month? Not in the state of Texas. Finalizing a Divorce in Texas Even if you have an uncontested divorce, Texas has a “waiting period” of 60 days between when you file your divorce petition and when the court can finalize the divorce. Before your final hearing, you must fill out a Final Decree of Divorce. The court can provide you with the right form decree to use, depending on whether or not you have children. After the hearing, the judge will either sign the proposed decree you submitted or, if the judge doesn’t agree with what you’ve proposed, will prepare and sign a different decree. You’ll receive a copy of your divorce decree after it’s signed by the judge and entered as an order. If you need an additional copy of your Texas …

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How Does Domestic Abuse Impact Divorce

How Does Domestic Abuse Impact Divorce?

February 26, 2023

Domestic abuse, sometimes referred to as “domestic violence”, is the term used for a pattern of behavior in a relationship that is used to control or dominate a partner. While this type of abuse is often defined as a physical assault, abuse in a relationship can also manifest in sexual, emotional, or even financial actions used to levy control. If you are in a marriage with someone that intentionally frightens, intimidates, hurts, injures, or harasses you, you are a victim of domestic violence. Divorce proceedings where one spouse is a victim of abuse can be affected by this fact, especially in cases involving children as family courts will always act with the child’s best interest as their top priority. So, How Does Domestic Abuse Impact Divorce? Child Custody Evidence of domestic violence almost always impacts child custody. Clearly, if a spouse is abusive to a child or to another person in front of the child, that spouse is less likely to gain custody of the children. In most jurisdictions, it hurts the abusive spouse’s custody chances even if the domestic violence occurs without the children’s knowledge. If your spouse has been abusive, gathering evidence of his or her behavior can …

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Do I Have to Serve My Spouse Divorce Papers in Texas

Do I Have to Serve My Spouse Divorce Papers in Texas?

February 22, 2023

Does my spouse have to be served with the initial divorce papers? Yes. If you file for divorce, your spouse must be served with the initial divorce papers. Exception: Your spouse does not need to be served with the initial divorce papers if he or she will voluntarily fill out and sign: A Respondent’s Original Answer form or A Waiver of Service Only form (this form must be signed in front of a notary). If your spouse will voluntarily fill out and sign an answer or waiver of service, the rest of this article does not apply to you. What papers do I have served? Your spouse must be served with the initial divorce papers, which include: The citation (get this form at the clerk’s office when you file your case); A copy of your Original Petition for Divorce; and A copy of any other forms you filed with your Original Petition for Divorce. Can I be the server? No. You must arrange for a constable, sheriff, or private process server to serve the initial divorce papers. Or, you can request the court clerk to arrange service for the initial divorce papers. Who Can Serve Divorce Papers? Every state allows …

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Choosing Mediation for Your Divorce

Choosing Mediation for Your Divorce

February 17, 2023

What Is Divorce Mediation? For couples that have come to the decision together to divorce, mediation provides an alternative method than traditional courtroom divorces. Mediation involves a neutral third party: the mediator. The mediator works to help both spouses work through divorce issues and communicate while trying to make decisions that impact their futures. Divorce mediation has become increasingly more popular because it is private, affordable, and allows both parties to have more control over the final outcome of their divorce agreement. Divorce mediation is a great option for divorcing couples where both parties are willing to put their emotions aside and work together to amicably end the marriage. Family law attorney, Dawn Renken is a licensed mediator who can provide helpful legal advice throughout your divorce case. This includes resolving disputes, creating a child custody schedule, settling on child support payments, property divisions, and much more. Why Choose to Mediate Your Divorce? Although judges often order divorcing couples to participate in mediation before going to trial, you have the option of mediating on your own—either before you file for divorce or at any time after. Mediating your divorce has a lot of advantages over litigating it (fighting it out …

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Dividing Property Following a Divorce in Texas

Dividing Property Following a Divorce in Texas

February 15, 2023

One of the best reasons to hire an attorney for your divorce case is to ensure your assets and property are being properly divided. Without an attorney present, you may fail to understand what property you have a right to. At Renken Law Firm out family law attorneys serve as property division lawyers in Texas divorce cases. Reach out to our team to learn more about your rights and to schedule a consultation with an experienced divorce attorney. Is Texas a Community Property State? Texas is a community property state. Spouses equally own all of their community property, and they’re equally responsible for all community debts. However, unlike some other community property states (like California), in Texas community property isn’t necessarily split 50/50 when couples get divorced. The law simply says that judges must divide the community property in a way that’s “just and right” (more on that below). So even though Texas is a community property state, its rules for dividing property in divorce are similar to those in states that follow the “equitable division” principle. What Is Community Property in Texas? Texas law defines community property as all of the property that either spouse acquires during the marriage, …

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Divorce Mediation for Queer Couples

Divorce Mediation for Queer Couples

February 11, 2023

At Renken Law Firm, we strive to provide fair and inclusive legal services to every member of our community. Which has been reflected by OutSmart Magazine voting Renken Law Firm One of the Best Law Firms in Houston, two years in a row. One of the primary services we provide is divorce mediation for queer couples throughout the city. What is Divorce Mediation? In divorce mediation, you and your spouse meet with a trained, neutral mediator to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce. Mediation sessions often take place in an informal office setting, but you might also be able to go through your mediation online. A mediator can help you reach agreement on the issues you and your spouse need to resolve in order to finalize your divorce, such as child custody, child support, and property division. Mediators don’t make decisions or offer legal advice, but rather serve as facilitators to help spouses figure out what’s best for their situation. When spouses reach agreement through mediation, most mediators will draft (and possibly file with the court) a divorce settlement agreement. How Does the Process Work? The mediation process is flexible and can be adapted to the needs of …

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Do I Need an Attorney for Common Law Divorce

Do I Need an Attorney for Common Law Divorce

February 8, 2023

What Is Common Law Marriage? Common law marriage is a legal concept that applies to couples who are in a relationship that has the appearance of a marriage, but hasn’t been formally sanctioned by the state (such as by the issuance of a marriage certificate). A valid common law marriage typically confers both the benefits and obligations of a formal marriage. Whether a common law marriage exists depends on a number of factors. First and foremost, a state has to acknowledge the legitimacy of common law marriages. It if does, then the validity of the marriage will hinge in large part on how the couple view the relationship, and how they act on that perception. Does Texas Recognize Common Law Marriage? It does, but it’s in a distinct minority, as most states have now banned common law marriages. In addressing common law marriage, Texas statutes use the terms “marriage without formalities” and “informal marriage”. Texas law provides the requirements for a valid common law marriage. Under Tex. Fam. Code §2-401(a) (2), you’ll have to prove three things: you and your partner both agreed to be married you and your partner lived together, like spouses, in the State of Texas, and …

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The Importance of a Marital Settlement Agreement

The Importance of a Marital Settlement Agreement

February 3, 2023

When getting divorced you will want to come up with a marital settlement agreement to protect yourself and your assets. This divorce agreement will be the final judgement in the division of your property, finances, and more. Working with an experienced attorney can help you to understand the importance of a marital settlement agreement as well as ensure you are not leaving out any major details that can comeback to haunt you down the road. What Goes in a Marital Settlement Agreement? Depending on where you live or whom you talk to, you may hear different names for the settlement agreements that couples reach in divorces. Along with the most common—marital settlement agreement (MSA)—these other names include: divorce agreement divorce settlement agreement settlement agreement property settlement agreement marriage settlement agreement, and marital divorce agreement. In the end, all these names mean the same thing: a written document that details how a couple has agreed to handle all of the issues that must be addressed when they get divorced, including: how they will divide their marital property and debts alimony (sometimes called spousal maintenance or spousal support), and child custody, visitation (or parenting time), and child support (if they have minor …

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Can My Child Decide Which Parent They Want to Live With

Can My Child Decide Which Parent They Want to Live With?

February 1, 2023

It is the court’s primary focus to promote the best interest of all children involved in a custody case. This means, the court will make decisions they believe allow the child to develop safely even if they go against the child’s wishes. However, a child’s preference of home is one of the factors they will take into consideration when making their choice. The Significance of “The Best Interest of the Child” The previous section made reference to the phrase “the best interests of the child”. Texas law specifically states that the best interest of the child must be the court’s primary consideration in determining issues of conservatorship and possession of and access to the child. To assist judges in making that determination, the Texas Supreme Court provided a list of factors for judges to consider. These include: the child’s desires the child’s immediate and future physical and emotional needs any immediate and future physical and emotional danger to the child the parental abilities of each parent the programs available to assist parents who want to promote the best interests of their child the plans each parent has for the child the stability of the home or proposed home any actions …

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What is the Difference Between Divorce and Annulment

What is the Difference Between Divorce and Annulment

January 29, 2023

Knowing the difference between divorce and annulment can help you when deciding to end your marriage. While most cases will end in divorce, not annulment, there are some specific scenarios where a court will allow for an annulment to remove the marriage from a person’s record entirely as explained by NOLO. What Is an Annulment? An annulment is an order that declares a marriage invalid—in other words, it declares that the marriage never happened. There are two types of annulments: civil and religious. Civil Annulment A civil annulment terminates your marriage and is granted by a judge. When a judge grants a request for an annulment, it’s as if the marriage never happened. Either spouse may seek an annulment by filing a petition (legal request) with the court that states the grounds (reasons) for an annulment. Although each state has its own annulment requirements, the most common grounds for annulment are: Underage marriage. Either spouse can seek an annulment if one or both spouses were under the legal age of consent (generally 18) at the time of the marriage. In certain states, like Texas, when a person who is 16 or older but under 18 marries without a parent’s consent, …

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5 Ways to Protect Yourself Financially Before Saying 'I Do'

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Financially Before Saying I Do

January 25, 2023

Oftentimes, couples are so wrapped up in their love story that they do not think to plan for the worst case scenario. While every marriage starts with the intention of lasting forever, financial planning can help you to navigate divorce if it arises and protect yourself so that you are not left without a way to pay your bills or continue on with your financial goals. Listed below are 5 ways to protect yourself financially before saying ‘I do’ at the altar. Maintain a Separate Account: While most couples will create a shared account that makes it simple to pay bills and share assets from, this does not mean all of your money needs to be put into this account. Having a conversation with your spouse about you both putting a percentage of money into independently owned bank accounts can help you to maintain independence and have finances that belong solely to you. This does not have to be a negative choice and can create security for both parties of the marriage. Keep Your Own Real Estate: If you owned your home prior to becoming married, there is no need to add your spouse to the deed of the home. …

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Family Law Attorney Houston

Family Law Attorney Houston

January 20, 2023

Family Law attorney Houston specialist, Renken Law Firm, can offer support and advice during difficult family disputes. Whether you are going through a divorce, need assistance when drafting a will, or are dealing with other family matters, our family law attorneys have the experience and the knowledge to help provide a favorable resolution. With our expertise and understanding of family law principles, we can effectively guide you through any legal family issues that may arise. We strive to ensure you are provided with the best possible outcome for you and your family’s unique needs. What Does A Family Lawyer Attorney Do? Family law covers a wide range of family matters, from issues related to marriage and civil unions to family disputes such as adoption and guardianship. The family court structure is the legal system where family-related court proceedings are held in order to ensure that family-related issues are dealt with in an equitable, timely and reasoned manner. Family law also involves important matters such as divorce, spousal support, division of property, custody, access to children and relocation. When approaching family law matters it is important for individuals to have a good understanding of their own rights, obligations and entitlements as …

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Understanding the Basics of Prenuptial Agreements

Understanding the Basics of Prenuptial Agreements

January 20, 2023

We have all heard of prenups in movies and television shows, many times with a negative connotation attached to the term. So, are prenups all bad? Should you consider drafting before your marriage or agree to signing one before saying, “I do”? This article shares information from NOLO that helps with understanding the basics of prenuptial agreements. What is a Prenup? A prenuptial agreement (“prenup” for short) is a written contract created by two people before they are married. A prenup typically lists all of the property each person owns (as well as any debts) and specifies what each person’s property rights will be after the marriage. In some states, a prenuptial agreement is known as an “antenuptial agreement,” or in more modern terms, a “premarital agreement.” Sometimes the word “contract” is substituted for “agreement,” as in “prenuptial contract.” An agreement made during marriage, rather than before, is known as a “postnuptial,” “postmarital,” or “marital” agreement. Who Needs a Prenup? Contrary to popular opinion, prenups are not just for the rich. While prenups are often used to protect the assets of a wealthy fiancé, couples of more modest means are increasingly turning to them for their own purposes. Here are …

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What Is a Standard Possession Order

What Is a Standard Possession Order?

January 17, 2023

During divorce lots of terminology is introduced that may not be familiar. You may have spoken with an attorney about custody and wondered, “What is a standard possession order?” This article provides helpful information shared by the state of Texas to help you understand more about possession orders. Working with an experienced divorce attorney can help you to protect yourself and children throughout the divorce process. Reach out to the team at Renken Law Firm today to schedule a consultation to go over the details of your case. What is a possession order? A possession order says when each parent (or sometimes a non-parent) has the right to time with a child. There are several types of possession orders in Texas: Standard Possession Order Modified Possession Orders Possession Orders for a Child Under Three Supervised Possession Orders Scroll to the bottom of this page for possession order forms. What is the Standard Possession Order? In Texas, the law presumes that the Standard Possession Order is in the best interest of a child age three or older. The Standard Possession Order says that the parents may have possession of the child whenever they both agree. The Standard Possession Order says that …

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What Happens if My Spouse Won't Sign Divorce Papers in Texas

What Happens if My Spouse Won’t Sign Divorce Papers in Texas?

January 13, 2023

Are you ready to begin the divorce process but have uncertainties about how your spouse will react? Have you wondered what happens if your spouse won’t sign divorce papers in Texas? Our team is here to help you navigate this difficult period and help you reach a divorce agreement that protects you. Read below to learn more about what happens if your spouse won’t sign divorce papers in Texas: Do Both Spouses Have to Agree to Divorce? When you want to end your marriage but your spouse doesn’t, you should still be able to get a divorce. But if you’re worried about your spouse refusing to sign the divorce papers, it may help to understand some basics about the legal process. You can start the process on your own by filing a divorce petition (sometimes called a complaint). Your spouse doesn’t need to sign this form. And unless you want to get an uncontested divorce, your spouse doesn’t need to sign any of the divorce papers. Just because you may get a divorce without your spouse’s cooperation, that doesn’t mean it will necessarily be a simple process. States have procedures for dealing with spouses who hide out to avoid being …

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Do I Need To Bring My Taxes to My Divorce Attorney

Do I Need To Bring My Taxes to My Divorce Attorney?

January 9, 2023

When meeting with your divorce attorney you will want to bring all documents that pertain to your individual or joint finances. So if you are asking, “Do I Need To Bring My Taxes to My Divorce Attorney?” The answer is, absolutely yes. Bring your income tax returns and all other financial information when you meet with your family law attorney. Read the following to learn more about the documents you should bring to your attorney when taking legal action to file for divorce: Documents Related to Income Your paycheck stubs from all sources of employment over the last year. If you are self-employed, provide income tax returns and any tax forms or business forms related to self-reported income. This should include documentation from any business you or your spouse held an interest in over the past three years. Your spouse’s paycheck stubs for the same period of time. Those check stubs will often show year-to-date earnings and deductions. Documentation regarding business expenses if either you or your spouse is self-employed. These may include check registers, bank statements, canceled checks, payment receipts, financial statements, and profit and loss statements. At a minimum, copies of your joint or individual tax returns, both …

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How Is Divorce Different in Texas

How Is Divorce Different in Texas?

January 4, 2023

Texas is a fiercely independent state that has no problem doing things differently than the rest of the country. While the divorce process is similar in every state, there are some uncommon and unique aspects to a Texas divorce that are important to know about before filing for divorce. Working with an experienced divorce attorney can help you to navigate the specific laws and regulations that apply to Texas divorce. Listed below are 3 ways divorce is different in Texas that you need to know about before drafting divorce papers: Grounds for Divorce in Texas Texas is a no-grounds for divorce state. This means either party of a marriage is able to file for divorce without needing to give a specific cause and that neither party will be responsible for the marriage not working out. Additionally, Texas also offers six at-fault grounds for divorce including adultery, cruelty, felony conviction, abandonment, living separately, and confinement in a mental hospital. At-Fault Divorces in Texas In Texas, the at-fault options for filing for divorce can greatly impact the division of property, alimony owed, and more. In many states, factors such as adultery would have no impact on the way a couple’s marital estate …

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Do I Have Rights as a Grandparent in Texas

Do I Have Rights as a Grandparent in Texas?

December 30, 2022

When it comes to children, courts always will try to act in the best interest of a child. This may mean granting custody or visitation to grandparents or even having parental rights terminated and given to a grandparent. If you have wondered, “Do I Have Rights as a Grandparent in Texas?” Reach out to the team at Renken Law Firm. Our team works to promote each child’s best interest and will work with grandparents to help them get custody or visitation rights. Grandparent Visitation Regulations Nearly every state provides rights to grandparents in visitations with grandchildren. These rights can even extend to custody if the parents are either unfit or cannot perform the normal or necessary parenting duties. A request for custody starts through the courts to ensure the best interests of the child. Visitations generally start before custody is given to assess the level of care the elderly can give to a youth in the transfer. The same is possible with visitation if the parents refuse to grant access to children by contacting the courts and forcing visitation. Special Circumstances The courts usually grant visitation automatically if certain conditions exist. Custody is also possible in these same situations. These …

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Don't Ask For A Divorce Until You Do These 10 Things

Don’t Ask For A Divorce Until You Do These 10 Things

December 28, 2022

January is just around the corner, the month that is notorious for highest divorce fillings throughout the country. While you may feel ready to dive in and start the divorce process, in the long run it is important that you make sure you are in a good position to begin divorce proceedings. Don’t ask for a divorce until you do these 10 things shared by Be Certain You Want to Get Divorced While this may seem obvious, the decision to get divorced is an emotional one, and shouldn’t be made when you’re feeling overly emotional. Make sure you’ve exhausted all hope of reconciliation before you file for divorce. Once you’ve served your spouse with divorce papers, it can be difficult to go back on that decision, even if you’ve changed your mind. The court can grant a divorce even if only one spouse wants to end the marriage. If you’d still like to give marital counseling a try, do so before you file for divorce. Interview Attorneys It’s a good idea to interview more than one attorney before you decide to file for divorce. You’ll want to work with an attorney that fits your style, and understands your goals …

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What Happens in a Consultation With Divorce Attorney

What Happens in a Consultation With Divorce Attorney?

December 21, 2022

It can be difficult to take the first step when you decide to divorce your spouse. Scheduling the initial divorce consultations with a family law attorney will help you to understand the divorce process, what information you will need to gather, and the fee structure for your divorce lawyer. Bring a list of questions to your initial consult in order to be prepared for the time you have and read below to learn more about what happens in a consultation with divorce attorney: What Should Happen at the First Meeting? Once you decide to hire an attorney, you’ll sign an agreement that details the attorney and the client’s expectations. A retainer agreement should layout cost, billing procedures, and details about who will work on your case. For example, lawyers may have a team of associates and paralegals researching or filing documents in your case in large law firms. At the same time, the attorney may only appear in court on your behalf. However, in small law firms, your lawyer may be your only point of contact throughout the entire case. Once you have a contract, you’ll schedule your first meeting with your lawyer. What happens at your first meeting depends …

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Tips for Co-Parenting After Divorce

Tips for Co-parenting After Divorce

December 13, 2022

Having a strong co-parenting relationship can make shared custody easier and promote a happier and healthier life for your child. It is important to actively work on maintaining positive communication in front of the kids at all times. Follow these tips for co-parenting after divorce to make your transition smoother: What is co-parenting and how do we do it once we are divorced? Co-parenting responsibilities apply to all parents, whether they’re married or not. The extent that parents can effectively co-parent their children greatly determines how children will adjust to the transitions associated with a separation or divorce. Parents who have primary residential custody usually deal with more day-to-day issues concerning their children’s welfare. Generally speaking, other major-life decisions, like those concerning religion, discipline, finances, morality, recreation, physical health, education and emergencies should be discussed and made jointly (unless you and your co-parent do not share legal custody). Remember that married parents often have differing ideas about all or some of these issues. This is to be expected. There is no reason to assume that divorced parents should always agree on them either. What’s important is how you deal with differences, not that they exist. It’s better for parents to …

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When is the Best Time of the Year to Divorce

When is the Best Time of the Year to Divorce?

December 8, 2022

Are you ready to end your marriage but are looking for the right time to divorce? Our family law group understands. The divorce process can be overwhelming and straining, this is why our divorce attorneys work with you to tackle major issues such as child custody, child support, property division, spousal support, and more. Read below to learn more about when is the best time of year to divorce. According to Divorce Knowledgebase: Regardless of when it occurs, divorce is a long and emotionally draining process. Oftentimes, people file for divorce quickly and without regard to timing. Other times, one or both spouses see the writing on the wall ahead of time and try to figure out the best time of year to pull the trigger. When it comes to filing for divorce, it generally doesn’t matter if it’s done in the spring, summer, fall or winter. However, January tends to be the most popular month to file for divorce, and there are actually several viable reasons for the phenomenon. January is often called “Divorce Month” because so many couples file for divorce at the beginning of the year. Many of those filings probably occur due to sheer chance, but …

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Creating New Holiday Traditions for Your Family After Divorce

Creating New Holiday Traditions for Your Family After Divorce

November 24, 2022

Following a divorce it can be difficult to carry on traditions that you once held close. Creating new holiday traditions for your family after divorce can help you to move on and find peace. Divorce Magazine shares the following tips to help you through the holiday season. 7 Ways to Create New Positive Holiday Memories Post-Divorce: Adopt a positive mindset and attitude about the holidays. Remember that spending time with your kids doing enjoyable activities is the best part of a busy season. Plan ahead but allow for flexibility. Have a secure schedule in place for your children but give them options. Asking your kids for feedback about how they want to spend their time will encourage them to become invested in holiday activities. Be cordial with your ex-spouse during holidays post-divorce. Don’t express anger towards your children’s other parent in front of them. Being businesslike and civil with your ex and his/her relatives can set a positive tone for the years to come. Consider communicating with your ex through email because phone conversations and texts can get emotional during the holiday season. Be sensitive to your children’s feelings and triggers. Remember that your children are not possessions and that …

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Can A Father Win Custody in Texas

Can A Father Win Custody in Texas?

November 4, 2022

Are you a father looking to win primary child custody in Texas? Working with an experienced Texas family law attorney can help you to build a strong child custody case to present to a judge in the state of Texas court system. How Fathers Can Get Custody It is fully possible for fathers to get full custody of their children. However, there are aspects of a custody case where fathers may have an additional burden to prove that mothers do not. These include paternity, the primary caretaker role, and home environment quality. Paternity There are two ways to determine paternity: biologically or legally. Under the Uniform Parentage Act, a man is an “alleged father” if they have not established biological paternity or achieved presumed fatherhood.8 The law often distinguishes between the legal and biological recognition of paternity: “Where such births result from sexual intercourse between consenting adults, genetic ties almost always themselves determine legal motherhood, but often only help determine legal fatherhood.”6 However, legal parentage is required to receive the constitutional rights that make the tender years doctrine unlawful. In cases where the father is not married to the mother, but another man is, courts have ruled that fatherhood may …

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How To Survive Your Divorce Case

November 3, 2022

The divorce process can be financially and emotionally draining on you and every family member involved. Part of the divorce process is learning how to cope with your emotions and rebuild yourself once the divorce is finalized. At Renken Law Firm we provide support to our clients that goes beyond legal advice on dividing assets and debts. Read below for some helpful tips on how to survive your divorce case. shares 10 tips on how to cope during the divorce process: 1. Don’t let their behavior affect you While they try to impose themselves and their toxicities on you, don’t do the same when you are seeking ways for how to survive a divorce. It will sound tempting to treat them how they are treating you. Use your brain through this problem and understand their cause of doing so. If you show equality in rudeness or rage, you’ll escalate the problems. While you continue to be patient and behave, you will see yourself being proud of it over the years. 2. Expect the unexpected You might have had a very beautiful relationship, and that can make you sad at times specifically when your ex’s behavior is unbearable. To overcome …

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Holiday Tips For Divorced Parents

Holiday Tips For Divorced Parents

October 27, 2022

Whether you are separated or divorced, navigating holiday time can be difficult. You may feel guilty for not having the ability to carry on the same traditions with your kids you once did, however, this does not mean it is impossible to have a happy holiday season. Remember that it is important to create new traditions and to spend the holidays with the ones you love. Here are 5 holiday survival tips for divorced parents to help them work together to make the best experience: Plan it out. Make a list of the events that people want to do for the holiday, for each side of the family, and if the child has any special event they want to attend. Map and schedule it all out to include as many as possible. If there are conflicts on particular days, work out which one will be attended. Having a plan that everyone agrees to is the first major step to ensuring a smooth holiday month. Discuss the gifts. It’s important that both parents are okay with the gifts that the other one wants to purchase. If both parents don’t agree to a certain gift then it should be left off the …

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How Can I Revise My Custody Agreement

How Can I Revise My Custody Agreement?

October 24, 2022

Are you looking for answers for how you can revise your custody agreement? Working with an experienced family law attorney can provide you with solutions to this problem to help promote the best interest of your child or children. At Renken Law Firm we provide legal advice on a wide range of family court matters including custody of a child, child custody modification process, visitation schedule, child support payment, and more. Call us today to schedule a consultation for modifying your child custody agreement. Who can file a modification case? Either parent can file a modification case. If you are not the child’s parent, you can file a modification case if: You are listed as a party in the current order, You have had actual care, control and possession of the child for at least 6 months ending not more than 90 days before the date you file the modification case with the court and you are not a foster parent. You have lived with the child and the child’s parent, guardian or conservator for at least 6 months ending not more than 90 days before the date you file the modification case, and the child’s parent, guardian or conservator …

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Is Divorce Mediation The Same As Couples Counseling

Is Divorce Mediation The Same As Couples Counseling?

October 19, 2022

When people hear the term “divorce mediation” they often wonder “Is divorce mediation the same as couples counseling?” It is important to make the distinction between the two because mediation is not counseling. Mediation is a tool to help make the divorce process easier, quicker, and more affordable for both spouses. Mediation is not intended to help couple’s resolve issues and stay married. Your mediator is there to ensure both parties are working together, maintaining a calm and collected demeanor, and that neither party is using bully tactics to get there say in the divorce agreement. Your mediator works to ensure both parties are being heard and will help to navigate your discussions into productive places so you can stay on track and come to an amicable divorce settlement. Stages of Mediation Many people think that mediation is an informal process in which a friendly mediator chats with the disputants until they suddenly drop their hostilities and work together for the common good. It doesn’t work this way. Mediation is a multi-stage process designed to get results. It is less formal than a trial or arbitration, but there are distinct stages to the mediation process that account for the system’s …

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3 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Divorce Case

3 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Divorce Case

October 17, 2022

The divorce process can be financially and emotionally draining even in the best of circumstances. Working with an experienced attorney can help save you time and money, while also ensuring you avoid making some of the biggest mistakes. Listed below are 3 common divorce mistakes you do not want to make: Failing to be transparent with your attorney Why go to all the effort of hiring an attorney if you do not plan to be completely honest with them about the details of your divorce. Divorce attorneys have seen it all and are not here to judge the shortcomings of your marriage; they simply want to help you navigate the divorce process while advocating for your best interest. In order to do this, they will need you to openly share the details surrounding your marriage, personal life, professional life, financial specifics, and more. We understand the divorce process is intrusive and emotionally draining, however, our goal is to ensure you are protected throughout the entire process and that your finalized divorce agreement reflects your needs. Small details that may seem irrelevant to you may actually end up playing a larger role in the overall picture of your divorce than you …

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How Can A Lawyer Help Me With Collaborative Divorce

How Can A Lawyer Help Me With Collaborative Divorce?

October 12, 2022

Divorcing couples that are choosing to work together to reach a settlement agreement often do not see the benefit of working with a divorce lawyer throughout the process. You may wonder, how can a lawyer help me with collaborative divorce? Collaborative divorce attorneys work with you to provide legal advice for all the traditional divorce issues you will face including spousal support, child custody, child support, and property division. Legal Help in a Collaborative Divorce Many clients will not understand what a collaborative divorce is and how to proceed through one. However, with legal support, the process becomes less complex and difficult to muddle through. The primary goal is to work through and solve the problems that the relationship had before it came to the end where a dissolution is the only way through. Because of this, the lawyer’s job in these methods is to protect the client from making mistakes and attempting to resolve the arguments with discussion, facts and solutions to the previous and present problems. With a conclusion to the divorce issues, it is possible to keep an amicable relationship with the other spouse. The Lack of Disagreements Collaborative divorce is similar to other alternative methods to …

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Sneaky Tactics Your Spouse May Use in Divorce

Sneaky Tactics Your Spouse May Use in Divorce

October 11, 2022

If you believe your spouse is planning to leave you, or you have decided you want to file for divorce, it is important to protect yourself. There are many sneaky tactics your spouse may use in divorce to gain the upper hand or to leave you in a bad situation. Read below to learn more about what you need to look out for in your divorce case: Prolonging the Inevitable: Unfortunately, one of the most common tactics spouses use against the other in divorce is stalling the process for as long as possible. Your spouse may be hoping to win you back or they may be hoping to buy time to build a stronger case against you in the divorce. This can be achieved by refusing to sign paperwork, declining every offer they are presented, or choosing to take everything to court to discuss it. Rushing the Process: On the opposite side of the same issue, you may be dealing with a spouse that is pushing for you to take a quick divorce settlement. This may seem like an attractive option so that you do not have to keep going to court or paying legal fees, unfortunately it is also …

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Strengthen Your Divorce Agreement With A Mediator

Strengthen Your Divorce Agreement With A Mediator

October 5, 2022

Traditional courtroom divorces can leave both parties feeling like they have no control over the terms of their divorce. You can strengthen your divorce agreement with a mediator that works to help both parties get a say in the outcome of their case. Your mediator has one goal, to help you both reach an amicable divorce settlement that promotes the best interest of any children involved. The Role of the Mediator Unlike a judge or an arbitrator, the mediator won’t decide the outcome of the case. The mediator’s job is to help the disputants resolve the problem through a process that encourages each side to: air disputes identify the strengths and weaknesses of their case understand that accepting less than expected is the hallmark of a fair settlement, and agree on a satisfactory solution. The primary goal is for all parties to work out a solution they can live with and trust. Because the mediator has no authority to impose a decision, nothing will be decided unless both parties agree to it. The process focuses on solving problems in an economical manner—for instance, taking into account the cost of litigation rather than uncovering the truth or imposing legal rules. That’s …

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Win Custody in Your Divorce Case

Win Custody in Your Divorce Case

October 4, 2022

Are you a Houston parent that wants to win custody in your divorce case? Working with an experienced family law attorney can help you in your child custody battle. Our family law firm will work with you either through mediation to reach an agreement regarding your parenting plan or to help you gain full custody and child support in court. Learn more about the different types of custody and factors that go into determining who will win child custody below. Types of Custody Arrangements There’s no one-size-fits-all custody arrangement; the terms of your final custody plan are supposed to be tailored to meet the needs of your family. The final custody order should normally address both physical custody (which parent the child lives with) and legal custody (which parent has the right and obligation to make decisions about the child’s upbringing). Most custody orders divvy up custody in one of the following ways: sole legal custody and sole physical custody to one parent sole physical custody and joint (shared) legal custody joint physical custody and joint legal custody, or sole legal custody and joint physical custody (rare). When an order specifies that one parent has sole physical custody, the judge …

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How To Make Divorce Mediation Work

How To Make Divorce Mediation Work

September 29, 2022

Are you trying to find out how to make divorce mediation work for your family? Working with an experienced family law attorney can help you find solutions throughout the divorce mediation process to ensure you reach an amicable settlement agreement. The role of the mediator is to ensure both parties are being heard and are able to make informed decisions about the division of marital property, child support, child custody, spousal support, and much more. Why Choose to Mediate Your Divorce? Although judges often order divorcing couples to participate in mediation before going to trial, you have the option of mediating on your own—either before you file for divorce or at any time after. Mediating your divorce has a lot of advantages over litigating it (fighting it out in court). Cost. Mediation is much less expensive than a trial. Settling the case. Most mediations end in settlement of all of the issues in the divorce. Confidentiality. Mediation is confidential, with no public record of what goes on in your sessions. Freedom. Mediation allows you to arrive at a resolution based on your own ideas of what is fair in your situation, rather than having a solution imposed upon you based …

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How Can I Strengthen My Case For Custody

How Can I Strengthen My Case For Custody

September 28, 2022

One of the most common questions divorcing parents ask is: How Can I Strengthen My Case For Custody? Child custody can be a very sensitive subject for families to take on. Not only are the emotions of both parents on the line, the welfare of any child involved is also. You may feel frustrated and unsure of how to go about proving that you are the better suited parent for custody. It is important that you navigate this situation delicately, involving your children as minimally as possible. Working with an experienced family law attorney can help you to make a strong case for why you are the parent that should be awarded custody. Attorney Dawn Renken is familiar with child custody cases in Texas and can provide your with the information and guidance you will need to make the most informed choices for your child. Understand the ‘Better Parent’ Standard A lot of parents go into a child custody hearing with the intention of seeking sole custody. For some parents, this is because they believe that the other parent is “unfit” to raise their child. Others would prefer to have sole custody for other reasons. However, any parent hoping to …

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Award Winning Same Sex Divorce Attorney

Award Winning Same Sex Divorce Attorney

September 25, 2022

The results are in: OutSmart Magazine Votes Renken Law Firm One of the Best in Houston when it comes to Family Attorneys in the recently concluded 2022 Gayest & Greatest Readers’ Choice Awards! Award winning same sex divorce attorney, Dawn Renken works with queer couples and individuals to help them tackle a wide range of family law matters. This includes LGBTQ divorce, child custody, child support, spousal support, property division, adoption, and more. If you are looking for a family law attorney that is an ally to the queer community, look no farther than Attorney Renken. Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney Most family lawyers represent clients in divorce proceedings and other matters related to divorce. But family law is a relatively broad practice area, including such issues as foster care and reproductive rights. Since family law matters hit so close to home, having a trusted legal professional by your side can help you ensure your loved ones are properly represented and protected during any legal process. The most common reasons to hire a family law attorney include: Divorce: Each partner hires their own attorney, who will help devise a settlement plan in order to avoid a trial. Divorce …

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OutSmart Magazine Votes Renken Law Firm One of the Best in Houston

September 22, 2022

The results are in: OutSmart Magazine Votes Renken Law Firm One of the Best in Houston when it comes to Family Attorneys in the recently concluded 2022 Gayest & Greatest Readers’ Choice Awards! Who Is OutSmart? Established in 1994, OutSmart is an award-winning monthly publication that has delivered local and national news to Houston’s LGBTQ audience for over 25 years. Published in print and online, we reach 200,000+ readers each month and have a loyal fan base spanning from Houston to Los Angeles. The magazine even has an international following in Canada, Mexico, The United Kingdom, Australia, and various other locations across the globe. OutSmart has proudly received recognition on both local and national levels. The magazine was voted “Nation’s Best Local Magazine” by the Vice Versa Gay Press Awards and has been named “Best Local Publication in Houston” by the Houston Press for four consecutive years (2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009). Attorney Dawn Renken has been an ally to the LQTBQ+ community throughout her entire career. She knows how to navigate same-sex divorce and family legal matters. Listed below is some insight into the division of assets in same sex divorce cases: The Duration of the Relationship Judgment In …

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Will Divorce Mediation Save Me Money

Will Divorce Mediation Save Me Money?

September 18, 2022

For divorcing couples, the cost of divorce often factors into when they will be able to complete their divorce and which method they choose for divorce. Many people wonder, will divorce mediation save me money? It is true, that in most cases the mediation process is a more affordable method for divorce. It allows for easy negotiation between both parties, saving time and money. Your mediator will be able to provide legal advice to both parties and work to help you tackle the most serious divorce issues such as child custody, child support, property division, and more. How Does Divorce Mediation Work? In divorce mediation, spouses meet with a specially trained mediator to discuss and attempt to resolve the issues in their divorce. Divorce mediators are often lawyers, but it’s not a requirement: Some mediators are financial specialists (like CPAs), psychologists, social workers, or MFTs (marriage and family therapists). Mediation can occur in person or online. Mediators don’t serve as an advocate for either spouse—they remain neutral throughout the mediation. Additionally, mediators don’t make decisions about the divorce. Instead, they use their knowledge, skill, and experience to help the couple reach a compromise they can live with. At the end …

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What No One Tells You About Divorce Mediation

What No One Tells You About Divorce Mediation

September 15, 2022

Divorce mediation is a process that provides divorcing couples the opportunity to work through their divorce-related issues to reach an amicable solution that fits their specific needs. Mediation is typically a less stressful and less expensive alternative to a divorce trial. In this article we will go over what no one tells you about divorce mediation so you can determine if it is a good fit for you. Divorce Mediation is Faster: One of the most alluring qualities of divorce mediation is the fact that the process typically is much faster than a courtroom divorce. This is because both parties are able to directly communicate, in the presence of a mediator, to work out their conflicts. In traditional divorce cases, the parties will communicate through their attorneys. This leads to slow and drawn out negotiations. If you are looking for a faster way to divorce, mediation may be your best option. Divorce Mediation is Private: Anything that is said or submitted as evidence in a courtroom divorce, including financial documents, becomes public record. This can be detrimental to individuals who wish to remain private in their matters. When you work with a divorce mediator everything you discuss in your mediation …

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Houston Divorce Attorney With a Track Record of Success

Houston Divorce Attorney With a Track Record of Success

September 9, 2022

The divorce process is never a simple legal issue, however, having a Houston divorce attorney with a track record of success on your side can help make the process much smoother. At Renken Law Firm we provide legal advice and representation in divorce cases that cover the most difficult topics such as custody issues, spousal support, property division, temporary orders, and more. If you are in need of a Texas family law attorney throughout the Houston, Texas area our team is here for you. We work with you through every step of the legal process to ensure you are making rational choices that promote your best interest. Family Law Issues An Attorney Can Help With Explaining Grounds for Divorce Every state has established certain grounds for divorce that give one of the spouses the right to petition the court for the dissolution of the marital relationship. Some grounds for divorce are fault-based, such as adultery, cruel treatment, abuse or incarceration. All states recognize no-fault grounds for divorce. However, some states require that the spouses live separately for a certain period of time before their courts are permitted to dissolve the marital relationship. A divorce lawyer can explain whether there are …

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Which Divorce Method Is Most Private

Which Divorce Method Is Most Private?

September 7, 2022

Are you curious which divorce method is most private? Are you looking for a way to keep your family issues behind closed doors, instead of available for anyone to access? Learn more about how to keep your divorce private below: Traditional Divorce is Public Record A divorce record is an official document of a divorce proceeding that includes certificates, decrees, and a comprehensive record. These documents are created when two people who are married decide to end the legal tenets surrounding that marriage. This includes marriage reversal, marriage annulment, and marriage dissolution. Because divorce is often a decision filled with negative feelings, and because marriage allows the couple to take advantage of public benefits, legal decisions are often needed to finalize the ending of a marriage. Because these documents are created by government bodies, divorce records are considered public documents, and are therefore open to the general public. Even so, divorce records can be some of the most difficult to locate, and law surrounding divorces often make such documents only open to the people and legal professionals involved in the divorce. Nonetheless, there are methods to more reliably locate and gather these records, in addition to third party solutions that …

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Divorce Mediation For Same Sex Couples

Divorce Mediation For Same Sex Couples

August 31, 2022

Divorce Mediation in Texas “Family mediation” means the mediation of disputes in actions for divorce, annulment, establishment of paternity, child custody or visitation, or child or spousal support. Mediation programs can be very beneficial to people who are divorcing as well as to those who have long been divorced but who find themselves in a dispute in their post-divorce relationship. Not only can it save money but it promotes positive dispute resolution rather than adversarial procedures. That being so, it is well worth investigating by any couple facing divorce, a child custody fight, a visitation dispute or other interpersonal conflict. Mediation is a process that may help you resolve your case so you can have an uncontested divorce. Mediation is particularly useful in situations involving children, since it is in the interests of the children that their parents “get along” even if they will no longer live together as husband and wife. In the State of Texas, all cases that involve contested custody or visitation matters are referred to mandatory mediation, provided the parties are represented by an attorney and there is no allegation of domestic abuse. Mediation attempts to change disputes from “win-lose” to “win-win.” Mediation is a non-adversarial …

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Divorce Case Consultation in Houston

Divorce Case Consultation in Houston

August 30, 2022

Are you interested in filing for a divorce in Houston, Texas? The Renken Law Firm can help you with family law matters including divorce, child support, property division, spousal support, and more. Our Texas divorce experts What Should I Bring To An Initial Consultation? A Factual Outline of Your Marriage and Reason for Divorce The first thing you should make sure you have when you consult with a divorce lawyer is an outline of the facts you want to share with them. You may feel like you know the story of your marriage well enough, but it can be easy for important information or details you wanted to share to slip your mind when you have so much to consider and work through during a consultation. It’s better to have it written down to reduce the chance that you forget to say something you wanted to include. Include information on: How your relationship began When the topic of divorce first came up Whose idea it was for a divorce and why What steps, if any, have been taken for reconciliation What kind of assets you have Who takes care of your children How many pets you have Any safety concerns …

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Divorce Attorneys in Houston Dawn

Vote For Renken Law Firm in OutSmart Magazine’s Readers’ Choice Awards

August 25, 2022

For almost 20 years Dawn Renken at the Renken Law Firm has been at the forefront of same sex unions and separations; instituting creative division and contractual arrangements prior to the legalization of marriage in Texas and now one of the leading firms handling same sex divorces. The Renken Law Firm has worked hard to earn a reputation for efficiently practicing diligent and focused legal services. We pride ourselves in our knowledge of the law and how to creatively and effectively use all changes in the law to best aid our clients. OutSmart Magazine’s Annual Gayest & Greatest 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards For the past 25 years, OutSmart has celebrated Houston’s LGBTQ fan favorites with our annual Gayest & Greatest Readers’ Choice Awards. Readers participate in the competition by voting for their top choices in a variety of categories—from people in our community to the arts, to real estate, and nightlife. This year’s winners will be announced in our October 2022 issue. You can vote for Renken Law Firm Here! Queer Friendly Family Attorney in Houston Our team proudly serves the Greater Houston area, including but not limited to Brazos County, Cypress, Fort Bend County, Galveston, Houston Heights, Houston, Humble, …

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Can I Seek Spousal Support Before Divorce is Finalized?

Can I Seek Spousal Support Before Divorce is Finalized?

August 23, 2022

It is possible to be awarded spousal support before a divorce is finalized. Spousal support before a divorce is finalized is typically referred to as pendente lite support. This means the case is pending. This type of support may be broken down in multiple ways, including a portion as being spousal support and a separate portion being child support, in cases with minor children. If you are seeking financial support and need legal advice, our family law attorneys are here to help you. Reach out to us today to learn more about your options for temporary spousal support. Will the court order spousal support in my case? Spousal maintenance is decided on a case-by-case basis. There are basically four ways in which a spouse can get an award of spousal maintenance: The spouse from whom spousal maintenance is sought has been convicted or received deferred adjudication for a family violence offense against the other spouse or the other spouse’s child within two years of the filing of the divorce or while the divorce is pending. The duration of the marriage is irrelevant. The marriage has lasted for at least 10 years and the spouse seeking spousal maintenance lacks sufficient property …

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What Is The Difference Between Annulment and Divorce

What Is The Difference Between Annulment and Divorce?

August 10, 2022

If you are looking to dissolve your marriage, you may wonder what your options are besides divorce. In some cases, an annulment is an option. So, what is an annulment? An annulment is a legal declaration that invalidates a marriage. This means, it declares that the marriage never happened. There are two different categories for annulments: civil and religious. Civil Annulment A civil annulment terminates your marriage and is granted by a judge. When a judge grants a request for an annulment, it’s as if the marriage never happened. Either spouse may seek an annulment by filing a petition (legal request) with the court that states the grounds (reasons) for an annulment. Although each state has its own annulment requirements, the most common grounds for annulment are: Underage marriage. Either spouse can seek an annulment if one or both spouses were under the legal age of consent (generally 18) at the time of the marriage. In certain states, like Texas, when a person who is 16 or older but under 18 marries without a parent’s consent, the marriage could be void. However, once the underage spouse turns 18, both spouses waive their annulment claim if they continue to live together. …

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Queer Friendly Divorce Attorney in Montrose

Queer Friendly Divorce Attorney in Montrose

August 7, 2022

An “ally” is defined as “one that is associated with another as a helper; a person or group that provides assistance and support in an ongoing effort, activity or struggle.” In recent years, the term has been adopted specifically to a person supporting a marginalized group. At Renken Law Firm, our team is dedicated to being an ally for the queer community. We understand how uncomfortable it can be to discuss sensitive family law matters with an attorney or legal team that does not see you as an equal. Our goal it to help all of our clients seek justice and protect their rights without fear of judgement or a lack of compassion. We handle matters from queer adoption and queer divorce, to property division and even protective orders in cases of domestic violence. When you are in need of a legal team to advocate for your best interest, reach out to Renken Law Firm in Houston, TX. OutSmart Magazine’s Annual Gayest & Greatest 2022 Readers’ Choice Awards For the past 25 years, OutSmart has celebrated Houston’s LGBTQ fan favorites with our annual Gayest & Greatest Readers’ Choice Awards. Readers participate in the competition by voting for their top choices …

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Montrose Family Law Attorney

Montrose Family Law Attorney

August 3, 2022

Family law attorneys are much more than divorce lawyers. They handle a wide range of issues including property division, domestic disputes, child custody, adoptions, prenuptial/postnuptial agreements, and other legal issues. The attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to give you legal advice and help you navigate some of the most difficult times in your life. Read below to learn more about when a family attorney’s legal services can help you. Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney Most family lawyers represent clients in divorce proceedings and other matters related to divorce. But family law is a relatively broad practice area, including such issues as foster care and reproductive rights. Since family law matters hit so close to home, having a trusted legal professional by your side can help you ensure your loved ones are properly represented and protected during any legal process. The most common reasons to hire a family law attorney include: Divorce: Each partner hires their own attorney, who will help devise a settlement plan in order to avoid a trial. Divorce attorneys typically are skilled at dividing marital property, calculating spousal support, and proposing a plan for child custody, visitation, and support (if applicable). Child Custody …

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File For A Divorce in Houston

File For A Divorce in Houston

August 1, 2022

Are you interested in filing for divorce in Harris County, Texas? The divorce process varies from state to state, making it important to do your research or reach out to an experienced divorce attorney in Houston, Texas. Residency Requirements for Divorce in Texas As long as you follow the state’s marriage license rules, you can get married in any state—even if you don’t live there. The requirements for ending a marriage, though, are not as relaxed. Instead, you must meet a state’s residency requirements before you can file for divorce in its courts. To get a divorce in Texas, at least one spouse must have: lived in Texas for the six months prior to filing and been a resident of the county where the suit is filed for the 90-day period before filing. The purpose of state residency requirements is to prevent one spouse from moving to another state (or county) to “shop” for a court or judge that will view the case more favorably for that spouse. Residency requirements also prevent one spouse from filing in a location far from the other just to make it more difficult (and expensive) for the other spouse to respond and participate. What …

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Alimony Attorney in Houston

Alimony Attorney in Houston

July 28, 2022

Houston divorce lawyers can help provide you with legal advice surrounding your separation and divorce. Our legal team has years of experience assisting in everything from custody, child support, property division, and alimony. If you are a divorcing spouse seeking alimony, contact Renken Law Firm in Harris County. What Is Alimony? Alimony is basically defined as one spouse’s payment to the other—under a court order or the couple’s agreement—after divorce or while a divorce case is proceeding. States use different terms for alimony, such as spousal support and maintenance, but they usually mean essentially the same thing. And state laws on alimony determine how it works and how judges decide when to award spousal support, how much, and for how long (more on all that below). When you’re thinking about alimony, it might help to know a couple of things it is not: Alimony isn’t a way of equalizing a divorced couple’s financial situation. Instead, it’s typically meant to help make sure that both spouses are able to meet their financial needs. Spousal support isn’t just for ex-wives. The vast majority of states have changed their divorce laws to be gender-neutral, and some women now find themselves being ordered to …

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Divorce Attorney For Domestic Abuse Victim in Houston

Divorce Attorney For Domestic Abuse Victim in Houston

July 24, 2022

If you are a victim of domestic violence seeking legal advice for a family law matter, our law firm can help you. We work with victims of sexual assault and family violence get the protective orders they need while settling legal matters such as divorce, child custody, and restraining orders against family members. Contact our domestic violence lawyers in Houston today to take the first step in obtaining a protective order in Harris County. What Is Domestic Violence? Domestic violence is a catch-all term for violent acts or threats that occur between people who have a particular kind of relationship. They may be married, living together, or even just dating. They may share a child in common. They may be family. They may be heterosexual, lesbian, or gay. While anyone can become a perpetrator or victim, serious domestic violence injuries typically result from males attacking females. Though murder and rape can be forms of it, domestic violence often consists of lesser forms of physical abuse, such as slapping and pushing. Stalking can also be a form of domestic violence. (Some use “domestic violence” to describe abuse against children, too.) Is There a Crime Called “Domestic Violence”? Many states define domestic …

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Family Law Attorney Serving the Greater Houston Area

Family Law Attorney Serving the Greater Houston Area

July 17, 2022

Family law lawyers can help you with a wide range of legal issues including divorce, custody, paperwork, asset division, and much more. When you are looking for legal advice working with an experience family law attorney can provide you with invaluable insight. Renken Law Firm proudly provides legal representation in Harris county and the Greater Houston area for a wide range of family law matters. We represent our clients to help them protect themselves and promote the best interests of any children involved in their legal matters. Contact our office today to learn more about how we can help you. 4 Good Reasons to Hire a Family Lawyer Legal Advocacy and Protection: A family lawyer is well aware of the family laws and the outcomes of similar past cases. Therefore, he can use his that knowledge and experience to get the best possible outcomes for you. He knows to present your case in the court so that the judge will see your side. Of course, you do not have any experience or legal knowledge to fall back on. Especially if the other party is represented by an attorney, it’s easier to take advantage of the lack of legal knowledge. A …

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Attorney For Divorce in Houston

Attorney For Divorce in Houston

July 14, 2022

When it is an options, seeking legal representation is always a good idea in Texas divorce cases. Not only will your attorney represent you in court, they will also be able to provide you with helpful insight into what is ordinary in other divorce cases. An attorney is dedicated to representing their client’s best interests and will be there to help you navigate this difficult time. When you are looking for a family law attorney in Houston for your divorce reach out to Renken Law Firm. Will One of You Pursue a Fault Divorce? Spouses must identify a ground (reason) for their divorce when they file. All states and the District of Columbia allow spouses to file for divorce based on a no-fault ground, meaning no one is to blame for the breakup. Spouses can simply cite “irreconcilable differences,” which is also referred to as the “irretrievable” or “irremediable breakdown of the marriage,” depending on where you live. These terms refer to the same basic concept—that the couple simply can’t get along anymore, there is no chance of a reconciliation, and the marriage is broken beyond repair. There’s no need to identify and prove misconduct or a bad act that …

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Child Custody Modification Attorney in Houston

Child Custody Modification Attorney in Houston

July 7, 2022

Who can file a modification case? Either parent can file a modification case. If you are not the child’s parent, you can file a modification case if: You are listed as a party in the current order, You have had actual care, control and possession of the child for at least 6 months ending not more than 90 days before the date you file the modification case with the court and you are not a foster parent. You have lived with the child and the child’s parent, guardian or conservator for at least 6 months ending not more than 90 days before the date you file the modification case, and the child’s parent, guardian or conservator has died. You are the child’s grandparent, great-grandparent, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew and: Both parents are dead, Both parents, the surviving parent or managing conservator agree, The child’s present circumstances will significantly harm the child’s physical health or emotional development. Where do I file a modification case? You must file a modification case in the Texas county where the current order was made. If the child has lived in another Texas county for the last 6 months, you must still file …

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How Is Child Support Calculated in Texas

How Is Child Support Calculated in Texas?

July 7, 2022

The Noncustodial Parent Pays Child Support In Texas, physical custody—the amount of time a parent spends with a child—determines who will make child support payments. Although a judge may order either or both parents to support a child, in most cases the “noncustodial parent” (the parent with the least amount of time with the child or children) pays child support. (This parent is also called the “obligor” in Texas child support laws.) Just because the noncustodial usually pay child support, that doesn’t mean the other parent is off the hook for the costs of raising a child. Instead, the law assumes that the custodial parent support the child by spending money directly on the daily cost of raising the child. How to Use the Texas Child Support Guidelines Under the “income percentage” method used in the Texas child support guidelines, the amount of child support is generally based on a percentage of the noncustodial parent’s net monthly income. For a simple estimate of child support in your case, you may use the online Monthly Child Support Calculator provided by the Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG). But the calculator is designed only for situations when the custodial parent has …

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How Can I Keep My Divorce Private

How Can I Keep My Divorce Private?

July 4, 2022

Whether it is because you work in a public industry, have information you don’t wish to share, or children you want to protect, privacy can be a major issue in divorce cases. Contested divorces and divorces that take place in court rooms are public record. This means the specifics of your finances, your marital issues, and property all can be accessed by anyone interested in learning more about you. For many individuals, this information is something they wish to keep private and protected. The good news is, for those who opt for divorce mediation instead on court room divorces, it is possible to conceal all of this information and keep it entirely private. In divorce mediation, the only people who know the specifics of your divorce agreement are the divorcing parties, the mediator, and the judge who signs off on the agreement. This allows for complete privacy in your case. Nothing that is shared in mediation will be able to be used as evidence against you moving forward. This allows for couples to work through the most serious of conflicts without fear of unwanted exposure. If you are interested in having a private divorce in Houston, the legal team at …

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Child Custody Attorney in Houston

Child Custody Attorney in Houston

July 3, 2022

In a perfect world, you and the other parent of your child will be able to work together to create a child custody agreement that promotes the best for your child and works for both adults as well. Unfortunately, there are many issues that can arise causing conflict when trying to reach an agreement about your child’s custody. At Renken Law Firm we understand how sensitive family legal matters involving children can be. Our team works with you every step of the way to help you reach a resolution that helps al parties involved. Listed below is some insight into when you may need to consider working with a lawyer for your custody dispute. When It’s Time to Hire a Lawyer for Your Custody Dispute You might want to talk to a family law lawyer for any number of reasons, but here are seven that often arise in child custody situations: The Other Parent Has a Lawyer When the other parent hires a lawyer and you don’t have one, the balance of power in negotiations shifts. Lawyers are skilled in state custody laws and can typically advocate for their clients far better than people without formal training can represent themselves. …

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Can Divorce Mediation Work If We Have Kids

Can Divorce Mediation Work If We Have Kids?

June 29, 2022

The mediation process works for families of all different types of backgrounds. If you are looking to avoid the court system, safe money, and have a private divorce process, our family law divorce lawyers can help you. We provide legal advice and custody mediation to help you reach an amicable divorce settlement. What is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is about you and your soon to be ex-spouse deciding your own divorce and what is best for the both of you and most importantly, your children. In mediation, you and your spouse meet with a neutral third party, the mediator, and with their help, you work through the issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as amicably and cost effective as possible. The issues covered include but at not limited to the following: Distribution of Property (Assets/Liabilities) Child Custody and Parenting Time Child Support/Maintenance Retirement Taxes In mediation, the couple, with the help of the mediator, works out agreements on the above issues. Sometimes agreements come easy, sometimes they take time and a lot of work. When agreements are hard to reach, that is when the mediator intervenes. It is the mediators job to …

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Affordable Family Law Attorney Near Me

Affordable Family Law Attorney Near Me

June 28, 2022

When you need legal advice for a family matter, you will want to work with an experienced family law attorney. At Renken Law Firm we can help you find solutions for a wide range of legal matters to bring you peace of mind. Whether you are having difficulties with a family member, are fighting for fair child support, or a child custody plan that fits your family’s needs, our team is here for you. We represent our clients with their best interest in mind. Benefits of Hiring a Family Law Lawyer Knowledge of the Law Divorce law, child custody law, and other family law varies from state to state. An experienced family lawyer in your state will know the relevant statutes that govern your situation. Knowing the law is highly beneficial whether or not your case ends up in court. An experienced attorney can use their knowledge of the law to advocate for you in court and defend your rights. In addition, a knowledgeable attorney can help you reach a settlement or other out-of-court agreement. Many divorce cases never go to court. Instead, the parties to the divorce agree on terms through informal discussions or formal mediation. Knowing the law …

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Montgomery County TX Divorce Attorney

Filing A Divorce in Montgomery County Texas

June 20, 2022

Are you looking for a family law firm to help you navigate your divorce case? Renken Law Firm is here to help you. We work with you to answer common questions, file divorce papers, and provide you with legal advice along the way to ensure you are protecting yourself. Listed below are the types of divorce you can file in the state of Texas: Uncontested Divorce in Montgomery County, TX: An uncontested divorce occurs when both divorcing parties are able to work things out to reach an amicable divorce agreement. This includes coming to an agreement on how their property should be divided, resolving financial difficulties, child custody, and more. While this type of divorce can be finalized quickly, it is still recommended both parties have an attorney review the agreement ahead of time to ensure they are not giving up their rights or overlooking important details. Our team will work with you to ensure you are protected and making the best choices for your family. Mediated Divorce in Montgomery County, TX: Mediation is one of the most popular and affordable options for divorce in Texas. A neutral third party will work with both spouses to negotiate an agreement that …

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Affordable Divorce Options in Houston Texas

Affordable Divorce Options in Houston Texas

June 19, 2022

It is no secret that the divorce process can be emotionally and financially draining for all parties involved. More and more, we are seeing married couples pursuing less contentious and more affordable methods to dissolve their marriage. This has led to many Houston divorcing couples to turn to mediation to resolve conflicts and reach an amicable divorce agreement. At Renken Law Firm we work with couples to help them find the best solutions for their divorce. This includes going over child custody, child support, property division, and more. Our family law attorneys work with you every step of our divorce case to ensure you are getting exactly what you need. The Pros of Divorce Mediation Help Navigating the Issues When you and your spouse are in agreement, you have options for divorcing quickly and cheaply—including using an online divorce service. But if you and your spouse have issues you can’t agree on, most online divorce services won’t work for your case. Also, the more complex your situation is—for example, if you have a lot of assets or a child with special needs—the more likely it is that you and your spouse will need some guidance resolving the issues. A knowledgeable …

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4 Reasons To Choose Divorce Mediation

4 Reasons To Choose Divorce Mediation

June 9, 2022

Divorcing couples have options when it comes to choosing the best method of dissolving their marriage. These days, more than ever, many couples are choosing mediation to work out their divorce issues. Listed below are 4 of the top reasons to consider mediation for your Texas divorce: Time: While all divorces in Texas require at least 61 days to become finalized, mediation takes less time than litigated divorces. During mediation you and your spouse are given the opportunity to sit together and resolve the issues on your own without the back and forth communication between attorneys. Price: The divorce mediation process is typically much more affordable for couples that are ready to end their marriage. You are able to sit down and quickly come to conclusions about what the best options are for both parties without letting attorney fees skyrocket. Privacy: Litigated divorces are public record, this means any evidence entered into the court, and information shared with the court, all becomes available for anyone who looks it up. If privacy matters to you, a mediated divorce is an excellent option. The terms of your divorce will remain private. Your Say: Unlike with litigated divorces, the terms of mediated divorces …

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Is Texas A No-Fault State

Is Texas A No-Fault State

June 1, 2022

Texas is considered a no-fault state, which greatly impacts the divorce process and guidelines that surround a divorce case in the state of Texas. Renken Law Firm works with individuals to help them through the divorce process so that they are able to protect themselves and their children. What Is a No-Fault Divorce? A “no-fault” divorce refers to a divorce based on “irreconcilable differences” or an “irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.” These are just fancy ways of saying a couple can’t get along and there’s no hope for reconciliation. When you fill out your petition (legal paperwork) for divorce in a no-fault state, you simply let the court know you’re seeking a divorce based on irreconcilable differences; you don’t have to tell the court what led to the divorce or prove that the divorce is your spouse’s fault. In a no-fault divorce, there’s no need to claim that your spouse engaged in bad behavior, because courts won’t consider either spouse’s misconduct when deciding whether to grant the divorce. Most states now have statutes (laws) that allow for a pure no-fault divorce. Those that don’t, allow for some variation of one. Arkansas and Louisiana, for example, still don’t recognize “irreconcilable differences” …

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How Long Until My Divorce Is Finalized in Texas

How Long Until My Divorce Is Finalized in Texas?

May 30, 2022

Does Texas have a waiting period for divorce? In Texas, a judge may not grant your final divorce until at least 60 days have passed after you filed the divorce petition. The only exceptions to this waiting period are in cases involving domestic violence, when the petitioner has an active family violence protective order against the respondent, or the respondent has been convicted of a a domestic violence crime against the petitioner or someone else in the household. (Tex. Fam. Code § 6.702 (2022).) Although your divorce will be final when the judge signs the divorce decree, neither you nor your spouse may marry someone else until another 31 days have passed. (Tex. Fam. Code § 6.801 (2022).) What is the divorce procedure in Texas? Filing for divorce in Texas involves several steps: Filing the divorce petition. One spouse (the “petitioner”) will file an Original Petition for Divorce and accompanying documents with the court clerk in the county where either spouse has lived for 90 days. Serving the divorce papers. The petitioner then must either have the divorce papers personally served on (hand-delivered to) the other spouse (the “respondent”) or have the respondent sign a waiver of service and simply …

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Affordable Divorce Options in Texas

Affordable Divorce Options in Texas

May 26, 2022

It is no secret that the divorce process is emotionally and financially straining on many couples. When you are looking for an affordable option to file for divorce, divorce mediation can be an excellent alternative for you. This will help to reduce the divorce cost, while also ensuring you are getting quality legal advice to guide you through the process. Working with a divorce attorney can help you handle all of the divorce forms and issues that come up with family law cases in the state of Texas. If divorce mediation does not work for you, there are other options such as filing for a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce in Texas. Call us today to learn more about your options for divorce. What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a process that allows divorcing couples to meet with a specially-trained, neutral third-party to discuss and resolve common divorce-related issues. Mediation is typically less stressful and less expensive than a divorce trial, and it usually proceeds much faster. Because you and your spouse have the final say over your divorce matters, mediation also allows couples to maintain the power and control in their divorce, as opposed to asking a …

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Trusted Divorce Attorney in Houston

Trusted Divorce Attorney in Houston

May 21, 2022

Are you looking for a Houston divorce attorney to help you find resolution throughout your divorce process? If So, Renken Law Firm can help you. Our family law attorneys have years of experience helping individuals from all different backgrounds and lifestyles through their divorce proceedings. We offer legal representation to help you through this difficult time. Our divorce lawyers in Houston are familiar working with cases involving child custody and child support, spousal support, the division of marital assets, other family law matters involving children, and more. Reach out to us today to schedule a divorce and family law case evaluation for your specific situation. Listed below are some tips shared by HuffPost’s online publication for how to find the right divorce attorney for your unique case: Be realistic: First, you need to realize that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues. Your divorce attorney’s job is to represent you to the best of his or her ability in this process. While you might want them to listen to your anger, frustration, pain and sadness, that is not their job. They are not trained to be your therapist or coach, …

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What Role Do Divorce Lawyers Play In Mediation

What Role Do Divorce Lawyers Play In Mediation

May 18, 2022

Mediation offers an opportunity for divorcing couples to work out the terms of their divorce agreement with an impartial third party. The mediation process is typically much less expensive and time consuming than the traditional divorce process. While you do not have to use a divorce attorney in your mediation session, they are familiar with state laws and have the most experience dealing with divorce cases. This allows them to give thoughtful legal advice and help couples work through complex matters such as spousal support, child custody, property division, and more. Your family law attorney can work with both parties throughout the divorce mediation to ensure they are being heard and that their needs are being met. They are present to ensure that no one is being intimidated into signing a divorce agreement that does not serve them. If emotions get high or one person is becoming aggressive your mediator may reschedule the session or decide mediation is not a good option for your situation. If you are considering mediation for your Texas divorce, call our law firm today. The team at Renken Law Firm work with families from all different backgrounds to find solutions for their specific situation. Why …

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What Happens After Divorce Mediation Settlement

What Happens After Divorce Mediation Settlement

May 12, 2022

Mediation is a popular choice for divorcing couples because in most aspects, it is easier and less complex than marriages dissolved through litigation. One of the main perks of working with your spouse to come up with a divorce agreement is that once you have agreed to the terms of your divorce, it will not require much more effort to become finalized. Once you have come up with a divorce agreement that both parties fully agree on, you will just need to fill out a few forms and file them with the appropriate court. When you work with a family law attorney as your divorce mediator, such as Dawn Renken, they will be able to file all of this paperwork for you. You and your spouse will have a final review hearing as well, to ensure everyone is on the same page as far as the final divorce agreement. In some cases it is possible to file a motion to have the requirement of your attendance waived. The hearing will not be a long and drawn out process, the judge will just want to ensure both parties are aware of what they are signing and in agreement with the terms …

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Family Law Attorney Near Me

Local Family Lawyers Near Me

May 6, 2022

When you are facing family legal issues, you will want to work with an experienced lawyer that is familiar with handling issues including child custody and visitation, divorce, child support, property division, and more. Attorney Dawn Renken has years of experience representing clients from all different backgrounds in order to help them find resolution with their family issues. If you are looking to find a family law attorney in the Houston area, reach out to our law firm today. When Should I Hire A Family Lawyer? Here are some instances where you should hire a family attorney: Family Issues This is a wide area with different categories that will need the expertise of an attorney to help resolve issues if the need arises. These categories can include the following: Divorce: This is the most common issue you would need a family lawyer for. After a disagreement leading to separation, the need for an attorney is a must to solve issues that come afterwards. These issues can include child custody, child support and visitation, and division of property. To ensure a divorce process goes smoothly, it’s imperative to hire a lawyer that’s well-versed in contested divorce matters. Their experience will be …

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Richmond TX Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Mediation Lawyer in Richmond TX

May 5, 2022

What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is an alternative divorcing method, for couples that are willing to work together to reach a divorce agreement. This process involves a neutral third party: the mediator. The mediator works to help both spouses negotiate and communicate while trying to make decisions about their future. Divorce mediation is private, affordable, and allows both parties to have more control over the final decisions that are made in their divorce. Divorce mediation is successful when both parties are willing to put their emotions aside and work together to dissolve the marriage. Family law attorney, Dawn Renken is a licensed mediator who can provide helpful legal advice throughout your divorce case. This includes resolving disputes, creating a child custody schedule, settling on child support payments, property divisions, and much more. The Involvement of a Mediator in Negotiations Couples tend not to consider divorce until communication and trust are deeply broken. Once a relationship has devolved to the point of separation, it’s unlikely that a couple can communicate effectively about their marriage’s dissolution. However, communication is necessary to divide the family’s assets and protect the well-being of any children. A divorce mediator is a neutral party who helps …

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Divorce Mediation Attorney Brazoria County TX

April 20, 2022

What Is Divorce Mediation? Mediation is a private and informal way to settle conflicts outside of court. In divorce mediation, an impartial third party (a divorce mediator) helps a couple try to negotiate a settlement agreement between them. The issues you mediate might include: Property division Child custody and parenting plans Spousal support (alimony) Child support Unlike judges, mediators don’t determine who wins and who loses. Instead, they help the divorcing couple reach a solution on their own that works for them. Mediation typically occurs in several stages: introduction, information gathering, private meetings with the mediator, negotiation, and a final resolution. It can take many mediation sessions before the parties reach a divorce agreement. If the mediation is unsuccessful in bridging opposing positions, a couple can return to the more traditional adversarial process in which their lawyers will negotiate and litigate on their behalf. Do I Need a Lawyer for Divorce Mediation? What’s a Legal Adviser’s Role? While you don’t need to have a divorce lawyer in mediation, it can be a good idea to speak to one to know exactly what your legal rights are. If you underestimate the strength of your legal position, you may “give away the …

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Divorce Mediation Attorney Fort Bend County TX

Divorce Mediation Attorney Fort Bend County TX

April 16, 2022

When you have made the choice to dissolve your marriage you will want to explore all options for your divorce. Each relationship is unique, making the circumstances of each divorce different. The team at Renken Law Firm wants to help you make the right choices for you and your family. We understand that divorce can be stressful and emotionally draining, this is why we work with you every step of the way to find solutions that work for your needs and budget. What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a method for divorce that allows open discussion and negotiation. During your divorce mediation, you will work with an experienced divorce mediator, who will remain a neutral third party throughout the entire process. Our divorce mediators are present during negotiations to ensure all important issues are being identified and resolved amicably. During divorce mediation some of the issues you will discuss include: Distribution of Property Child Custody Child Support Taxes Debt Allocation Our team will help you reach agreements in your mediation to tackle these issues and other potential problems you will face. Family Law Attorney Near Harris County Our legal team works hard to help families in Fort Bend County, …

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Family Law Lawyer The Woodlands TX

Family Law Lawyer The Woodlands TX

April 13, 2022

Family law is the area of legal practice that pertains to issues involving family relationships. This includes marriage, adoption, divorce, and child custody. Attorneys that practice family law work with clients in family court proceedings, mediation, and other negotiations to protect themselves and children. These attorneys are also able to draft important legal documents to help protect you and your property. At Renken Law Firm, we work with families to help them navigate many difficult situations. From divorcing couples and division of property to complex dynamics surrounding children, our experienced legal team is here to provide legal advice for your family law issues. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you navigate difficult legal issues. Reasons to Hire a Family Law Attorney Most family lawyers represent clients in divorce proceedings and other matters related to divorce. But family law is a relatively broad practice area, including such issues as foster care and reproductive rights. Since family law matters hit so close to home, having a trusted legal professional by your side can help you ensure your loved ones are properly represented and protected during any legal process. The most common reasons to hire a family law …

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What Can I Expect From a Divorce Mediator

What Can I Expect From a Divorce Mediator

April 6, 2022

These days many couples going through the divorce process are choosing mediation. If you are interested in learning more about how our divorce attorneys can help you with an alternative dispute resolution read below about divorce mediation. What Is Divorce Mediation? In divorce mediation, you and your spouse meet with a trained, neutral mediator to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce. Mediation sessions often take place in an informal office setting, but you might also be able to go through your mediation online. A mediator can help you reach agreement on the issues you and your spouse need to resolve in order to finalize your divorce, such as child custody, child support, and property division. Mediators don’t make decisions or offer legal advice, but rather serve as facilitators to help spouses figure out what’s best for their situation. When spouses reach agreement through mediation, most mediators will draft (and possibly file with the court) a divorce settlement agreement. Why Choose to Mediate Your Divorce? Although judges often order divorcing couples to participate in mediation before going to trial, you have the option of mediating on your own—either before you file for divorce or at any time after. Mediating …

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Divorce Settlement Attorney Houston

Divorce Settlement Attorney Houston

April 1, 2022

Are you looking for a family law attorney to provide legal representation throughout your divorce process? The legal team at Renken Law Firm in Houston, Texas can help you. We provide legal advice throughout your divorce so you can navigate this difficult time. We work with you to find solutions for spousal support, child custody, child support, spousal maintenance, separate property, and more. Contact us today to learn more about how our team can help you reach a divorce settlement. Do We Need to Enter Into an Agreement Before We Separate? No. You may enter into a divorce settlement agreement before or after you separate or file for divorce. Or, you may not be able to reach an agreement until the morning of your divorce trial – right “on the courthouse steps,” as the saying goes. However, the sooner you settle your case the better, especially if the goal is to avoid unnecessary turmoil and attorney’s fees. Do I Need an Attorney to Prepare the Divorce Agreement? It’s highly recommended that you hire a lawyer to prepare your Divorce Agreement. Or, if your spouse’s attorney has already prepared it, you should hire an attorney to review it (on your behalf) …

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Top Divorce Attorney Near Me

Top Divorce Attorney Near Me

March 28, 2022

The U.S. divorce rate is among the highest in the world. There are currently over 750,000 divorces in the U.S. each year. If you are considering divorcing your spouse, you are not alone. Our law firm specializes in divorce and family law legal issues. We offer more than just legal representation to our clients. Our divorce lawyers will work with you every step of the way to ensure you are not making brash or emotionally charged decisions in your case. Legal separation is not recognized in Texas, so do not waste time waiting to file for a petition of divorce. Instead, reach out to our family law attorneys. We have years of experience representing clients to get them the best results in their divorce case. What Type of Attorney Do I Need? When you’re getting a divorce, you’ll need an attorney who is experienced in family law matters. A old college friend who now practices medical malpractice law isn’t likely to be the best choice to handle your divorce. Different areas of the law have different rules and requirements. Attorneys in each practice area have different skill sets. Divorce can be a complex process and it’s essential to have an …

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Divorce and Family Law Attorney Near Me

Divorce and Family Law Attorney Near Me

March 17, 2022

Working with an experienced lawyer can help you through a wide range of family law issues. This includes everything from property division and real estate matters to drafting a parenting plan or coming up with custody and visitation schedules. Family law cases can be emotional and are resolved most easily when working with an attorney that has years of experience in this practice area. Our law group is here to provide the best legal representation for your needs throughout the Greater Houston area. You may be unsure of when hiring an attorney is necessary for your situation. Here are some instances where you should hire a family attorney: Family Issues: This is a wide area with different categories that will need the expertise of an attorney to help resolve issues if the need arises. These categories can include the following: Divorce: This is the most common issue you would need a family lawyer for. After a disagreement leading to separation, the need for an attorney is a must to solve issues that come afterwards. These issues can include child custody, child support and visitation, and division of property. To ensure a divorce process goes smoothly, it’s imperative to hire a …

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Divorce Mediation Lawyer in Houston TX

Divorce Mediation Lawyer in Houston TX

March 9, 2022

Are you looking for an established law firm to help you through the mediation process? Renken Law Firm offers legal advice for couples facing the most difficult issues during the divorce process including spousal support, child support, and property division during your Houston divorce mediation. Our goal is to reach an amicable resolution in all family law cases. Arbitration vs Mediation Arbitration and Mediation are two alternatives for dispute resolution and are used in place of the litigation process. The choice depends on the context and situation. The difference between an arbitrator and a mediator lies in their role and whether the agreement or judgment is binding. Differences in role of an arbitrator and mediator Mediators not only assist in resolving disputes but also to prevent disputes. They play a pivotal role in identifying mutual interests and promoting healthy communication between the 2 parties involved. They encourage effective interaction and help in arriving at a mutually agreeable resolution. Thus mediators do not render a judgment but facilitate dialog to reach an agreement. An arbitrator is one who delivers a fair judgment to resolve a dispute. The arbitrator’s decision may or may not be favorable to one or more parties involved; …

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Family Divorce Lawyer in Katy TX

Family Divorce Lawyer in Katy TX

March 4, 2022

Katy is a city just west of Houston, in Texas. The Katy Heritage Society Railroad Museum has train-related exhibits in a restored depot, with an old caboose railroad car outside. The Katy Heritage Museum features vintage farming equipment and antiques. Leafy Mary Jo Peckham Park is dominated by a fish-filled lake. Katy Park holds baseball fields and spacious picnic areas. Renken Law Firm proudly serves the community of Katy and surrounding areas. Our family divorce attorneys are here to help you tackle the difficult issues that come with ending a marriage. We have years of experience providing legal advice to divorcing couples to help them with a wide range of family legal matters. Here are five reasons to consider hiring a divorce lawyer rather than representing yourself in court. You are unfamiliar with matrimonial law and/or family court In court, self-represented litigants are not given any special treatment; judges hold them to the same standards as the lawyer for the other side. Most judges are fairly patient people, but if you don’t know the law – or what documents you need, or even what to do next – you may be pushing the judge’s patience past the breaking point. The …

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Do Both Parents Have To Pay for Mediation

Do Both Parents Have To Pay for Mediation?

March 2, 2022

What Is Child Custody Mediation? Mediation is a method of “alternative dispute resolution” (ADR) that has become a mainstay in the world of divorce. When it comes to child custody, mediation is designed to help divorcing or unmarried parents reach an agreement on legal and physical custody of their children without the pain and expense of a traditional court contest. In a mediation session, spouses meet with a trained mediator, usually in an informal setting (such as the mediator’s office), or sometimes online. Think of the mediator as a guide, navigating the couple through the maze of marital issues they disagree on. (Sometimes the spouses work with a mediator and otherwise handle the case themselves; other times, they each have an attorney who might help them prepare for mediation, provide coaching for the negotiation process, and prepare or review any resulting agreement.) Paying For Mediation In most cases, a mediator will charge an hourly rate. This rate will cover the entire session and can be divided between both parents as they see fit. In many cases, courts will order mediation for divorcing couples with children in order to ensure the child’s best interests are being advocated for in a healthy …

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What Should I Ask For in Mediation

What Should I Ask For in Mediation

February 27, 2022

The point of divorce mediation is to have a more transparent and affordable divorce method. The mediation process will allow you and your spouse to work together when resolving issues and deciding on a final divorce agreement. Knowing what you want out of the divorce is important when going into the negotiation process. Our family law team works with you by providing the best mediation services in the Greater Houston area. We are familiar with what it takes to find a resolution and maintain an amicable tone throughout the divorce. Listed below are some topics you will need to be ready to discuss in order to cover your bases and know what it is you are asking for in your mediation: Marital property division and debt allocation. Before attending mediation, both spouses will probably complete a detailed financial and property worksheet. During negotiations, you’ll determine what property belongs to the marital estate and what, if any, belongs to the individual spouses. Once you’ve done that, the mediator will help you determine how to split the marital assets. Retirement account division. Aside from the marital home, retirement accounts are often a couple’s largest asset. Dividing retirement accounts in divorce can be …

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How Does The Mediation Process Work

How Does The Mediation Process Work

February 22, 2022

A popular alternative to traditional divorce is mediation. However, it is important to recognize that divorce mediation does not work for all divorcing couples. Listed below is an inside look into how the divorce mediation process works, so you can decide if it is a good fit for your specific situation. Stage 1: Introducing the Divorce Mediation Process Before the first mediation session gets underway, the mediator will need to perform an intake of the participants and explain what they should expect from the mediation process. You’ll also need to discuss the terms of payment for the mediation if you haven’t already. Every mediator handles this stage differently—if you’re participating in a private mediation, you might have already provided the mediator with background information such as your contact information, length of marriage, and whether you have children. However, if you’re attending court-ordered mediation, you might have just met your mediator, so these administrative details will need to be addressed before the mediation proceeds. The mediator will also explain the procedures for the day, present an agenda, and address any questions you and your spouse might have. Stage 2: Gathering Information In order for the mediation to be successful, you, your …

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Family Law Attorney Near Me

Family Law Attorney Near Me

February 17, 2022

Our law firm works on a wide range of family law cases. We work with our clients to settle family law matters including child support, establishing paternity, financial support after divorce, domestic violence, and more. If you are looking to find a family law attorney with experience to provide legal advice, reach out to us today. Top 7 Signs You Need to Hire a Family Lawyer Preparing for Marriage Marriage seems like a straight-up ceremony celebrating matrimony, but it can be a complicated legal affair. Although it may seem odd, it makes sense to at least consult a family lawyer before proceeding to marriage. The lawyer will guide you through the legal requirements for marriage in your home state. A family law attorney will also assist you in navigating the issues related to marriage and advice you on your legal responsibilities and rights. A lawyer also comes in handy while preparing a prenup agreement before marriage. If your spouse and yourself are bringing into the marriage pre-owned assets, then it’s essential to draft a prenup agreement. The prenup decides how wealth will be divided in the unfortunate event of a divorce or death. A prenup is especially useful if there …

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Top Divorce Lawyers Near Me

Top Divorce Lawyers Near Me

February 11, 2022

Have you made the difficult choice to pursue a divorce with your spouse? Are you interested in working with an experienced divorce attorney who can help you navigate difficult divorce issues like legal separation, property division, spousal support, and child custody? If so, Renken Law Firm is here for you! Filing for divorce can be overwhelming but partnering up with the right attorney can help make the process much more smooth. Our team focuses on helping you find solutions for your unique case situation that keeps your divorce civil and fair. Our Houston divorce attorneys want to help make the process go as smoothly as possible for you while also ensuring your needs are being met in the divorce. Make sure you are not settling in your divorce settlement when you work with us. What Does A Divorce and Family Law Attorney Do? Family law is a legal practice area that focuses on issues involving family relationships such as marriage, adoption, divorce, and child custody, among others. Attorneys practicing family law can represent clients in family court proceedings or in related negotiations. They can also draft important legal documents such as court petitions or property agreements. Some family law attorneys …

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Top Divorce Attorney Near Katy TX

Top Divorce Attorney Near Katy TX

February 2, 2022

When you decide you are ready for a divorce, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what steps you should take. There are many misconceptions surrounding divorce, for instance, legal separation is not even recognized in Texas. Working with an experienced divorce lawyer can help you to navigate the legal process and ensure you are taking all major factors into consideration when coming up with a divorce agreement. From emotional and financial legal advice, our team works with you to handle all family law issues. This includes child support, property division, spousal support, and more. Our law firm and attorneys are proudly serving Katy, TX and Houston, TX for a wide range of family law needs. Call our firm today to learn more about our super lawyers and the legal services we provide. 5 Reasons That You Need a Divorce Attorney Expert Advice: An experienced attorney can help a person to make certain to receive everything that he or she deserves during a divorce. State laws do not necessarily support an even split of assets depending on the couple’s situation. In many cases, a spouse is even entitled to retirement or other income that the other spouse will receive in …

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Divorce Mediation Near Spring TX

Divorce Mediation Near Spring TX

January 31, 2022

Are you one of the millions of Americans currently exploring your options for divorce? These days, more and more divorcing couples are looking to explore alternative methods to dissolve their marriage. Mediation has become an increasingly more popular option these days due to the cost-efficiency, privacy, and ability to communicate directly while working through issues. At Renken Law Firm, our team works with couples from all different backgrounds to reach amicable agreements in their divorce cases. Mediation provides a more private and affordable divorce alternative that can benefit you in many ways. If you are unsure if divorce mediation is right for you, read this blog post to gain insight into who divorce mediation is most successful for. Arbitration VS Mediation Both arbitration and mediation are private; a significant advantage when parties do not want to air their dirty laundry in public. Both can occur relatively quickly after the dispute arises, and both can be accomplished for a fraction of the cost of court litigation. However, that is about all that the two processes have in common. Mediation In mediation, a neutral third party called (not surprisingly) a “mediator” tries to facilitate negotiations between the parties. Typically, a mediation will …

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How Long Does A Divorce Takes In Texas

How Long Does A Divorce Takes In Texas

December 8, 2021

Divorce cases in Texas can be lengthy and time consuming. A divorce is not final for at least 60 days after a petition is filed. However, most divorce cases take six months or more to finalize, depending on the complexity of the issues and the degree of conflict in the relationship. For some couples, divorce mediation is a faster and more affordable option that allows you to resolve issues directly. Legal Separation in Texas The state of Texas does not recognize legal separation like many other states. What this means is that even when you are living away from your spouse, all of the property you or your spouse acquire is consider shared, regardless of the way it is titled. You are considered married until your divorce is finalized, keep this in mind during the divorce process so that there are no surprises. What Is The Quickest Divorce Process? While all divorce cases are unique, divorce mediation typically is the fastest divorce process. This is because mediation allows for both parties to address their needs and work through the division of property, allocating responsibilities, and more face to face. Our team provides affordable divorce mediation in Houston, Texas and surrounding …

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How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Houston

How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost in Houston

December 2, 2021

While the cost of mediation ill vary depending on the length of time/number of sessions required, this method of divorce is often considered the most affordable. In traditional courtroom divorce cases, both parties typically will hire an attorney. These attorneys will negotiate on behalf of the divorcing couple, leading to a lot of back and forth communication. This will drag out the length of the divorce and require more paid time to attorney. Mediation is a more affordable divorce process because it allows both parties to communicate directly while working out issues such as spousal support, child custody, child support, and the other details of the settlement agreement. Family mediation helps with positive dispute resolution. When you are able to reach an agreement amicably, this will make for a smoother divorce for all parties involved, especially children. Will Divorce Mediation Work For Me? For some couples, working with your spouse and a mediator might be just what you need to obtain a divorce with as little conflict as possible. But, mediation will only work if you and your spouse are on the same page. You are more likely to have a successful mediation if all or most of the following …

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Best Divorce Mediation Attorney Houston

Best Divorce Mediation Attorney Houston

November 26, 2021

Are you looking for an alternative dispute resolution for your divorce case? Working with mediation lawyers for your Houston divorce can help you to reach an agreement with your spouse and make the divorce process simple for everyone involved. The mediation process is private and can help couples resolve a wide range of issues including child support, child custody, spousal support, property division, and more. Our team foes more than offer legal advice, we work with you every step of the way to ensure both sides are satisfied. Oftentimes, courts require family mediation to ensure couples are evaluating all sides of their divorce. Our law firm has successfully mediated many divorces and can help you with legal matters pertaining to your divorce. It is important family law cases are treated delicately, something our divorce experts specialize in. We do everything we can to help keep emotions from clouding the judgement of our clients. Let us work with you to ease the burden and help you reach the best divorce agreement for your family. Top Reasons To Choose Divorce Mediation Cost: Divorce mediation is a much more direct process, in which both parties are able to communicate with each other to …

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How Long Does Divorce Take After Mediation in Houston

How Long Does Divorce Take After Mediation in Houston

November 12, 2021

In Texas, there is a minimum 60 day waiting period after filing for a divorce before it can be finalized. This 60 day waiting period starts the day the original petition for divorce is filed with the court. This petition may be filed before mediation, during, or after. If you are looking for the fastest timeline for your divorce, it is possible to have your divorce finalized on the 61st day after filing with the courts. It is important to realize every divorce case and mediation process is different. While many couple may find they are able to work out all of the major factors of their divorce agreement in one mediation session, others may require more time. Additionally, mediation does not work for all couples making it difficult to predict exactly how long your divorce will take to go through. Will Divorce Mediation Work for Me? For some couples, working with your spouse and a mediator might be just what you need to obtain a divorce with as little conflict as possible. But, mediation will only work if you and your spouse are on the same page. You are more likely to have a successful mediation if all or …

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Family Law Attorney Near the Woodlands TX

Family Law Attorney Near the Woodlands TX

October 30, 2021

Family law attorneys handle important legal matters that affect families of all backgrounds. From adoption and custody to marriage and divorce, these professionals play an vital role in protecting your best interest at all stages of life. If you are looking for a family lawyer in The Woodlands, Renken Law Firm can help you. We have years of experience in helping clients through divorce and with other family law issues, including property division, child support, and more. Our divorce lawyers are experts, here to assist you through your Woodlands divorce case. When Should I Hire A Family Law Attorney? Preparing for Marriage Marriage seems like a straight-up ceremony celebrating matrimony, but it can be a complicated legal affair. Although it may seem odd, it makes sense to at least consult a family lawyer before proceeding to marriage. The lawyer will guide you through the legal requirements for marriage in your home state. A family law attorney will also assist you in navigating the issues related to marriage and advice you on your legal responsibilities and rights. A lawyer also comes in handy while preparing a prenup agreement before marriage. If your spouse and yourself are bringing into the marriage pre-owned …

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Best Divorce Mediators Near Me

Best Divorce Mediators Near Me

October 28, 2021

Are you currently exploring your options for divorce? These days, more and more divorcing couples are looking to explore alternative methods to dissolve their marriage. Mediation has become an increasingly more popular options these days due to the cost efficiency, privacy, and ability to communicate directly while working through issues. At Renken Law Firm, we work with couples from all different backgrounds to reach amicable agreements in their divorce cases. Mediation provides a more private and affordable divorce alternative that can benefit you in many ways. If you are unsure if divorce mediation is right for you, read this blog post to gain insight into who divorce mediation is most successful for. What Is Divorce Mediation? In divorce mediation, you and your spouse meet with a trained, neutral mediator to discuss and resolve the issues in your divorce. Mediation sessions often take place in an informal office setting, but you might also be able to go through your mediation online. A mediator can help you reach agreement on the issues you and your spouse need to resolve in order to finalize your divorce, such as child custody, child support, and property division. Mediators don’t make decisions or offer legal advice, …

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Family Lawyer Near Me

Family Lawyer Near Me

October 17, 2021

Who Are Family Law Attorneys? Family law attorneys can be instrumental in handling important legal matters related to the heart and the home. From birth to marriage and beyond, these legal professionals play an important role in all stages of life. Family law attorneys handle more than three-quarters of a million divorces every year and facilitate more than 135,000 adoptions annually. They also spearhead significant cases related to emerging areas, such as assisted reproductive technology. Lawyers working in this area of practice usually deal with all forms of family-related issues that require legal mediation. These include: Divorce Custody Adoption Asset distribution Alimony Prenuptial agreements Postnuptial agreements Domestic violence While some legal issues can be handled without consulting an attorney, such as petitioning a court for a name change, others may require a high level of legal support. This is particularly true in child custody cases and contested divorces where the parties face substantial disagreements that are difficult to overcome. Individuals who need legal assistance or want an unbiased opinion from a skilled legal professional can use the information in this guide to find a qualified attorney in their area. Start your search, and look for an attorney with deep experience …

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Best Family Lawyer in Katy TX

Best Family Lawyer in Katy TX

October 9, 2021

Are you looking for an attorney for a family law matter? Our attorney have years of experience handling a wide range of issues. Whether you are seeking legal advice or representation for an individual case or situation, our team can help you. Learn more about how family lawyers can help you below. What Does A Family Lawyer Do? Some of the most emotional and complex matters that you can face involve your family relationships. These can evolve over time as spouses find that they have grown apart, or the needs of children change. Often, spouses or parents can reach an agreement on these issues outside court, or perhaps through a non-adversarial process such as mediation. If they cannot find common ground, however, the courts may need to get involved. Whether you are seeking to assert your rights or explore your options, it is important to understand the laws that govern these situations. Divorce: To file for a divorce, a spouse usually needs to meet the residency requirements in the state and county where they live. They also need to establish the grounds for the divorce. Many states offer a no-fault divorce, which means that the grounds can be as simple …

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How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation in Texas

How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation in Texas

October 7, 2021

Are you considering using divorce mediation? While many people find mediation to be a more affordable and convenient method for divorce, it is important to be prepared before you begin the process. Listed below are some helpful tips to prepare for divorce mediation. What to Bring to Mediation The good news about preparing for mediation is that an experienced mediator will likely give you a list of items (mostly documents) to bring to the first session, as well as a rundown of how the day will flow and what to expect. In fact, the mediator will probably ask you and your spouse to submit specific documents (often electronically) in advance of the mediation. Here’s a list of what most mediators will ask you to bring, along with some additional items that might make life easier for you on the day of the mediation. Directions. If your mediation session is going to be in person rather than online, ask the mediator about the best parking options and map out your route to the office so you can get there on time. Contact information. Whether with your phone or address book, bring contact information for key players in your life, such as …

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Uncontested Divorce Katy TX

Uncontested Divorce Katy TX

September 24, 2021

What is an uncontested divorce? An uncontested divorce means that both spouses agree on all of their divorce-related issues. Each state has specific legal requirements that spouses must meet before they can proceed with an uncontested divorce. You may want to consult with a local attorney or check your local courthouse website for specific requirements. Even though you have to meet certain requirements, an uncontested divorce is often much easier than a contested divorce because spouses can end their marriage without constant negotiations, legal posturing, and court hearings. Thus, an uncontested divorce usually involves less stress and fewer legal fees. The uncontested divorce process also tends to preserve a relationship between the spouses, which is especially important if they have children. However, divorcing spouses must be able to work together toward mutually agreeable resolutions in order to resolve all of their divorce issues. Although working with your soon-to-be-ex to settle important financial and child-related issues may seem difficult, it’s one way to end your marriage without a full-blown court battle. Is mediation used in uncontested divorces? If you and your divorcing spouse have chosen to file an uncontested divorce, it may be in your best interest to go through mediation. …

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How To Find Good Divorce Mediation Near Me

How To Find Good Divorce Mediation Near Me

September 22, 2021

Mediation provides a simple, hands-on approach to handling your divorce. If you are interested in learning more about divorce mediation in Houston, TX the Renken Law Firm can help you. Our team of divorce experts offer a wide range of divorce services to married couples who are looking for the best solution for their unique situation. You will want to consider your options and think about your unique situation to determine what the best course of action is for your situation. If you have any questions or concerns about divorce mediation, schedule a consultation with our team. We understand complex family dynamics, our team are experts at conflict resolution, and we have years of experience working with divorcing couples. When you are looking to find a mediator for your divorce, contact our office today. Top 10 Tips for Choosing a Divorce Mediator: You Want a Divorce Mediator Who Is an Educator: By initially educating you and your spouse on the law, a good divorce mediator would be focused on empowering you to make your own informed decisions. You would be informed on how the law applies to your particular facts and circumstances. Then, you would learn what would be the …

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Family Divorce Attorney Near Me

Family Divorce Attorney Near Me

September 20, 2021

At the Renken Law Firm our team works with individuals and couples of all different backgrounds to dissolve their marriage. Each divorce process is unique and will require different efforts to successfully complete. We work with our clients to tackle the most complex parts pf divorce including creating a parenting plan for child custody and visitation, dividing assets and debts, spousal support, and more. We understand that divorce cases can be pretty overwhelming, this is why we work with you every step of the way offering legal advice for your specific situation. Main Divorce Options in Texas Collaborative Divorce Collaborative Divorce has become a popular dispute resolution option in Texas. In the Collaborative Divorce model, you, your spouse, and lawyers agree in advance that no one will take any contested issue to court. The “Collaborative Team,” which often includes mental-health and financial professionals, focuses all its attention on finding ways to restructure the family so that the needs of everyone involved are met to the greatest extent possible. The lawyers in this team are divorce lawyers and family law attorneys with special training experience in Collaborative Divorce. Collaborative Divorce starts with the idea that most people want to move through …

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How To Find A Mediator for Divorce

How To Find A Mediator for Divorce

September 17, 2021

Are you currently seeking a divorce but interested in exploring different methods to dissolve your marriage? Mediation is an increasingly more popular choice these days due to the cost efficiency, privacy, and ability to communicate directly. As we see an increase in divorce mediation, we also are experiencing a higher demand for divorce mediators. Attorney Dawn Renken is a practicing family law attorney in Texas, that specializes in divorce cases in Houston, TX. Attorney Renken received her mediation license through ADR Services International Inc. in 2014. Since this time, she has worked with a wide range of divorcing couples looking for alternatives to traditional courtroom divorces. Mediation offers the opportunity to divorce without public court appearances or back and forth litigation. Mediation is a private method of divorce that allows both parties to work together to reach an amicable solution as a neutral third-party mediator works to ensure both parties are fairly represented in the final agreement. 7 Questions to Ask Potential Mediators Now that you have an idea of what to look for in a divorce mediator, here are some questions you can ask to help you decide whom to hire. Some online mediation services will assign you a …

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Divorce Mediator Near Me

Divorce Mediator Near Me

September 14, 2021

Are you looking for an experienced mediator to help you navigate your divorce case? Are you in the Greater Houston area and in need of professional guidance from a neutral third party? If so, the divorce specialists at Renken Law Firm are here for you. We work with couples from all types of backgrounds to reach amicable agreements in their divorce cases. Mediation provides a more private and affordable divorce alternative that can benefit you in many ways. If you are unsure if divorce mediation is right for you, read this blog post to gain insight into who divorce mediation works best for. Will Divorce Mediation Work for Me? For some couples, working with your spouse and a mediator might be just what you need to obtain a divorce with as little conflict as possible. But, mediation will only work if you and your spouse are on the same page. You are more likely to have a successful mediation if all or most of the following statements are true. You and Your Spouse Agree to Divorce Despite what we see on television—or what we often hear from friends or family—not all divorces are contentious. In some cases, the decision to …

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Divorce Mediation Attorney Near Me

Divorce Mediation Attorney Near Me

September 3, 2021

When you have made the decision to divorce your spouse, you will want to explore all options for dissolving your marriage. This is because each relationship is different, making each divorce unique as well. The team at Renken Law Firm wants to help you make informed choices that protect you and your family. We understand that divorce can be emotionally and financially draining, this is why we work with you every step of the way to find solutions that fit your needs. What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is a popular method for divorcing couples to openly discuss and negotiate their needs, as well as the needs of their children. During your divorce mediation, you will work with an experienced divorce mediator, who will remain a neutral third party throughout the entire process. Their job will be to ensure you are identifying all important issues that need to be resolved to end your marriage amicably. During divorce mediation some of the issues you will work to resolve include: Distribution of Property Child Custody Child Support Taxes Debt Allocation What Are The Benefits of Divorce Mediation? It Is Less Stressful Mediation is far less stressful than regular divorce proceedings, which may …

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Experienced Divorce Lawyers in Houston

Experienced Divorce Lawyers in Houston

August 25, 2021

At Renken Law Firm our team of family law experts understand that divorce is never easy. This is why we work with our clients every step of the way to ensure their specific needs are being met and that they are able to navigate the process without letting their emotions guide them into making abrupt choices. The Huffington Post shares some helpful tips for individuals exploring their options for divorce below: Be realistic: First, you need to realize that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues. Your divorce attorney’s job is to represent you to the best of his or her ability in this process. While you might want them to listen to your anger, frustration, pain and sadness, that is not their job. They are not trained to be your therapist or coach, and they don’t want to be. Since your attorney has higher rates and the clock is always running, it’s a gross misuse of your money if this is how you’re using them. And divorce attorneys have seen it all. What seems immensely important to you might barely register for them within the scope of the legal …

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Best Houston Divorce Attorney

Best Houston Divorce Attorney

August 19, 2021

When you are looking for a seasoned divorce attorney in Houston to help you with your divorce case Renken Law Firm is here for you. We have the best divorce attorneys in Houston, offering legal advice and cheap divorce options for your family. Our team knows that every divorce case is unique, we can help you with all related legal needs including child custody, child support, contested divorced, uncontested divorces, and divorce mediation services. When you are looking for the best house divorce attorney to help you in your case, contact our team. HuffPost outlines the 5 steps to choosing the right divorce lawyer for your case: Be realistic. First, you need to realize that divorce is a legal process with the sole purpose of dissolving your assets and resolving custody issues. Your divorce attorney’s job is to represent you to the best of his or her ability in this process. While you might want them to listen to your anger, frustration, pain and sadness, that is not their job. They are not trained to be your therapist or coach, and they don’t want to be. Since your attorney has higher rates and the clock is always running, it’s a …

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Contested Divorce Lawyer Near Me

Contested Divorce Lawyer Near Me

August 13, 2021

Are you looking to hire an attorney for your divorce? Working with one of our experienced divorce attorneys can help you to navigate this difficult time. Divorce cases are rarely as simple as they first seem. Schedule a consultation with our team today. Contested Versus Uncontested Divorce Typically, there are two kinds of divorces. The first is an “uncontested” divorce—which is where both spouses agree on all issues concerning the divorce, including but not limited to the division of marital property and debts, child custody, child support, and spousal support (“alimony”). The second—a “contested” divorce—is where the spouses can’t agree on their divorce issues, and they end up in court, asking a judge to make these decisions for them. Whether it’s one or all issues, if you disagree on anything, the court considers your divorce “contested.” Perhaps the most significant difference between an uncontested and a contested divorce is the legal process’s cost and time. Although it usually costs the same to file either type of divorce, spouses going through a contested divorce are more likely to spend money on attorney’s fees and expert witness fees (such as financial consultants or appraisers) than a couple that agrees on most divorce-related …

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Common Causes for Divorce

Common Causes for Divorce

August 1, 2021 has compiled a list of commonly observed grounds for divorce with reasons for divorce statistics. If you identify any of these in your relationship, you must get conscious about where your relationship is heading. Infidelity or an extramarital affair When one person goes outside of the relationship to get their needs met, whether it is physical or sexual, this can doom a relationship. It is very difficult to get trust back once a partner feels betrayed. Extra-marital affairs are responsible for the 20-40% breakdown of most marriages and end in divorce. This is one of the most common causes of divorce. The reasons why people cheat aren’t as cut and dry as our anger may lead us to believe. Anger and resentment are common underlying reasons for cheating, along with differences in sexual appetite and lack of emotional intimacy. Infidelity is one of the primary reasons for divorce. It is also one of the legal divorce reasons, besides living apart for more than a year and subjecting your partner to cruelty (mental or physical). Trouble with finances If a couple is not on the same page about how the finances are going to be handled, it can lead to …

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Why Do Narcissists Drag Out Divorce

Why Do Narcissists Drag Out Divorce

July 10, 2021

Are you currently in the process of separating or divorcing your spouse? Are they holding up the process and dragging it out, complicating every aspect of the process? You may be married to a problematic narcissist. By definition, a narcissist is unable to compromise and empathize with others. They may seem unfazed when it comes to your best interests, or even the best interests of their own children. But there are more complex factors that drive the narcissist’s tendency to drag out divorce. Some of the most common ones include: Not Letting You Move On: A narcissistic spouse will do everything in their power to prevent you from moving on with your life. It may not be an intentional choice they are making, but narcissists are uncomfortable when it comes to letting you go. This can happen even if they were the one who originally asked for a divorce. They desire control and will actively work to possess it over you. Narcissists will fight you every step of the way to maintain control and power over your situation. They may choose to work with aggressive attorneys who take actions to make your life more difficult. Making it hard for you …

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Best Female Divorce Attorney in Houston

Best Female Divorce Attorney in Houston

July 5, 2021

Are you interested in hiring a divorce attorney in Houston, Texas? At Renken Law Firm we can help you with a wide range of family law issues including the divorce process, spousal support, division of property, child support, spousal maintenance, and more. We understand how difficult divorce can be on families, this is why we work with our clients every step of the way providing legal advice and helping them navigate this time. Our team serves Houston, TX and the areas around it. We handle divorce cases in families from all backgrounds including the LGBTQ+ community. If you are looking for a lawyer in Houston or a Houston divorcing coach, contact our law office today. What Should I Look For in My Divorce Attorney? Honest Communication When it comes to working with a divorce attorney it is crucial for both you and your attorney to be able to communicate honestly in order for there to be a successful attorney-client relationship. You need to come clean about the details of your specific divorce situation and your divorce attorney needs to be honest and realistic with you when setting your expectations and exploring your options. Many bad attorneys will get their client’s …

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Best Divorce Lawyer in Katy

Best Divorce Lawyer in Katy

June 23, 2021

Are you one of the thousands of Texans interested in pursuing a divorce with your spouse? Are you looking to work with a divorce attorney that has years of experience helping with complex divorce issues like legal separation, property division, spousal support, and child custody? If so, Renken Law Firm can help you. Our team respects the attorney client relationship- we do everything in our power to advocate for your needs and protect you throughout your divorce process. We understand how emotionally and financially taxing divorces can be, this is why we work closely with our clients to help them navigate this difficult time. We work hard to help you find solutions for your individual case or situation that keep your divorce civil and fair. Our Katy divorce attorneys want to help make the process go as smoothly as possible for you while also ensuring your needs are being met in the divorce. Make sure you are not settling in your divorce settlement, when you work with our experienced family law attorneys in Katy, TX. Does Texas Recognize Legal Separation? You cannot get a legal separation instead of a divorce in Texas. Texas law does not recognize legal separations. However, …

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Do I Need An Attorney For Property Division in Divorce

Do I Need An Attorney For Property Division in Divorce

June 16, 2021 outlines some basic property division guidelines as listed below: What property and debt is divided in a divorce? Community property and debt is divided in a divorce. Separate property and debt is not divided. At the end of your divorce case, a judge will divide your property and debt by signing a Final Decree of Divorce. The Final Decree of Divorce will: list the community property each spouse will keep or in some circumstances order community property (such as a house) sold and say how the proceeds should be split, list the separate property (if any) of each spouse, list the debts each spouse is ordered to pay, and order that the community property retirement benefits of each spouse are either: awarded (given) 100% to the spouse who earned the benefits or divided between the spouses. What is community property and debt? Community property includes all property you and your spouse have at the time of divorce except property that a spouse can prove (or the spouses agree) is the separate property of one spouse. Your community property may include real estate (a house or land), a business, cars, money, retirement accounts, furniture and other things earned or purchased …

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Affordable Divorce Attorney Near Me

Affordable Divorce Attorney Near Me

June 14, 2021

Are you looking for an affordable divorce attorney in the Houston area? Attorney Dawn Renken can help you. She is a practicing family law attorney in Texas, that specializes in divorce cases in Houston, TX. Attorney Renken received her mediation license through ADR Services International Inc. in 2014. Since this time, attorney Renken has worked with a wide range of divorcing couples including same-sex couples, couples looking to avoid traditional courtroom divorces, and more. Same Sex Divorce Attorney Near Me While gay marriage is legal on a national level, not all family law and divorce attorneys are experienced in same-sex cases. At Renken Law Firm in Houston, we stand with the LGBTQ+ community. We understand the differences that may arise in your specific case and want to work with couples to help them reach divorce agreements that fit their unique needs. We ensure our clients needs are being met and they are treated with respect every step of the way. If you would like to learn more about the same-sex divorce services we offer or begin the process of divorce, contact our office today. Divorce Mediation Services Near Me Mediation offers the opportunity to divorce without public court appearances or …

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Affordable Houston Divorce Attorney Available

Affordable Houston Divorce Attorney Available

June 10, 2021

When you are looking for an affordable and experienced attorney in Houston, Texas to help you with your divorce case we are here for you. Renken Law Firm has the best divorce lawyers in Houston, offering legal advice and cheap divorce options for your family. We understand every divorce case is different and can help you with all related matters including child custody, child support, contested divorced, uncontested divorces in Houston, and divorce mediation services. When you are looking for a Texas divorce specialist to help you in your case, contact our team. We can help to explain the divorce cost and process so you can get started immediately. How Long Does It Take to Finalize a Divorce in Texas? In Texas, there is a minimum statutory waiting period of 60 days after the petition is filed before a divorce can be finalized. The divorce is final as soon as the judge pronounces it so in open court and signs the decree of divorce. If the spouses are not in agreement, it typically takes about six months to one year or longer to finalize a divorce, depending on the complexity of the issues and the degree of conflict. What Does …

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Divorce Coaching Services in Houston

Divorce Coaching Services in Houston

April 30, 2021

What Is Divorce Coaching? According to Divorce coaching is a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns. Divorce coaches have different professional backgrounds and are selected based on the specific needs of the clients. For example, some divorce coaches are financial planners, mental health professionals, lawyers, or mediators who have experience dealing with divorcing clients. At Renken Law Firm we understand that the process of divorce is never an easy one. This is why we work closely with you every step of the way to ensure you are working through the issues surrounding your divorce, in order to live a happy and healthy life. Whether you are dealing with difficulties due to sharing custody, figuring out what to do with your new life, or are just need help working through some of the emotional difficulties, we can help you. Contact our team today to learn more about how divorce coaching services in Houston can help you. Filing For Divorce in Houston If you are considering filing for divorce, Renken Law Firm in Houston can …

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Female Divorce Attorney

Female Divorce Attorney

April 20, 2021

Divorce is not a one-size fits all journey for families. Each married couple has a unique story and their own reasons for dissolving their marriage. At Renken Law Firm in Houston we work with divorcing couples to get the results they are looking for in their case. helps explain some of the different divorce methods below: Default Divorce A default divorce occurs when you’ve filed for divorce, and your spouse doesn’t respond. You’d likely see this, for example, if your spouse has left for parts unknown and can’t be found. Assuming you’ve complied with the court’s rules and regulations, a judge can grant the divorce despite the fact your spouse hasn’t participated in the court proceedings. On its face, this may seem like the ideal situation. No one is there to contest what you’re asking the court to give you. But be aware that there are pro and cons to a default divorce. Contested Divorce If you and your spouse are at loggerheads over one or more marital issues, to the point that you can’t come to an agreement, then it will be up to a judge to decide those issues for you. This is what’s meant by a …

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Divorce Mediation Attorney in The Woodlands

Divorce Mediation Attorney in The Woodlands

April 14, 2021

It is no secret that divorce can be a difficult process for everyone involved, no matter how amicable the conditions surrounding it may be. There is no singular path couples take to end their marriage, giving families flexibility to make their own decision surrounding their divorce. There are two main different methods people use when getting a divorce, mediation and litigation. At Renken Law Firm our divorce mediation attorney in The Woodlands can help you to explore mediation before launching into a difficult litigated divorce. If mediation does not fit your specific needs, we can help you move forward with the litigation process. When Does Mediation Not Work? In some cases, when emotions are running too high, or individuals are unable to rationally work together to come to an amicable agreement in their divorce, mediation may not work for them. In order to have a successfully mediated divorce, couples must be willing to work together, hear each other out, and set their differences aside in order to explore this option. At Renken Law Firm, we have the best divorce mediation attorney in The Woodlands. Attorney Dawn Renken is experienced helping families from all different backgrounds reach resolution in their divorce …

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Best Divorce Attorney Near Me

Best Divorce Attorney Near Me

April 7, 2021

Photo by Nick Karvounis At Renken Law Firm in Houston, our team of legal professionals help you to find affordable divorce solutions for your specific situation. We understand each divorce case is different and work closely with our clients to ensure their needs are being met. Having the knowledge of an experienced divorce attorney on your side can go a long way in helping you reach an agreement that works for the needs of your family. A good divorce attorney will represent you by being your ally and advocate throughout the entire divorce process. The focus of the attorneys at Renken Law Firm is to ensure every client we work with is able to come to an amicable and mutually agreeable settlement with their spouse. No matter how you file, our team of divorce specialists is here to help you navigate this difficult time. When you are looking for the “best divorce attorney near me”, it is important to be able to identify the steps to finding an attorney that matches your needs and desires. According to the Huffington Post, the three most important steps to choosing the right divorce attorney for you are: Be realistic First, you need to …

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Affordable Divorce Options in Houston

Affordable Divorce Options in Houston

March 30, 2021

For couples that are seeking affordable divorce options in Houston, Renken Law Firm can help. We provide our clients a chance to step away from traditional litigation and work together in a private environment to come up with the terms of their divorce for less money. Not only is mediation much more flexible and affordable, but it also keeps the divorce agreement completely private. Our team of legal professionals is here to help you find the best solutions for your family, to minimize the stress and inconveniences of a divorce. Contact our office today to learn more about your options and learn more about divorce mediation in Houston, TX. Affordable Divorce Options in Houston The divorce process can quickly become expensive whenever couples take the litigation route. Not only will both of them have to miss work and pay for their own attorneys, they will also have to reach an agreement in regards to the division of their property and assets. Divorce mediation provides a more affordable divorce option for couples that are willing to work together to reach an agreement. While divorce mediation is a highly successful and affordable divorce option in Houston, it is not for everyone. Couples …

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How To Prepare For Divorce Mediation

How To Prepare For Divorce Mediation

March 23, 2021

Many divorcing couples are choosing to have their divorce privately mediated instead of litigated in court rooms. There are many benefits to having your divorce mediated, including the privacy, overall cost, and ability to make your own divorce terms. If you are considering divorce mediation in your case, working with an experienced mediator and divorce attorney, such as Dawn Renken, can help make your case go smoothly. Listed below are some steps you can take to prepare for successful divorce mediation:     Prepare Your Communication: In order for mediation to work both parties must be committed to working together to find solutions in their divorce case. This means the language you use should not be accusatory, the tone you speak in should be neutral, and the points you wish to express will need to represent the interests of both parties. If you come into mediation with high emotional stress, an aggressive tone, or looking to only represent your own desires, mediation will have a much lower chance of success. This is why it is important to prepare your communication ahead of time and be open to suggestions for your mediator. If at any time the mediator feels one party is …

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Divorce Mediation Specialist in Houston

Divorce Mediation Specialist in Houston

March 16, 2021

Will divorce mediation work for you? Divorce mediation is an excellent alternative for couples that are not interested in having a litigated courtroom divorce. Not only is mediation affordable and convenient, it is also private and allows the divorcing spouses to have the most say in their specific divorce agreement. While divorce mediation is a popular choice that helps many couples, it is not a good fit for everyone. Divorce mediation requires both spouses to work together to come to an amicable agreement in their divorce case. In heated divorce cases, where emotions are high, it may be difficult for couples to sit down and communicate the division of their property, responsibilities, child custody, and more. Your divorce mediator will help you to navigate the divorce and will mediate between both parties so that both sides’ needs are represented in the final agreement. However, if the mediator believes that one person is aggressive or overbearing, or that neither party is able to work together and effectively communicate, they may recommend another divorce method. Regardless of your circumstance or the type of divorce you file, the team at Renken Law Firm in Houston is here for you. Our team will work …

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Divorce Mediation Attorney in Houston

Divorce Mediation Attorney in Houston

March 10, 2021

For couples that are seeking divorce, mediation may be the most simple and affordable option available to them. Working with a divorce mediation attorney in Houston can help to make the process as easy as possible. Divorce attorneys make excellent mediators because they have the experience and knowledge needed to fully understand all aspects of divorce, from the emotional stresses to the need to divide shared property. At Renken Law Firm we offer our clients a chance to take control of the terms of their divorce and work together in a private environment to come up with a divorce agreement that fits their individual needs. With courtroom divorces every aspect of your divorce, from evidence to the final agreement, will be public knowledge. With divorce mediation the only people who know what goes into your divorce case are the divorcing parties and your neutral third-party mediator. Divorce mediation works best for divorcing couples that are able to communicate without bringing high stress or emotion into their conversations. If you feel that you and your spouse are able to communicate effectively and maintain an amicable tone, then divorce mediation may be the best solution for you. Your divorce mediator will work …

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Top Divorce Attorney in Cypress TX

Top Divorce Attorney in Cypress TX

March 2, 2021

Going through a divorce is often considered one of the most stressful and costly processes someone can endure. This can make an already emotionally charged experience, even more difficult for the parties involved. At Renken Law Firm in Cypress, TX, we understand how difficult it can be to go from living as a partnership, to transitioning into your divorce. Whether you are filing for a contested or uncontested divorce, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you. We understand your situation is unique and will come with its own set of specific needs. Let us help you come to a divorce agreement that works for you long term so you can focus on the things that really matter in your life. Contact our legal office today to learn more about how we can help you reach an agreement in your case that works for your family. At Renken Law Firm, we are experienced in helping families work through their divorce. Our team is here to assist in many different ways including providing legal advice, support, and representation. We understand how delicate the circumstances surrounding divorce can be and work with our clients to navigate this difficult time. …

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Top Divorce Attorney Kingwood TX

Top Divorce Attorney Kingwood TX

February 22, 2021

Divorce can be an emotionally difficult process that can often be made worse for families when they drag out the case in court. At Renken Law Firm, our Kingwood, TX  divorce mediation experts can help to ease some of the stress that comes with traditional divorce cases by helping couples find alternatives that are easier on them and their families. Our goal is to help divorcing couples work together to find solutions that are mutually beneficial for both parties in order to reach an amicable divorce agreement. By making the choice of divorce mediation you will be able to negotiate directly with your spouse about how to divide property, finances, responsibilities, and more. This can help accelerate your divorce process by cutting out the back and forth litigation that can sometimes last months in courtroom divorces. Additionally, this gives the divorcing couple more control over their divorce. With mediation, a divorce is not finalized until both parties sign off on it.  Why Choose Divorce Mediation in Kingwood, TX Divorce Cases?   -Most often, divorce mediation is considered a more affordable option for divorcing couples because they are able to work with one mediator instead of two attorneys. -Mediation has a …

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Top Divorce Attorney in Katy TX

Top Divorce Attorney in Katy TX

February 19, 2021

Divorce can be an emotionally difficult process that can often be made worse for families when they drag out the case in court. At Renken Law Firm, our Katy, TX  divorce mediation experts can help to ease some of the stress that comes with traditional divorce cases by helping couples find alternatives that are easier on them and their families. Our goal is to help divorcing couples work together to find solutions that are mutually beneficial for both parties in order to reach an amicable divorce agreement. By making the choice of divorce mediation you will be able to negotiate directly with your spouse about how to divide property, finances, responsibilities, and more. This can help accelerate your divorce process by cutting out the back and forth litigation that can sometimes last months in courtroom divorces. Additionally, this gives the divorcing couple more control over their divorce. With mediation, a divorce is not finalized until both parties sign off on it.  Why Choose Divorce Mediation in Katy, TX Divorce Cases?  -Most often, divorce mediation is considered a more affordable option for divorcing couples because they are able to work with one mediator instead of two attorneys. -Mediation has a high …

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Top Divorce Mediator in Humble TX

Top Divorce Mediator in Humble TX

February 9, 2021

Are you currently considering divorce but are unsure of what your options are? At Renken Law Firm we help individuals find solutions that work for their unique circumstances. Dawn Renken is the top divorce mediator in Humble, TX. If you are interested in learning more about your options for divorce contact us today by filling out this form. What is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is an alternative to traditional divorce. It is a private process, where a neutral third person acts as a mediator with the goal to help divorcing couples reach a mutually beneficial divorce settlement. Divorce mediators can help with a large variety of different issues in a divorce case, including but not limited to child support, custody and visitation, alimony, debt allocation, and property division. A mediator always remains neutral and does not serve as a judge, arbitrator, or counselor, but instead is solely focused on assisting the spouses to reach an agreement they both sign off on. How is Mediation Used in Texas Divorce Cases? Mediation is a very popular method for divorce and other legal situations that require negotiation. In many counties in Texas, an attempt at dissolving a marriage through mediation is required or …

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Common Law Divorce Attorney in Texas

Common Law Divorce Attorney in Texas

February 2, 2021

What is Common Law Marriage? According to the Texas State Law Library’s website: Common law marriage, also known as marriage without formalities or informal marriage, is a valid and legal way for a couple to marry in Texas. Texas law states that a common law marriage may be proved by evidence that the couple: “agreed to be married”; and “after the agreement they lived together in this state as husband and wife”; and they “represented to others that they were married” Can Minors Enter Into A Common Law Marriage? In the case of children under the age of 18, Texas does not observe common law marriage. Both spouses must be adults, even if there is parental consent for marriage given to a party under the age of 18. There are no scenarios in which an individual under the age of 18 can be recognized as a part of a common law marriage.  Ending a Common Law Marriage in Texas In Texas, common law marriages are recognized as having the same legal status as a traditional marriage. This means, when a common law marriage no longer exists, a formal divorce may be required in order to officially end it.  Common law …

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What Standard Are Certified Divorce Coaches Held To_

What Standard Are Certified Divorce Coaches Held To?

January 26, 2021

Are you considering working with a Certified Divorce Coach but are unsure of the benefits? Maybe you are not even sure what a divorce coach is. In this blog we will discuss what a CDC is and the standards an individual must meet in order to become certified. What is a Certified Divorce Coach? A Certified Divorce Coach is an individual who has gone through a dynamic training and certification program which provides proprietary frameworks and divorce coaching competencies. We have launched hundreds of people on a new path, equipped with practice standards, ethics, frameworks, and processes that help them excel as a certified divorce coach. What are the Standards of Ethics and Professional Responsibility for CDC Certified Divorce Coach®certificants? Integrity: Provide professional services with integrity. Integrity demands honesty and candor, which must not be subordinated to personal gain and advantage. Coaches are placed in positions of trust by clients, and the ultimate source of that trust is the coach’s personal integrity. Allowance can be made for innocent error and legitimate differences of opinion, but integrity cannot co-exist with subordination of one’s principles. Competence: Maintain the knowledge and skill necessary to provide professional services competently. Competence means attaining and maintaining …

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How Do I Tell My Child About Divorce?

How Do I Tell My Child About Divorce?

January 18, 2021

Divorce is never easy, however, in cases where children are involved, divorce cases can be even more complicated. You will want to be thoughtful in your approach, to ensure any children involved in the divorce are given all of the knowledge, tools, and safety needed to process this difficult change. When parents succumb to their own emotions, whether that be sadness, anger, or even anxiety, it can lead to an unhealthy environment with long term effects on a child’s development. Working with a certified divorce coach (CDC), such as Attorney Dawn Renken, can help you divorcing parents make a smoother transition for everyone.  Breaking The News It is important to save talking to your children about divorce until you are absolutely certain this is the choice you want to make. In cases where you have older children it may be more difficult to keep marital problems between you and your spouse, but minimizing the involvement your child has in the divorce decision process is important.  Once you are certain that you will be going through with the divorce, talk to your children as transparently as possible about the fact the marriage will be ending. This does not mean talking negatively …

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How To Help Your Child Through A Divorc

How To Help Your Child Through A Divorce

January 14, 2021

Every year, thousands of children are faced with the reality that their parents are planning to get a divorce. Divorce can be stressful for everyone involved, especially children. The way they react to your divorce will depend on a variety of different factors including the age of the child, their personality, the reason for the divorce, the living circumstances after the divorce, and how the parents handle the divorce. Working with a certified divorce coach (CDC), such as Attorney Dawn Renken, can help you to lessen the impact of your divorce on your children. CDCs are trained to help you navigate your own feelings, as well as make the best choices for your children.  According to  The most important things that both parents can do to help kids through this difficult time are: -Keep visible conflict, heated discussions, and legal talk away from the kids. -Minimize the disruptions to kids’ daily routines. -Confine negativity and blame to private therapy sessions or conversations with friends outside the home. -Keep each parent involved in the kids’ lives. Adults going through separation and divorce need support — from friends, professionals, clergy, and family. But don’t seek support from your kids, even if …

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How Can A Divorce Coach Benefit Me?

How Can A Divorce Coach Benefit Me?

January 5, 2021

What is a CDC® coach? Certified Divorce Coach is a dynamic training and certification program which provides proprietary frameworks and divorce coaching competencies. We have launched hundreds of people on a new path, equipped with practice standards, ethics, frameworks, and processes that help them excel as a certified divorce coach. Do I need a CDC® coach? You do not need a CDC® coach in order to file for divorce, however, many divorcing parties find them to be helpful throughout the experience. Divorce can be emotionally draining and overwhelming for many who go through them. Working with a divorce coach can help you to navigate the process smoothly.  CDC® coach Jacqui Atcheson explains: CDC® coaches offer both great value for their clients and to other professionals working with a client. The CDC Certified Divorce Coach® provides services according to a professional standard. We follow core standards such as “Standards of Ethics and Professional Responsibility”, Respecting our Boundaries with the other professions, standards of Coaching Core Competencies approved by the International Coach Federation (ICF), a Professional Continuing Education requirement (sixteen hours every two years), and Partnering with the Public through a formal “Grievance Procedure.” Regulations, for the certification, are filed with the …

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Developing New Holiday Traditions After Divorce

Developing New Holiday Traditions After Divorce

December 21, 2020

General Concepts and Approaches to Developing New Holiday Traditions for You and Your Family Rewrite your story with new holiday traditions and how you want it to play out. Have a strategy-whatever that strategy may be. Don’t be attached to the Holiday being only a specific day – spread the wealth of holiday spirit over multiple days and even weeks.  Make plans early. Be happy to accept an invitation.  Create your own connections with neighbors, and new friends in your community.  Be sure to ask others you include in meals and parties if they have dietary restrictions.  Traditions start by doing something more than once. Anything can become a tradition. Input from the kids in terms of developing new traditions they want to create.  Talk with kids about what traditions they want to keep and those they don’t care about.  Also be able to say “no” and protect your energy levels during the holidays. And don’t try to outdo the ex or Grandparents.   Have a backup plan in case those who said they would be there get sick or something comes up.  28 Specific Ideas Host a Party and invite others who are in your situation Do holidays a week …

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OutSmart Magazine Recognizes Dawn Renken As An Advocates For The LGBTQ+ Community

OutSmart Magazine Recognizes Dawn Renken As An Advocates For The LGBTQ+ Community

December 14, 2020

OutSmart Magazine recently noticed Dawn Renken as a finalist when ranking the best female attorneys in Houston in their reader’s choice awards for 2020. According to their website: OutSmart is an award-winning monthly publication that has delivered local and national news to Houston’s LGBTQ audience for over 25 years. Published in print and online, we reach 200,000+ readers each month and have a loyal fan base spanning from Houston to Los Angeles. The magazine even has an international following in Canada, Mexico, The United Kingdom, Australia, and various other locations across the globe. In response to this recognition, Dawn Renken said, “I am so humbled by this honor, I support the LGTBQ community and proudly advocate for their rights.” Attorney Renken recognizes the difficulty that can come with same-sex divorce cases, especially when the divorcing parties are unable to find attorneys that understand their specific perspective and needs. She fights for justice in family legal matters to help her clients reach resolution without being held back by barriers in their community. Whether you are looking for a same-sex divorce, have a custody issue in a same-sex relationship, or are in need of other family legal advice, Dawn Renken is here …

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Tips To Successfully Co-Parent During The Pandemic

Tips To Successfully Co-Parent During The Pandemic

December 4, 2020

Finding successful ways to co-parent after divorce can be difficult under the best circumstances. During a global pandemic, with massive economic and social uncertainty, finding ways to work together can be even harder. Across the world, anxieties are high, making it more important than ever for parents to work together to show a strong and united front for their children.  Listed below are some tips to help make your co-parenting successful and beneficial to your children: Reinforce The Love You Have For Your Children: Children are fragile and often need reassurance to feel safe and loved. Make sure you are expressing to your children how much you love them, what strengths you see in them, and how happy you are to have them in your life. If your child feels that they are a source of stress or that having them is a complication in your life, they can begin to disconnect. Remember to target specific, positive personality traits and choices they make, when communicating with them. Make Every Minute Counts: It can be difficult for parents who are splitting custody with their children to feel like they are getting enough time together. The best way to combat this is …

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Why Should I Work With A Divorce Coach?

Why Should I Work With A Divorce Coach?

November 17, 2020

Even in the most amicable of divorces, stress is typically unavoidable. Not only are there the emotions that come from divorce, navigating the actual legal process can cause a lot of additional mental anguish and discomfort. Working with a divorce coach can help an individual who is experiencing pre-divorce, divorce, and post-divorce complications. Your divorce coach will work with you through your own specific situation and assist you in any possible way to help keep you on the right track and avoid potential roadblocks that can cause the divorce process to drag on longer than needed.  At Renken Law Firm in Houston, our divorce coaches are here to provide flexible support as you navigate the divorce process. We help you to identify goals and follow through with them in order to yield you the most effective results in your unique situation. This can include helping you plan for the future for yourself and any children you may have. We understand that divorce can feel overwhelming, especially for parents who are uncertain about what life after divorce will look like. These are normal feelings that can be addressed and worked through with your divorce coach.  Too often, divorcing moms and dads …

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Same-Sex Couple Custody Attorney in Houston

Same-Sex Couple Custody Attorney in Houston

November 3, 2020

Family law cases for same-sex couples changed in the summer of 2015 when the United States Supreme Court legalized marriage for same-sex couples across the nation. While this is a relatively new ruling, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm in Houston have been helping same-sex coupled families and members of the LGBTQ+ community navigate legal matters through domestic partner agreements long before. For the most experienced same-sex couple custody attorney in Houston, contact us today.  With same-sex marriage legalized in all 50 states, couples with children now will be faced with the same legal obstacles as any other divorcing couple. For same-sex married couples with children, this means having to reach agreements for everything from child custody, visitation rights, child support, and more. The dedicated attorneys at Renken Law Firm have always provided comprehensive legal counsel to members of the LGBTQ+ community in order to address their family law needs. Now, with the push for marriage equality, our team will also be able to provide representation in same-sex divorce cases. How Is Custody Different in Same-Sex Divorce Cases? Unfortunately in the state of Texas, being legally married does not automatically mean the courts will recognize a non-biological parent as the …

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LGBTQ+ Family Law Attorney in Houston

LGBTQ+ Family Law Attorney in Houston

October 30, 2020

In June of 2015, the United States Supreme Court granted it legal for same-sex couples to marry in all fifty states. However, in addition to granting this long-awaited civil-right to members of the LGBTQ+ community, it also was the start of many new family law issues, including those relating to divorce and child custody.  A common misconception many same-sex couples face is that the false belief that being legally married will recognize a non-biological parent as the presumptive parent of any children born throughout the marriage. The laws that govern these decisions are made on a state-level. In the state of Texas, a non-biological parent must legally adopt the children in order to be recognized as their parent and given any parental rights.  Our LGBTQ+ family law attorneys are experienced in handling same-sex divorce cases. We will work closely with you so that you do not have to navigate the legal process alone, or with an attorney that does not understand the specific needs of a same-sex divorce case. It is our mission to provide a safe and comfortable environment in order to help your family access the same legal rights and protections given to opposite-sex married couples.  Some of …

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LGBTQ+ Divorce Mediator in Houston

LGBTQ+ Divorce Mediator in Houston

October 29, 2020

Since 2015, same-sex couples have been given the same right as opposite-sex couples to marry and divorce as they please. While this is a huge step in the fight for equality in our country, it can still be difficult for same-sex married couples to find experienced legal professionals to help them navigate their divorce. At Renken Law Firm, we have experience working with same-sex couples and do everything we can to ensure the divorce is being handled with the same level of dedication and attention as any other. We understand in some same-sex divorce cases, couples will have specific needs that may not be present with opposite-sex marriages. Whether you are looking for a divorce attorney to represent you solely, or are looking for an LGBTQ+ divorce mediator in Houston, the team at Renken Law Firm can help you. Contact us today to learn more about your options for divorce and to begin the process of divorce.  Amicable Divorce Agreements Through Mediation The point of divorce mediation is to provide a simpler method of divorce for couples who are able to sit down and work through the terms of their divorce. If the couple is unable to participate in civilized …

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LGBTQ+ Divorce Attorney in Houston

LGBTQ+ Divorce Attorney in Houston

October 27, 2020

In 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, marking a huge stride in our country’s fight for civil equalities. With all types of marriage, there is always the risk of divorce. However, it can be difficult for same-sex couples to find attorneys and legal professionals who are experienced in handling same-sex divorce cases. At Renken Law Firm in Houston, we have experience handling many different types of divorce cases, from mediating same-sex divorces to going to court to represent one party of a same-sex marriage for a divorce. We understand every divorce case is unique and we believe in treating it as such. When it comes to handling your case our attorneys are prepared to help you in every way possible to reach an agreement that fits your specific needs.  Our team of legal professionals fights for families to help them protect themselves and their belongings while putting a strong focus on promoting the best interest of any children in the marriage. If you are currently looking to file a same-sex divorce or are going through one, contact Renken Law Firm in Houston. We will help you navigate this difficult time and work …

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Houston Same-Sex Divorce Attorney

Houston Same-Sex Divorce Attorney

October 26, 2020

If you are part of a same-sex marriage and looking for a divorce, working with an attorney that has experience in same-sex divorce cases can help make the process easier to navigate. At Renken Law Firm our Houston same-sex divorce attorneys are experienced when it comes to helping couples dissolve their marriage in any method they choose. This includes the following: Same-Sex Divorce Mediation: Divorce mediation is an excellent option for couples who wish to work together in order to reach an amicable divorce agreement. Mediation works best when both parties are able to communicate effectively and discuss important issues without getting upset. Mediation is generally more affordable than other methods of divorce and allows the divorcing couple to finalize the terms of their divorce on their own without a judge. The agreement will be made in the presence of a neutral third-party who acts as a mediator to help ensure the couple is not excluding any important matters from their divorce agreement.  Same-Sex Contested Divorce: Contested divorces are never easy, however, in the case of same-sex contested divorces matters can be made more complicated when you are working with an attorney that is not experienced in same=sex divorce cases. …

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Amicable Divorce Mediation in Galveston TX

Amicable Divorce Mediation in Galveston TX

October 24, 2020

For couples that are seeking amicable divorce mediation in Galveston, TX, Renken Law Firm can help. We offer our clients a chance to step away from traditional litigation and work together in a private environment to come up with the terms of their divorce. Not only is mediation much more flexible and affordable, but it also keeps the divorce agreement completely private. The only people who need to know the terms of the divorce are both spouses and the neutral third-party they decide on as a mediator. If you are unsure which divorce method works best for you, contact Renken Law Firm today. Our team of legal professionals is here to help you find the best solutions for your family, to minimize the stress and inconveniences of a divorce. Contact our office today to learn more about your options and learn more about amicable divorce mediation in Galveston, TX. Why Should I Choose Attorney Dawn Renken For My Divorce Mediation? In addition to Dawn Renken’s years of experience practicing as a family law attorney, she is also a Licensed Mediator through ADR Services International Inc. Using the knowledge of divorce cases and agreements she has gained in the courtroom, she …

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Simple Divorce Solutions

Simple Divorce Solutions

October 22, 2020

Divorce is never easy for anyone, but some methods of divorce may be simpler than others. Divorce mediation is one of the most simple methods for divorce and leaves all of the decision making up to the parties involved instead of a judge. Unfortunately, if you and your spouse are unable to work through your divorce agreement together, to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, then mediation may not work for you. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, our attorneys are here to help you make the best choices for your family during a difficult time. We believe simple divorce solutions should always be explored before diving deep into litigation. Contact our office today to learn more about divorce mediation, to determine if it is a good option for your divorce. How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take? In Texas, there is a minimum 60-day waiting period after filing the initial petition for divorce before it can be finalized. This waiting period begins from the day the original petition for divorce is filed with the court. This means a divorce can be completed in 61 days in the state of Texas. However, this is the minimum amount of time a divorce …

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Affordable Galveston Divorce Mediation Expert

Affordable Galveston Divorce Mediation Expert

October 20, 2020

While divorces are often difficult for families, working with our Galveston divorce mediation experts can help to alleviate some of the stress. Our goal is to help divorcing couples come together and find solutions that fit the needs of both parties in order to reach an amicable divorce agreement. When you choose divorce mediation you will be able to negotiate directly with your spouse about how to divide property, finances, responsibilities, and more. This can help accelerate your divorce process by cutting out the back and forth litigation that can sometimes last months in courtroom divorces.  In 2014, family law attorney, Dawn Renken, became a licensed mediator through ADR Services International Inc. Since this time, Attorney Renken has been working as a Galveston divorce mediation expert with couples to help them work together to reach divorce agreements that are mutually beneficial for their long term needs. The role of the mediator is to simply ensure all important matters are discussed and dealt with, as well as ensure neither party is using bully tactics in order to get the other party to agree to the terms they desire for their divorce. Your divorce agreement is only finalized when both parties agree …

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Best Divorce Mediator in Galveston TX

Best Divorce Mediator in Galveston TX

October 19, 2020

Divorce mediation is an increasingly more popular choice for couples looking to dissolve their marriage for many reasons. In most cases, divorce mediation is considered a more affordable way to divorce, as both parties will not need to hire an attorney and the negotiations can typically be completed in a shorter period of time. Additionally, divorce mediation offers couples more privacy than litigated divorces where all information presented becomes public knowledge. Perhaps the most attractive aspect of divorce mediation, however, is that the divorce terms will not be finalized until both parties are in agreement and choose to sign off. If you are looking for the best divorce mediator in Galveston, TX, contact Renken Law Firm today. Attorney Dawn Renken is a practicing family law attorney in Texas, that specializes in divorce cases in Galveston, TX. Attorney Renken received her mediation license through ADR Services International Inc. in 2014. Since this time, she has worked with a wide range of divorcing couples looking for alternatives to traditional courtroom divorces. Mediation offers the opportunity to divorce without public court appearances or back and forth litigation. Mediation is a private method of divorce that allows both parties to work together to reach …

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Is Divorce Mediation Quick?

Is Divorce Mediation Quick?

October 15, 2020

There are many reasons for divorcing couples to choose mediation over traditional courtroom divorces. One of the reasons being that mediated divorces are often handled much quicker than ones that go to court and require back and forth negotiations between both sides. It is however important to note that no divorce in the state of Texas can be finalized in less than 61 days. So even if your divorce is mediated and you have all of the details worked out, you will still be required to wait 61 days after your initial divorce petition is filed in order to be divorced.  Working with a divorce mediator helps you to quickly work with your separated spouse in order to come up with the terms of your divorce. Unlike in courtroom divorces where judges have the final say in the division of assets, property, rights, and debts, the mediation process leaves all of the decision making up to the two people who are being divorced. Your mediator will serve as a neutral third party to help ensure the divorce is fair, that both parties are being heard, and that no one is intimidating the other party into agreeing to their divorce terms. …

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Top 3 Reasons To Consider Divorce Mediation

Top 3 Reasons To Consider Divorce Mediation

October 12, 2020

The divorce process is often considered emotionally and financially draining for all parties that are involved. Not only is stress high, but couples are also faced with the task of hiring attorneys, figuring out new arrangements for home, dividing property, and of course dividing responsibilities. The good news is that for many couples the stresses of divorce can be lessened when both parties are willing to work together and play nice, to reach amicable divorce solutions that are mutually beneficial. If you and your partner are willing to talk through your issues to reach a divorce agreement that fits both of your needs, divorce mediation may be the best method of divorce for you.  Listed below are the top 3 reasons to consider divorce mediation: Save Money With Divorce Mediation: It is no secret that traditional courtroom divorces can become expensive quickly. From attorney fees to the cost of missing work for court dates, the financial drain can be significant. With mediation couples are able to skip the back and forth between their attorneys and work together with a neutral third party to talk about their ideas for divorce. Schedule your consultation today to learn more about divorce mediation and …

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Who Is The Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston?

Who Is The Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston?

October 9, 2020

When it comes to filing for a divorce, you will want to work with the best Galveston divorce attorney for your case. Having the knowledge of an experienced divorce attorney on your side can go a long way in helping you reach an agreement that works for the needs of your family. A good divorce attorney will represent you by being your ally and advocate throughout the entire divorce process. The focus of the attorneys at Renken Law Firm is to ensure every client we work with is able to come to an amicable and mutually agreeable settlement with their spouse. No matter how you file, our team of divorce specialists is here to help you navigate this difficult time. We offer the best divorce mediation services in Galveston, TX as well as the best-contested divorce services in Galveston, TX. Let us represent you in your divorce case to ensure you are doing everything you can to protect yourself and your property.  Divorce Mediation in Galveston Texas In addition to traditional divorce methods, our team provides the best divorce mediation services in Galveston, TX. Divorce mediation can be a more affordable and private method for divorce that leaves the final …

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Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston TX

Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston TX

October 7, 2020

Divorce is a difficult process that comes with many emotions and complications that may leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin. While it may feel like an isolating process, you are not alone. Over 75,000 people each year seek divorce in the state of Texas. If you are one of the 75,000 people who is looking to dissolve your marriage the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you get through the process as smoothly and quickly as possible, so that you are able to refocus on the things in life that bring you joy.  The couples that choose to end their marriage must take the legal steps recognized by the state in order to properly and officially divorce. The team at Renken Law Firm in Galveston is here to help you find the solutions you are looking for in order to reach a divorce agreement that fits your immediate and long term needs. We have the experience required to help you reach an amicable agreement that allows you to move forward with your life. Do not get stuck with a divorce agreement that does not fit your needs and lifestyle. Instead, reach out to …

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Is Divorce Mediation Cheaper?

Is Divorce Mediation Cheaper?

October 5, 2020

For many couples, divorce mediation offers solutions for the aspects of filing a divorce that can be most problematic. For one, mediation is a direct process that allows couples to work together to reach agreements over all aspects of their divorce. No issue is settled until both parties agree to the terms together. In divorces that go to court, the judge will have the final say in all aspects of your divorce. This means both parties have the potential to walk away unsatisfied with the terms of their final divorce agreement. Unfortunately, mediation does not work for everyone as both parties have to be willing to work together to reach an amicable agreement in order to successfully mediate their divorce.  From a financial aspect, divorce mediation may also be preferred for many couples. This is because divorces that go to court may require several court dates and meetings with a divorce attorney, for both parties. This can quickly become an expensive process that for many couples is just not worth it. Divorce mediation allows couples to work together with the help of a neutral third-party in order to come to fair and mutually beneficial terms for their divorce. This can …

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Same-Sex Divorce Attorney in Texas

Same-Sex Divorce Attorney in Texas

October 1, 2020

Working with a divorce attorney that has experience in same-sex divorce cases can make it easier for same-sex couples. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX our attorneys are able to navigate this difficult time to help couples dissolve their marriage in any method they choose. This includes same-sex divorce mediation, same-sex contested divorced, and same-sex uncontested divorces. We work with our clients to ensure their needs are being met and they are treated with respect. If you would like to learn more about the services we offer or begin the process of divorce, contact our office today. We can get you the answers you are looking for while helping you get started as soon as possible. Same-Sex Divorce Mediation in Texas: Divorce mediation is a private and personal method for divorce. Instead of leaving the final say up to a judge, mediation allows couples to come up with the terms of their divorce on their own. This method requires couples to work together in order to reach an amicable agreement that suits them both. If you are looking for a same-sex divorce mediator, Renken Law Firm can help you. Same-Sex Contested Divorce: A contested divorce can be difficult to …

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Experienced Same-Sex Divorce Attorney

Experienced Same-Sex Divorce Attorney

September 30, 2020

Same-sex marriages share the same rights and privileges as any other marriage. This means when these marriages do not go according to plan, and the couple chooses to divorce the process is also the same. However, same-sex marriages are not always considered as traditional, which can make coming to a divorce agreement a bit more involved. At Renken Law Firm, we have experience handling many different types of divorce cases, from mediating same-sex divorces to going to court to represent one party of a same-sex marriage in a divorce. We understand every divorce case is unique and we believe in treating it as such. When it comes to handling your case our attorneys are prepared to help you with: Child Custody: For same-sex marriages, custody over a child may be less traditional than with other divorce cases. Working with an experienced same-sex attorney can help you navigate this difficult time and get the results you need for the happiness and wellbeing of your family. Schedule a consultation with Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX today.  Child Support: Child support is a topic that can be difficult to tackle in any marriage. Our team of legal experts can ensure your child’s …

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Same-Sex Divorce Mediation

Same-Sex Divorce Mediation

September 25, 2020

In June of 2015, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. This ruling has gone down in history as one of the greatest achievements in our country’s fight for equality. While this is an absolute victory for our society, it also has brought new dynamics to the surface, such as how to handle a same-sex divorce. While the concept of divorce and property division is not new, finding an attorney who you can confidently rely on to navigate these circumstances can be a bit difficult. At Renken Lawfirm in Galveston, TX we help couples from all walks of life come to divorce agreements that fit their individual needs.  For couples who are able to work together in order to amicably resolve the division of rights and property, divorce mediation is often the most affordable and convenient option. Attorney Dawn Renken specializes in divorce mediation and has experience working with same-sex couples to reach divorce agreements that fit the needs of their circumstance. This includes resolving issues that include but are not limited to, child custody, child support, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, division of property, visitation rights, child abuse, domestic violence, and …

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Do Both Parties Require A Mediator in Divorce?

Do Both Parties Require A Mediator in Divorce?

September 22, 2020

Divorce mediation offers many couples an alternative to traditional divorce that better fits their needs and lifestyle. Litigated divorces can be long and drawn out, full of court appearances, and attorney fees along the way. This is not appealing for many couples who wish to work together to reach an amicable agreement in their divorce for matters including property division, finances, child custody, debt distribution, and more.  Mediated divorces will only require one mediator who works with both parties to ensure their needs are being met and that neither party is using intimidation tactics or their position to influence the other party into agreeing with them. Whenever you choose to have a mediated divorce, the agreements you come to will be private between both spouses and a neutral third party who acts as the mediator. The mediator will be responsible for ensuring the agreement the couple reaches is fair and mutually beneficial, presently and in the future.  Working with a divorce mediator can be helpful because they will have insight and knowledge that can help you to make the best choices for your divorce. Even if both divorcing parties are in total agreement about how they would like to divide …

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Virtual Divorce Mediation in Texas

Virtual Divorce Mediation in Texas

September 21, 2020

COVID-19 has led to many businesses closing down temporarily or altering the way they conduct business in order to help fight against the spread of this highly contagious virus. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, we are doing our part to continue offering quality family law and divorce services without requiring in-person visits. We understand that divorces are often difficult in normal circumstances, but during a pandemic, the stresses are increased. We specialize in helping divorcing couples that wish to work together through the mediation process to reach a resolution in their divorce case. Schedule your virtual divorce mediation consultation with one of our trusted attorneys today. We can help you understand your choices for divorce moving forward, as well as begin the process for divorce as soon as you are ready. Whether you choose divorce mediation or another process of divorce our team can help provide you with useful information and services. You do not have to wait until after the pandemic ends to begin the process of divorce. Instead, schedule an online consultation with one of our attorneys to explore your option for divorce in the state of Texas. While many couples choose divorce mediation because it …

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Affordable Divorce Mediation in Galveston

Affordable Divorce Mediation in Galveston

September 17, 2020

Mediation is often the most affordable option for couples seeking a divorce. If you and your spouse are capable of working together to reach an amicable agreement for matters involving property division, finances, and in some cases even custody of a child, divorce mediation may work for you. The mediation process has many positive attributes, including that it is considered one of the most private methods of divorce. This is because the mediated divorce agreement is reached between both spouses, while a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to ensure the agreement reached is mutually beneficial. There is no court record or transcript of the conversation that leads to the divorce agreement. Mediation can also be more affordable in divorce cases where couples are looking to speed up the process and avoid lengthy court appearances and the additional attorney fees that come with long, drawn-out divorces. This makes it a very popular choice for couples that are able to work together to settle their differences. Family law attorney, Dawn Renken, has been working as a mediator with couples to help them negotiate divorce agreements that work for both of their long term needs since 2014. She is a licensed mediator, …

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How Quickly Can I Get A Divorce

How Quickly Can I Get A Divorce?

September 11, 2020

For many couples, once they have made the decision to end their marriage, the first question they have is, “How quickly can I get a divorce?” This answer varies depending on the state you are divorcing in. In the state of Texas, there is a minimum of 60 days that must pass after the initial petition for divorce is filed with the court system. However, it is important to take into consideration that while you may be eager to go complete the process and go your separate ways, a quick divorce may not be in everyone’s best interest. Working with a professional divorce attorney, such as the ones at Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, can help you to determine what important factors you should take into consideration before reaching a divorce agreement. In some cases, it will take several months to a year, for couples to find a mutually beneficial agreement for the terms of their divorce. What Factors Should Be Taken Into Consideration? Before rushing into a finalized divorce, you will want to take a survey of many different aspects of your marriage and lifestyle, to ensure that you are protecting yourself and legally prepared to walk away …

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Can I Get A Divorce During The Pandemic

Can I Get A Divorce During The Pandemic?

September 10, 2020

As if the normal stresses of divorce weren’t enough, having to navigate divorce proceedings during a pandemic can be downright overwhelming. Social isolation has been difficult for families across the globe, but especially for those who are enduring difficulties at home. Unfortunately, many things are uncertain right now as businesses in all industries struggle to pay their employees’ salaries, our stock market fluctuates severely, and the real estate market is in an uncertain place. It may seem impossible to come to a divorce agreement at this time that is beneficial or sustainable for both or either party. All of the confusion and uncertainty has left many people wondering, “Can I get a divorce during the pandemic?” The simple answer is, yes. However, many courts are closed or operating under strict COVID-19 guidelines, which may slow your divorce process down if you are in deep negotiations for your divorce agreement. For couples that are looking for an amicable divorce and have similar ideas about the best way to divide their property and assets, a divorce during this pandemic does not have to be made complicated by the current circumstances. A divorce can be as simple as filing paperwork with the courts. …

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Virtual Divorce Consultation

Virtual Divorce Consultation

September 2, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the way our society does many things. All around the world people are adapting to a new way of life, continuing to social distance, while also trying to get back to a sense of normalcy. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, we are doing our part to continue offering the same quality family law and divorce services now that we always have. We understand that even under the best circumstances, divorces can be major sources of anxiety and stress. A divorce during a pandemic can be especially trying, as many of us are adjusting to new work lives, new home lives, and a new world. The impact that COVID-19 has had on our lives is unprecedented. Schedule your virtual divorce consultation with one of our trusted attorneys today. We can help you understand your choices for divorce moving forward, as well as begin the process for divorce as soon as you are ready. COVID-19 Impacts Child Support If you have experienced a change in your work schedule or have been laid off, due to Coronavirus, you may be struggling to pay your bills, including your child support payments. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, we …

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Galveston TX Divorce Mediation Experts

Galveston TX Divorce Mediation Experts

August 31, 2020

Are you unsure if divorce mediation is the right option for your divorce? There are a range of options for divorce that are worth considering, including collaborative, litigation, and of course mediation. In divorce mediation, couples select a neutral third party to facilitate open discussions focusing on the issues in the divorce. Many times, the mediator selected for these divorce cases is a divorce attorney. This is useful because divorce attorneys have intimate knowledge of how divorces work and what needs will need to be addressed. When couples elect to use mediation as a way to reach a divorce agreement, the conditions are not finalized until a mutually agreeable settlement is reached and signed on by both parties in front of their mediation. This is different than in litigated divorces where a judge has the final decision in the outcome for the terms of a couple’s divorce. Mediation is a great option for those who are looking to play a more active role in the terms surrounding their divorce. If you are unsure if divorce mediation is right for you, schedule an appointment with our team to discuss the specifics of your case. Our attorneys will be able to answer …

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Is Divorce Mediation Easy

Is Divorce Mediation Easy?

August 26, 2020

Divorce is never easy for anyone, but some methods of divorce may come with less stress than others. Divorce mediation is one of the most simple methods for divorce and leaves all of the decision making up to the parties involved. However, if you and your spouse are unable to work through your divorce agreement together, to reach an amicable solution that fits both of your needs, then mediation may not work for you. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, our attorneys are here to help you make the best choices for your family during a difficult time. Contact our office today to learn more about divorce mediation, to determine if it is a good option for your divorce. Divorce mediation has become increasingly more popular as people move away from traditional divorce cases. When a divorce is litigated, all of the terms of the divorce and custody agreement will be finalized by a judge’s ruling, even if it leaves both parties unhappy with the choices. When couples choose divorce mediation to reach an amicable divorce agreement together, they will both have equal and final say to what the terms of their divorce are, which makes divorce mediation easier …

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Do I Have To Explain Why I Want A Divorce

Do I Have To Explain Why I Want A Divorce?

August 24, 2020

It may be hard to see any positives when you are having to file for divorce, but if you are filing for divorce in Texas, there are less rules and restrictions in this state than in many others. Texas is what is considered a “no -fault” state. This means, for those who are looking to file for divorce in the state of Texas, there will be no need to explain why or cite a cause for the divorce. However, just because you do not need to present a reason to the courts for why you would like a divorce, this does not mean citing cause is not helpful. For many Texans, their divorce ends due to a reason they believe goes against the agreement of their marriage. Whenever there is a fault for the breakup, it may influence how the court system rules in your divorce case. This means, when it comes to deciding how to properly divide property or rights, a court may take into consideration the cause for the divorce in the first place. If the court sees the divorce is mostly due to the actions of one person, they may determine the person at-fault party is responsible …

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How Much Does a Divorce Costs in Texas

How Much Does a Divorce Costs in Texas?

August 4, 2020

It is no secret that divorces are known to be emotionally and financially draining on families. In some divorce cases, the circumstances may be simple, leading to a quick and amicable agreement. However, most divorces will require some time and effort from both parties in order to reach a mutually beneficial settlement. Couples will need to come up with an agreement that covers everything from the division of their property, rights, responsibilities, assets, and more. By working with an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney, you will be able to discuss all of the important details of your marriage and family life. This will help your attorney understand your specific dynamic, and prioritize your needs in the divorce agreement. Your divorce attorney will be responsible for several different aspects of your divorce. This will include properly drafting and filing the appropriate legal documents, negotiating your specific needs for you, as well as providing excellent  advice throughout the process. Your divorce attorney will help you come up with long term solutions for fairly dividing your shared debt, assets, and responsibilities. In cases with more complex financial and legal situations, the divorce may require more time, which can affect the overall costs associated …

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What Do Family Law Attorneys Do

What Do Family Law Attorneys Do?

August 3, 2020

Family law attorneys are legal professionals that have specialized education and experience dealing with a wide range of legal issues that can impact members of a family. Some of the most common issues that are handled by one of these legal professionals include divorce cases, child custody agreements, property division, and more. In addition to representing their clients in court, family lawyers are also qualified to act as mediators to help families sort through disagreements and reach amicable solutions. Listed below is a deeper look into some of the main things family law attorneys help their clients with: Divorce Cases: Divorces, even in the most amicable of situations, have the potential to be both emotionally and financially straining on families. In some cases, coming to a peaceful agreement that suits both parties’ needs may be too difficult for couples to do on their own. In these cases, working with an experienced family law attorney can help the couples to mediate their disputes or may represent just one member of the family in a divorce case. If you are looking for a reliable and dedicated divorce attorney in Galveston, TX, the team at Renken Law Firm can help. Our team helps …

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What Is A Local Divorce Attorney

What Is A Local Divorce Attorney?

August 2, 2020

An attorney is a person who practices law, as an advocate or other counselor, by preparing, interpreting, and applying terms of the law on the behalf of their clients. These professionals are able to apply laws to the specific dynamics present in their client’s lifestyle in order to represent them. A local attorney is able to do all of these things, while also maintaining updated knowledge of the specific and unique laws to their client’s city and state. Whenever it comes to filing for a divorce in Galveston, TX, you will want to work with an experienced and knowledgeable local divorce attorney. Working with someone local who you feel comfortable discussing the details of your marriage and family life with can go a long way to helping you get the best divorce settlement. Our team stays up to date with all local state and local laws, in order to keep our clients safe and provide them with the best legal services throughout Texas. Our experienced local Galveston attorneys will be useful tools for all the legal matters that surround your divorce case. This includes but is not limited to filing the appropriate legal paperwork and documents; negotiating for your best …

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Is It Better To Hire A Local Divorce Attorney

Is It Better To Hire A Local Divorce Attorney?

July 29, 2020

Whenever it comes to deciding which family law attorney you should hire for your divorce case, there will be a couple of factors you will want to keep in mind. First of all, you will want to work with an experienced attorney who can talk to you knowledgeably about the divorce process and what you can expect. Another major factor to consider is, you will want to work with a local divorce attorney in your area. There are two major reasons for working with a local divorce attorney: State Laws: Whenever you are getting a divorce, you will want to hire the services of an attorney who works within your state. This is because divorce laws vary between states, making it important to work with an experienced attorney who knows the specific laws and guidelines for divorce in your area. Hiring an attorney who does not have the bulk of their knowledge and experience from working cases in your specific state can be a disadvantage to your divorce case. The attorneys at Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX are Texas attorneys who understand the specific set of rules that come along with Texas divorce cases. Contact our team today to …

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Is Hiring A Divorce Lawyer Worth It

Is Hiring A Divorce Lawyer Worth It?

July 26, 2020

For many couples seeking divorce, they may be unsure if hiring a divorce lawyer is worth it for their specific situation. They may feel that avoiding an attorney’s involvement will save them money and keep the divorce simple and quick. However, even in cases where couples are divorcing amicably and agree on the division of their rights, responsibilities, and property, a divorce attorney can provide helpful insight and useful information. In some situations, hiring a divorce attorney is more important than others. If you are in a situation with any of the following characteristics, schedule an appointment with our team right away to protect yourself and family during your divorce: A Victim of Abuse: If you, your children, or anyone else living in the marital home are victims of physical or emotional abuse, you will want to work with an attorney for your case. Courts take abuse seriously and will work with you to gain safety and protection from your abuser during this time. Spouse is Dishonest: If you have any reason to believe your spouse is being dishonest with you, whether to protect themselves, complicate the divorce, or to put you at a disadvantage for getting your fair share …

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What Percentage of Divorces Go To Trial

What Percentage of Divorces Go To Trial?

July 18, 2020

A fairly low percentage of divorce cases will ever end up going to trial. In fact, it is thought that somewhere under ten percent and close to five percent of divorce cases end up in a litigated trial. Just because the percentage is low, it does not mean you should not be prepared to go through a trial in your divorce. Working with a highly trained and experienced family law attorney can help you navigate the difficult waters that come along with the end of a marriage. If you are looking for alternative options for divorce, the Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX can also help you with this. Our legal team is dedicated to helping families find the best solutions for their specific needs in order to provide them with the best representation possible. From high pressure trial divorces to amicable mediated divorces, we are here for you. Contested Divorce in Galveston TX If you are currently in the process of filing for a contested divorce in Galveston, TX, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm can help. Whenever you are ending a marriage that children are involved in, it becomes even more important that you work with an experienced …

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What Does Legal Separation Protect You From

What Does Legal Separation Protect You From?

July 15, 2020

Many people who come to the Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX have questions about what a legal separation is and  if they may benefit from it before a divorce. However, the state of Texas does not recognize legal separations. Luckily, there are some options which may have similar results for those who are looking to protect themselves before a divorce. In Texas, courts allow you to use temporary orders, protective orders, and even separation agreements to reach many of the same outcomes as someone in another state who files for a legal separation. All of these orders are similar to legal separations because they work to find solutions for parental visitation issues, financial support, property orders, and more. What is a temporary order? Temporary orders are choices made by family courts at the hearing that a couple signs their original petition for divorce. The court will help make decisions for concerns that need immediate attention for the safety of all parties and to protect the best interests of any children involved. The most common issues that will be addressed in a temporary order include: -Child custody and visitation -Child support payments -Spousal support -Possession of vehicles -Possession of marital …

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What Does A Judge Look For In A Child Custody Case

What Does A Judge Look For In A Child Custody Case?

July 9, 2020

Divorces involving children can be extremely difficult for families to endure. In many cases, emotions run high, making it nearly impossible for both parties to agree on the terms of their custody. When parents are unable to work together to reach an amicable decision about the care of their children, courts will step in, leaving the final terms of custody to the judge to decide. The judge in a child custody case is tasked with the responsibility of protecting and promoting the best interests of any child involved in the divorce. This requires the judge to take many different factors into consideration when determining the best custody arrangement for the needs of the child. Listed below are some of the main considerations a judge will take into account before determining the best placement for a child:     Age of the Child: Younger children require constant care and supervision from a parent, guardian, or caretaker. If one parent works much longer hours and another has a more relaxed schedule, this can have the potential to greatly influence the court’s decision. Judges will most often assign custody to the parent who has provided the most hands-on care for the child. This includes …

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What Should You Not Do During A Custody Battle

What Should You Not Do During A Custody Battle?

July 7, 2020

Going through a divorce is never a pleasant process; however, divorces involving young children can be even more grueling for a family to endure. If you are currently going through the divorce process and foresee a custody battle up ahead, there will be many actions and behaviors you will want to avoid in order to leave the least negative impact on your family, and in order to be seen favorably by the court. Divorce judges take several factors into consideration when it comes to assigning both the physical placement and legal custody of a child. It is the judges duty to always protect and promote the best interest of the children involved in any divorce case. Listed below are some tips for what you should not do during a custody battle: Avoid Verbal Confrontation: This rule not only applies to verbal confrontations with your ex-spouse, but also with your children. It is important to remember that emotions can get out of hand quickly during a divorce, engaging in a verbal confrontation may lead you to act in ways that are not typically reflected in your personality. These days everyone has a smartphone, making it easier than ever to record phone …

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What Is The Process Of Mutual Divorce

What Is The Process Of Mutual Divorce?

June 25, 2020

What Is Mutual Divorce? A mutual divorce, also referred to as an agreed divorce or uncontested divorce, is a divorce in which both parties agree to the terms of the divorce decree or a divorce in which the spouse being presented with the divorce fails to file a written response in the divorce proceedings. In order to have proof that your spouse agrees to the terms of the divorce decree, you will need to have them sign it when presented in court. An uncontested divorce does not mean that you and your spouse are in complete agreement about all terms of the divorce. In fact, it is most common for both parties to have disagreements in the early stages of divorce. Filing for an uncontested divorce simply means, both parties are committed to negotiations among themselves in order to reach a final divorce agreement. Many couples elect to file for an uncontested divorce because it is much more affordable and offers privacy for both parties. Contested divorces can be lengthy, adding to the overall cost associated with legal fees. Additionally, all contested divorces are litigated in a public court, making everything in the case public knowledge. In order to file …

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What Happens If You Don't Agree In Mediation

What Happens If You Don’t Agree In Mediation?

June 19, 2020

What Is Divorce Mediation? Mediation is an alternative method used by couples seeking divorce. This method of divorce is often used in cases where both parties are willing to work together, in order to reach an amicable agreement that suits both of their needs. Divorce mediation will work to cover the final divisions for matters involving property, financial assets, financial debts, and in some cases even custody of a child. Mediation is a more direct process of divorce, that allows more privacy and freedom for the parties involved. The mediation agreement will be reached between both spouses, while a neutral third party works as a mediator, to ensure that both parties’ needs are being heard and that the agreement reached is mutually beneficial. The mediation process helps to eliminate the need for several back and forth negotiations, allowing for a quicker and more communicative divorce agreement. In traditional divorces, a judge will listen to what both parties have to say and show, before making the ultimate decision in the terms of their divorce agreement. One of the greatest benefits to choosing mediation as your method for divorce, is that both parties must agree on the terms of the divorce before …

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How Do I Know If My Divorce Is Final

How Do I Know If My Divorce Is Final?

June 10, 2020

In the state of Texas, there are strict divorce requirements for the time frame in which a divorce can be finalized. The law requires a minimum of 60 days after filing for a divorce before it can be officially recognized by the courts. This 60 day waiting countdown will begin the day the original petition for divorce is filed with the court. This means if the couple reaches a resolution and there are no circumstances, a divorce can be completed in 61 days in the state of Texas. However, this is the absolute minimum amount of time a divorce can take. For many families divorces are not this simple and have the potential to last longer, even in the event of a mediated divorce. In fact, when looking at the average divorce period, you will find they last somewhere between 90 to 120 days after the original petition for divorce is filed. So, how do you know when your divorce has been finalized? Your divorce will become finalized on the day the court signs the decree. It may take a few days later for you to receive the decree, since in most circumstances it will not be sent directly to …

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Can A Judge Change a Mediation Agreement

Can A Judge Change a Mediation Agreement?

June 7, 2020

Over the last decade we have seen a steep increase in couple’s choosing to participate in mediation and collaborative divorce methods. This is largely due to the fact that in traditional divorce cases, the terms of the divorce and custody agreement will be finalized by a judge’s ruling. However, when couples choose divorce mediation to reach an amicable divorce agreement together, they will both have equal and final say to what the terms of their divorce are. This is greatly beneficial to both parties because it gives them the most control over their specific situation, and gives them the chance to find customized solutions for their unique family’s needs. Once a settlement agreement has been agreed upon and signed by both parties, it will be entered by the court into a court order. This will be held up as the official ruling by the courts and both parties will be expected to follow the agreement that was signed upon. But what happens if one or both parties decide the divorce settlement agreement no longer works for their lifestyle? Is it possible to back out of a divorce mediation agreement? Can a judge change a mediation agreement? In cases where both …

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How Long After Mediation Is Divorce Final

How Long After Mediation Is Divorce Final?

June 5, 2020

Many couples find that having their marriage resolved through mediation to be the best method for their situation. Mediation has become an increasingly more popular option for divorcing couples because it provides a private and affordable alternative that gives complete control to the spouses. Another major reason many couples choose mediation for their divorce is because it typically takes way less time to complete negotiations and come to an amicable divorce agreement. This is because unlike in litigated divorces that can be drawn out for months, with back and forth communications between parties, mediation puts both spouses in the same room to discuss their division of property, debt, and responsibilities. In many cases, when couples truly wish to work together to make the divorce work, mediation can be completed in only one meeting. This can help your divorce become finalized much quicker than other methods of divorce. However, just because you and your spouse are able to agree on the terms of your divorce quickly, there are still some statewide requirements you must meet before the divorce can become finalized.   Each state has different laws surrounding the requirements of divorce. In Texas, a no-fault state, there is a minimum 60 …

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Can I Modify My Custody Agreement

Can I Modify My Custody Agreement?

June 1, 2020

After your divorce case, you may get to a place in your life where your existing custody or child support order is no longer working with the best interest of your children in mind. If you need to make a modification to an existing child custody order, working with an enforcement and modifications attorney in Houston Heights may be your best option. At Renken Law Firm, we specialize in family law. Our team has the experience and dedication you need to protect your rights and fight for the best interest of your children in enforcement and modification cases. These cases can cover a wide range of issues that include but are not limited to child custody, visitation, relocation, and financial support. Our team takes a strategic approach to every case we work with to ensure your unique needs are being met and that you are properly represented. If you are in need of a modification to your custody agreement, contact Renken Law Firm today! Reasons For An Enforcement or Modification Most often a modification of custody will be required in dynamics where a major change in family circumstances has occurred. This can include: a guardian’s health, relocation, loss of income …

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What Is The Most Affordable Method For Divorce

What Is The Most Affordable Method For Divorce?

May 31, 2020

Unfortunately, not only are divorces often emotionally straining, they also frequently come with financial strain as well. Between both partners, legal fees can quickly get out of hand. In some divorce cases, drawn out litigation is unavoidable and the costs will be reflected in this process. However, not every divorce requires two attorneys or long back and forth negotiations in order to reach an amicable agreement. If you feel that you and your partner are able to work together in order to reach a divorce agreement, divorce mediation may be the best option for your situation. At Renken Law Firm in the Houston Heights, we help families resolve legal issues with a straightforward and logical approach. Why Divorce Mediation? These days, we see in greater numbers, the push to get away from traditional, litigated divorces. Many couples feel that this type of divorce not only interferes with their lifestyles but also has the potential to end in an agreement that does not promote the best interests of either party. Litigated divorces can go on for months, with several necessary court appearances, and growing legal fees. On top of this, many couples believe litigated divorces do not do enough to protect …

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What Can You Not Do During A Divorce

What Can You Not Do During A Divorce?

May 19, 2020

Divorce is rarely easy on either party involved. Not only is it financially and emotionally stressful, it also is full of a lot of unknowns for many people. They are unsure of what steps they need to take and how they can best protect themselves throughout the process. There also is confusion in many cases about what is not allowed during a divorce. Listed below are some of the main things that should be avoided during your divorce case: Consult An Attorney: A divorce attorney serves a very important purpose for those going through the divorce process. They have the knowledge and insight needed to see if you are taking all factors into consideration when coming to a divorce agreement. They can help to review and understand all information before you sign or agree to anything. An experienced attorney is especially helpful in situations where the divorcing couple shares a large amount of assets, property, or have other complex financial matters in their marriage. In contentious divorces, your attorney can help to make sure your specific needs are being met and that you are being represented in court. Even in situations where both parties are able to communicate in an …

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Should I File For Divorce First

Should I File For Divorce First?

May 18, 2020

Whenever a marriage begins to fail, most of the time both spouses are aware that there is an issue. In many cases, there will be a hesitation to file for divorce first. This may be because the parties are unsure if they actually want to end the relationship, they may not want to deal with complexities that come along with a divorce such as financial and emotional strain, or they just may be unsure of where to start. While it makes sense that there may be some hesitation to file for divorce, you may want to explore the potential benefits that come with being the first spouse to file for divorce. Benefits of Filing For Divorce First By choosing to file for divorce, you can begin the divorce proceedings at a time where you are financially prepared to do so. This allows you the opportunity to collect all of the information that is relevant to your divorce case ahead of time, such as any deeds, bank account statements, investment records, wills, life or property insurance policies, social security cards, titles to shared property, and more. All of this will come in handy during the divorce process and may be harder …

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How Much Does Divorce Cost If Both Parties Agree

How Much Does Divorce Cost If Both Parties Agree?

May 17, 2020

Whenever it comes to filing for divorce, there is generally quite a bit of emotional and financial stress that comes along with it. You will want to work with an experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney who you feel comfortable discussing the important details of your marriage and family life with. This attorney will be responsible for all legal matters surrounding your divorce, including filing the paperwork, negotiating on your behalf, as well as guiding you for optimal results. Your divorce attorney will help you come up with solutions for dividing debt, assets, and responsibilities that were shared in the marriage. The more in depth your debt, assets, and responsibilities are, the more time your divorce attorney will need to spend on your case. This makes it difficult to give a direct answer for how much a divorce will cost because there are many variables that must be weighed to know the answer. The cost of divorce can range from hundreds to thousands, to tens of thousands of dollars for divorce cases that go to trial. In general, amicable divorces, where both parties agree on the issues at hands, often referred to as collaborative divoce, cost much less. This is because …

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Should I Tell My Divorce Lawyer Everything

Should I Tell My Divorce Lawyer Everything?

May 16, 2020

Oftentimes, divorce clients are concerned about what they should and should not tell their attorney. It can be difficult to open up to a stranger and discuss the intimate details of your marriage and family life. In some cases the circumstances surrounding your divorce may be embarrassing, leading you to feel as if your privacy is being invaded. The good news is, whatever you discuss with your attorney is private and confidential. Your attorney will not share any details or information you share with them unless you grant them permission to do so. While not every small aspect of your life needs to be discussed, when it comes to issues directly relating back to your divorce, transparency will get you the furthest. This is because your attorney needs to know about anything your spouse may try to use against you in the divorce. You may be tempted to gloss over any infidelities or physical acts of violence, but in the end if the dirty laundry will be aired, it’s best to give your attorney the opportunity to prepare. Come Clean About All Relevant Information If there are facts in your case that directly relate to the type of spouse or …

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What Questions Will I Be Asked in Mediation

What Questions Will I Be Asked in Mediation?

May 15, 2020

There are many reasons that may lead to a married couple choosing mediation as their option for divorce. This is because divorce mediation offers many advantages that a litigated divorce cannot. For instance, in a mediated divorce instead of having to communicate through your attorneys, both spouses can communicate their needs and wishes directly with one another. This will all be done under the supervision and counsel of a licensed and trained mediator. Your mediator will be there to ensure both parties are being heard and that they are able to reach a divorce agreement that is not one-sided. The divorce mediator is there to serve as a third party who will remain as a neutral negotiator between both spouses. This will help to maintain a productive and fair balance between both spouses as they work together. It is important to realize that mediation in a divorce only works in cases where the couple is willing to work together to reach a solution for the division of their property and responsibilities. Combative couples, or couples with aggressive spouses may not be able to use divorce mediation as a way to resolve their issues and reach an agreement for their divorce. …

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How Long Can Someone Drag Out A Divorce

How Long Can Someone Drag Out A Divorce?

May 13, 2020

Unfortunately, when trying to determine the maximum amount of time one part can drag out a divorce, there is no set answer. Every divorce case is unique and depending on how inconvenient someone is willing to be, a divorce case can be dragged out multiple times, for months, and sometimes even longer. There are different reasons someone may attempt to delay a divorce from being finalized. Someone may be delaying the divorce and dragging it out as being a form of punishment or payback to their ex, to benefit financially, to attempt to financially drain the other party, to delay ending a marriage, or some other agenda. Tactics For Delaying Divorce Even in divorce cases where there is minimal animosity and both partners are working together to reach an amicable divorce agreements can become costly. However, in cases where one partner does not wish for the divorce to go through in their marriage, they may purposefully try to drag out the divorce process, which in turn will run about the overall costs of the divorce. Many times this will happen as a result of one spouse pushing their own personal agenda through tactics disguised as necessary or relevant. Some of …

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What Can I Expect At My Divorce Consultation

What Can I Expect At My Divorce Consultation?

May 12, 2020

Before you decide to hire an attorney for your divorce, you will want to have a consultation to decide if the attorney is a good fit for your needs. In this consultation, you will have the chance to discuss your case and hear what the lawyers initial thoughts are on how you should move forward. Whenever you come to this meeting, you will want to bring some items with you to help provide your attorney with some insight regarding your specific situation. Listed below are some of the items you will want to bring to your divorce consultation: A List of Questions: If you have any questions pertaining to Texas divorce laws or your attorneys experience, jot them down and bring them along with you to your consultation. These questions can help you make the best choice when hiring an attorney and also help prepare you for what is to come in the divorce process. Before your meeting, brainstorm any questions you have  and record them in your phone or on paper. Proof of Income: In divorce cases, a hot topic of discussion and in negotiations is income. Combined and independently, your divorce attorney will want to know how much …

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What Happens If My Spouse Contests The Divorce

What Happens If My Spouse Contests The Divorce?

May 11, 2020

What Is A Contested Divorce? Contested divorces are the most common type of divorce in America. Unfortunately for those filing for a contested divorce, these are typically considered the most complicated of divorces. This is because it means the two spouses involved in the marriage are unable to reach an agreement on one or more issues of their divorce. This can include the division or property, debt, child custody, child support, alimony, and more. Whenever this happens, most often both spouses will hire an attorney and they will go to court. The attorneys will help communicate the needs of their clients and explain why what they are asking for in the divorce is fair. Ultimately, in contested divorces, the judge presiding over their case will be tasked with the responsibility of making the decisions in the divorce agreement. If you are involved in Steps To Finalizing A Contested Divorce When it comes to finalizing a contested divorce, both spouses will have to take multiple steps, these include but are not limited to: -Preparing, filing, and serving the divorce petition: What this means is the paperwork for a divorce will need to be prepared by one of the spouses in the …

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What Do You Say In A Divorce Court

What Do You Say In A Divorce Court?

May 10, 2020

Many people feel a level of discomfort and anxiety before entering a courtroom. If you have never been through a divorce before the entire process can feel daunting and unfamiliar. Luckily, for those who choose to work with an experienced divorce attorney in their divorce, they will not be in a courtroom or facing a judge alone. Anything you say once in divorce court should be discussed with your attorney ahead of time, if at any point you feel unprepared to respond or unsure of what the appropriate thing to say is, you can ask to speak with your attorney privately in order to hear their advice. At Renken Law Firm, we believe in providing our clients with comprehensive advice and legal guidance, every step of the way in their divorce. If you are looking to file for a divorce or have another family law issue that you wish to speak to an attorney about, contact Renken Law Firm today. Do I Have To Go To Court? All divorces are unique in the sense that each marriage will come with its own set of assets, responsibilities, and property to be divided. In divorces where both parties are willing to work …

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What Questions Should I Ask My Divorce Lawyer

What Questions Should I Ask My Divorce Lawyer?

May 9, 2020

When it comes to filing for divorce, there are many details that will need to be ironed out before reaching an agreement. The more property and responsibilities a couple shares, including children, the more complex the divorce proceeding typically is. Working with an experienced divorce attorney can help you to ensure you are looking at all aspects of your divorce and taking into account all of your individual needs, before signing a divorce agreement. Family law attorney, Dawn Renken, is here to help you make informed and thoughtful choices in your divorce. Listed below are some of the questions you may want to ask your divorce lawyer before using them in your case: How Long Have You Practiced: When it comes to a divorce case that involves a custody dispute or a notable amount of asset division, you will want to be sure the attorney you are working with has the experience needed to help you. At Renken Law Firm, we are happy to answer any questions you may have in regards to your family law or divorce case. Contact us today to learn more about the legal services we offer and how we can help you get through your …

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How Much Divorce Attorney Fees

How Much Divorce Attorney Fees?

April 28, 2020

When it comes to getting a divorce, one of the largest expenses couple’s will face is attorney fees. Depending on the type of divorce you file, there may even be the need for two separate attorneys, meaning double the attorney costs. So how do you know how much your divorce will cost in attorney fees? There are several different variables that will factor into how much divorce attorney fees you will have throughout your divorce process. One of the main factors to take into consideration is how long the divorce process will take in total. Attorneys, in most cases, are paid by the hour. This means, the more hours you spend talking with your attorney or your attorney spends trying to negotiate with your spouse’s attorney, the higher the costs will be. In cases with high emotions and stubborn parties, there may be lots of back and forth litigation. The more times your attorney has to go back to court or speak with the other attorney the more time the divorce will take to complete. Another factor that can greatly impact the amount of time needed in your case is how much property or shared rights that need to be …

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Divorce Attorney and Child Custody

Divorce Attorney and Child Custody

April 26, 2020

In divorce cases, nothing takes priority to ensuring that the needs of any children involved are being taken into consideration. It is important that both parties work together to find solutions that promote the wellbeing of any child that may have come from the marriage. Unlike other aspects of divorce agreements, settling on child custody and child support agreements are subject to change. This is because as a child gets older, they may become involved in more activities that alter their schedule. Additionally, when it comes to child support payments the income of the parent that pays child support may change depending on their employment. This can make custody agreements difficult to come up with, without the help of an experienced family law attorney. Contact Renken Law Firm today to protect your family and reach a custody agreement that works for the needs of your child. What Happens When One Parent Fails To Uphold Custody Agreement? If you have already completed the divorce process and reached a custody agreement but feel that your ex-spouse is not following through with their obligations, contact Renken Law Firm in Houston. We understand how important the well-being of your child is and do everything …

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Divorce Attorney With Free Consultation

Divorce Attorney With Free Consultation

April 25, 2020

If you are interested in filing for divorce, there will be many different factors to consider in how you approach this with your partner. This is because in divorces the division of property and rights is a delicate process that needs to be agreed upon by both parties. Whenever you are looking to begin the divorce process, the attorneys and legal team at Renken Law Firm can help you. Our dedicated legal professionals are here to help provide you with advice and information to navigate this trying time, so you can come out on the other side with what you deserve. Receive prompt service and protect your rights by contacting us to schedule an appointment . We provide an initial one hour consultation at no cost to you, with no obligation. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you navigate this process and come out with a fair agreement that fits your unique needs. If you are currently in a position that has you considering divorcing your spouse in the state of Texas, you may be unsure of where to start. Divorces can be complex and emotionally and financially difficult to deal with. This can cause …

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Are Divorce Lawyer Fees Deductible

Are Divorce Lawyer Fees Deductible?

April 24, 2020

Divorces are known to be one of the most emotionally and financially straining situations a person can endure. It is no secret that the divorce process typically costs both parties money in order to complete. Leading many to wonder, are divorce attorney fees deductible? The IRS does not look at divorces as a necessary expense, making most costs associated with divorce not eligible for deduction. Listed below are some helpful pointers to explain the potential for tax deduction in your divorce case: What Can I Not Write Off In A Divorce? Whenever it comes looking at the finances spent in a divorce, most of these will be considered nondeductible expenses. The IRS does not allow for deductions for costs associated with personal advice, legal advice, marriage counseling, mediation, or legal action in a divorce case. This includes any money that may be spent in order to fight against the other spouse’s attempts to receive alimony, prenuptial asset agreements, attorney fees, and other expenses will not be deductible. Working with an experienced family law attorney, that specialized in divorce cases is your best option when looking to minimize divorce costs. The quicker you and your spouse are able to come to …

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What Is A Collaborative Divorce Attorney

What Is A Collaborative Divorce Attorney?

April 22, 2020

A collaborative divorce is the term used to describe the legal process in which both spouses choose to retain their own separate attorney. These attorneys will help both parties work together in order to help them work together to reach an agreement to resolve all divorce-related complications without the need for court. At Renken Law Firm, we make it our mission to fight for families to help them make the best choices for their specific needs. Protecting the best interest of all children that may be involved in the divorce is our priority. Our legal team is dedicated to getting the best results for you and your family. If you are currently in the stage of wanting to file for divorce or are currently going through one, contact the legal team at Renken Law Firm. We will help you navigate this trying time and work closely to ensure you are not missing out on any major influencing factors that may lead to financial or family issues down the road. Call us today to learn more about the family law legal services we offer and how we can help you. Our team of dedicated legal professionals are here to help you …

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Can A Divorce Attorney Subpoena Text Messages

Can A Divorce Attorney Subpoena Text Messages?

April 20, 2020

In the state of Texas, it is possible for divorce attorneys to subpoena text message records in divorce litigation. However, using them as evidence can be more complicated than it seems. This is because you will only have a short amount of time to request text message records from a phone company before they will be permanently deleted. Even with these complications, text messages are one of the most common forms of evidence admitted in divorce cases today. Divorce Made Easier Divorces are never easy. However, when it comes down to the process of filing for a divorce, working with an experienced divorce attorney, such as Dawn Renken can go a long way in helping you reach an agreement that works for the needs of your family. Your divorce lawyer should not only be your ally but also your advocate throughout the entire divorce process. They should be working to ensure all of the details of your divorce proceedings are being appropriately addressed. The goal of the attorneys at Renken Law Firm is to ensure every client we work with is able to come to an amicable and mutually agreeable settlement with their spouse. Whether you are filing for a …

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How Much Does A Divorce Attorney Cost

How Much Does A Divorce Attorney Cost?

April 19, 2020

There are many factors that go into determining how much a divorce attorney will cost you. One of the main factors that impact this cost is how long the divorce process will take to complete. Divorces with lots of back and forth litigation will take more time and require more of your attorneys time to complete. Additionally, in cases where there are many shared assets that need to be divided or terms of custody that require negotiation, this can impact the amount of time and involvement required from your attorney. If you are currently seeking a divorce in Galveston or the Greater Houston area, our legal team can help you. We know divorces can be difficult but we are here to offer you the best advice to get you through it. Contact us today to learn more about the divorce and legal services we offer and how we can help you get started on your divorce as soon as possible. Is Mediation More Affordable? When it comes down to litigated divorces and mediated divorces, mediated divorces are generally much more affordable.  One of the easiest ways to cut back on costs and emotionally taxing circumstances is by forgoing a traditional …

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Are Divorce Attorney Fees Deductible

Legal Fees for Divorce

April 17, 2020

It is no secret that divorces can quickly become expensive and may strain your family financially. Many people wonder, are divorce attorney fees deductible? When it comes to deducting legal fees associated with your divorce, the IRS is not so open minded. Listed below are some general rules that may help you to understand your tax deduction potential: Nondeductible Costs in Divorce The IRS does not allow for any deductions that apply to the expenses of personal advice, legal advice, marriage counseling, mediation, or legal action in a divorce case. This means, no write-offs for what one spouse may spend in order to resist the other spouse’s attempts to receive high alimony or to put aside a prenuptial asset agreement, for divorce counseling, for attorney fees, or other expenses. Working with an experienced divorce attorney or mediator who is able to work quickly and efficiently is your best bet at managing these fees and keeping them from getting out of hand. Fees For Alimony in Galveston  TX If one party seeks alimony from the other, the portion of legal fees that pertain specifically to collect alimony that is taxed can be included. This is much like the cost of preparing …

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How Do I Prepare for Mediation

How Do I Prepare for Mediation?

April 6, 2020

The decision to file for divorce is never a simple one to make. Once you have decided it is the best choice for you, choosing a method and preparing yourself for it will be critical in your success.  When choosing mediation as your divorce process, the following tips can help you to prepare: Be On The Same Page: In order for divorce mediation to work, both parties must agree to mediate and work together in order to reach a solution. It is understandable that in situations where a divorce is necessary that there may be some animosity between both parties, however, if this is unable to be put to the side while working to find an amicable solution for divorce you may be unsuccessful. Both parties must agree to put their best foot forward and work hard to make the process work. Collect Information: Before meeting with your mediator, it will be necessary for both parties to survey their needs in the divorce. They will want to prepare a list of all costs, assets, responsibilities, and more. If you feel one partner is not coming clean about all of their assets, you will want to present information that supports your …

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What Are The Disadvantages of Mediation

What Are The Disadvantages of Mediation?

April 4, 2020

For many couples, mediation is the best option to resolve their marriage. This is because in the divorce mediation often is the most amicable manner in which separating couples can reach an agreement on matters involving property division, finances, and in some cases even custody of a child. Mediation is an easy choice for those who are looking to reach a divorce agreement privately. This is because the terms of the agreement are made between both spouses, while a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to ensure the agreement reached is mutually beneficial. Whenever you participate in a litigated divorce process, all information that is shared or used during the divorce process becomes public knowledge. Additionally, mediation is beneficial in divorce cases where couples are looking to avoid lengthy, drawn out court appearances. Not only can added time be emotionally taxing, it also can become costly quickly, especially in cases where two attorneys are involved. Who Doesn’t Divorce Mediation Work For? In some cases, divorce mediation may present too many disadvantages in order for couples to reach a fair agreement. Whenever emotions are high or strong personalities disagree, mediation may be too difficult of a process for divorcing couples. Mediation …

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Is A Divorce Mediator A Lawyer

Is A Divorce Mediator A Lawyer?

April 2, 2020

When discussing mediation, especially for divorce, many questions may come to mind. Is mediation more affordable? Is divorce mediation private? Is a divorce mediator a lawyer? In this blog we will answer all of these questions, with the ultimate goal of helping you to understand if mediation is right for you and your family. Is Divorce Mediation More Affordable? When you compare the costs of a mediated divorce to that of a litigated divorce, in nearly every instance a mediated divorce will be more affordable. This is due to two main reasons. With a mediated divorce, you will not be required to hire the services of two separate attorneys for your case. Instead, you and your spouse will work together with a single divorce mediator to find an amicable agreement for all aspects of your divorce agreement, from custody to division of property. The mediator will act as a neutral third party, assisting you in finding long term solutions that work in the favor of both parties. If this sounds like a reasonable way for you and your partner to work through your divorce case, contact Renken Law Firm today. Our team is currently offering telecommunication services to help you …

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Coronavirus Related Layoffs Trigger Child Support Modifications

Coronavirus Related Layoffs Trigger Child Support Modifications

April 1, 2020

The impact the Coronavirus has had on our lives is unprecedented. Beyond the actual illness itself, the social response we have taken in attempts to prevent further spreading of the virus has left many without work. In these trying times, we are doing the best we can to pick up the pieces and continue living our lives. There is much uncertainty as we tread along towards the future, discovering how to maintain our obligations and care for ourselves and others. If you have experienced a change in your work schedule or have been laid off, due to Coronavirus, you may be wondering how you will be able to pay your bills, including child support. At Renken Law Firm, we are here to help those facing Coronavirus related layoffs that trigger the need for child support modifications. The health and wellness of our clients is our top priority. We are offering all of our legal services through safe telecommunication in order to follow and respect all social distancing boundaries put in place by our government. Our services have been made convenient so that you are able to get the top legal services in Houston from the comfort of your home.Our team …

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Galveston County Divorce Mediation Lawyer

Galveston County Divorce Mediation Lawyer

March 23, 2020

Why Choose Mediation for Divorce? When two parties are looking for personalized and flexible solutions for their divorce, mediation may be their best option. This is because the process is hands on and allows both parties to actively work through their issues, negotiating to reach agreements in child custody terms, property division, debt allocation, and more. If both parties share similar goals and are able to communicate effectively, mediation will allow them the most affordable and personalized conditions for reaching a divorce agreement. Contact us today to learn more about our online divorce mediation services, as well as our in office services once social gatherings have returned to normal. Our team is dedicated to helping you find divorce solutions that work for your family and your specific needs. What Does The Mediator Do? The mediator in your case will work as a neutral third party, that helps guide both parties towards resolution in the divorce. The mediator is present in order to help both parties clearly form their own positions as well as understand the needs of each other, in order to reach a compromising resolution that satisfies both parties. Licensed mediators typically are equipped with an area of expertise …

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Online Divorce Mediation in Houston

Online Divorce Mediation in Houston

March 22, 2020

With social distancing being a priority for us all right now, more than ever we are looking to alternative options to complete our daily tasks. At Renken Law Firm, we offer our clients online divorce mediation services in Houston. What this means is, we offer our clients the convenience of our legal advice and services in their homes. Our team can help you sort through and negotiate the specifics of your divorce without you needing to come into the office. If you are looking to begin the divorce process, while also doing your part to stay home and limit your social contact, Renken Law Firm can help! Once regular social gatherings have resumed, online divorce mediation services will still be available for those with busy lives looking to take care of their divorce without changing their schedule. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you get started on your divorce agreement. Who Does Divorce Mediation Work For? Divorce mediation appeals to a wide range of couples looking to avoid the expenses and public format of a litigated divorce. Not only are mediated divorces significantly more affordable and private, they are also more hands on. Instead of …

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Best Mediator For Divorce in Kingwood TX

Best Mediator For Divorce in Kingwood TX

March 13, 2020

For many couples that are seeking divorce, mediation is the best route for reaching an amicable agreement for matters involving property division, finances, and in some cases even custody of a child. The mediation process allows for more privacy than litigated divorces. This is because the mediated agreement is made between both spouses, while a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to ensure the agreement reached is mutually beneficial. Mediation can be helpful in divorce cases where couples are looking to avoid lengthy court appearances and the additional attorney fees that come with long, drawn out divorces. Practicing family law attorney, Dawn Renken, has been helping couples reach a negotiated agreement that works for both of their long term needs. In 2014, Attorney Renken became a licensed mediator, earning this title through ADR Services International Inc. If you and your spouse are actively looking to work through your divorce together, Renken Law Firm can help. Our legal team works hard to help families in Kingwood, TX come to a divorce agreement that suits everyone’s needs. If you are located in the Kingwood  area and are seeking a mediation attorney, contact Renken Law Firm. Our legal professionals can help you to …

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Mediator For Same Sex Divorce in Montrose Houston

Mediator For Same Sex Divorce in Montrose

March 9, 2020

One of the greatest moments for human rights in our country took place in June of 2015, when the United States Supreme Court ruled the same-sex marriage must be legalized in all 50 states. With this ruling, a new world was opened up and many couples were able to finally have their relationship recognized by legal institutions. Along with any group of people who choose to get married, not all same-sex marriages will work out. At Renken Law Firm, we are here to help all couples reach a divorce agreement that works for their lifestyle. When any couple chooses to get married, they are choosing to combine their property and assets. Unfortunately, this means, whenever a couple chooses to separate and end their marriage, there is a long list of family matters that may come into play. These include but are not limited to, child custody, child support, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, division of property, visitation rights, child abuse, domestic violence, and more. Is A Mediated Divorce Right For Me? In litigated divorces, both spouses will have the option to hire an attorney for legal representation. These attorneys will work privately for one spouse and represent them in all court …

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Common Questions About Mediated Divorce in Texas

Common Questions About Divorce in Texas

March 5, 2020

Now more than ever before, couples are looking for alternatives to traditional divorce to dissolve their marriage. There are many reasons that a mediated divorce may be better for your family. Dawn Renken is a practicing family law attorney and a licensed mediator that can help your family reach a fair and amicable divorce agreement. Listed below are some of the most common questions about mediated divorce in Texas: Are Mediated Divorces Private?  Traditional divorces that are carried out in courtrooms in front of a judge, attorneys, and any one else that is present. Not only will all of these people know the details of your divorce, the specifics of your case will also become public knowledge. If you choose to have your divorce mediated, the only person who will know the divorce arrangement you and your spouse agree to, outside of you both, is the mediator you hire to act as a neutral third party. If you are looking to divorce your spouse in a private and amicable fashion, contact Renken Law Firm today! Are Mediated Divorces Expensive? Generally speaking, the overall cost of a divorce is lower in cases where a mediator is used to reach the final …

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Affordable Divorce Mediator Houston Heights

Affordable Divorce Mediator Houston Heights

March 4, 2020

Divorces can be extremely stressful and are often times considered one of the most emotionally and financially straining processes a family or individual can endure. At Renken Law Firm we help families find affordable and amicable solutions for divorce. One of the easiest ways to cut back on costs and emotionally taxing circumstances is by forgoing a traditional divorce and instead turning to divorce mediation. At Renken Law Firm, we understand how hard it can be to go from sharing every aspect of your life- including finances, to figuring out how to fairly divide assets and debt. you. We understand your situation is unique and will come with its own set of needs. Let us help you sit down and negotiate your needs in a comfortable setting to find a divorce agreement that works for your long term needs. Contact our legal office today to learn more about how we can help you reach an agreement in your case that works for your family. Many people find traditional divorce interferes with their lifestyle and is not in the best interest of either party. Courtroom divorces involve lengthy drawn out court appearances and legal fees and offer no privacy. This is …

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Affordable Divorce Attorney in Galveston TX

Affordable Divorce Attorney in Galveston TX

February 19, 2020

The legal system in Texas does not require either spouse to sight a specific reason or cause for wanting the divorce. This makes Texas what is known as a “no-fault” state. However, it should also be noted, that just because a reason is not needed to file for a divorce, if one spouse has done something that places them at fault for the breakup, this will be taken into consideration by the court. Meaning, when determining how to divide property following a marriage, the court may see the person at-fault responsible for giving more to the other spouse. For this reason, it is advised that even though it is not required, spouses include fault grounds in their petition for divorce. At Renken Law Firm, we make it our mission to fight for families to help them make the best choices for their specific needs. Protecting the best interest of all children that may be involved in the divorce is our priority. Our legal team is dedicated to getting the best results for you and your family. If you are currently in the stage of wanting to file for divorce or are currently going through one, contact the legal team at …

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Divorce Mediation in Galveston TX

Divorce Mediation in Galveston TX

February 15, 2020

Many couples find that litigated divorces do not work for their specific needs. The process of a litigated divorce is long and often drawn out over a period of several months. This includes multiple court appearances, attorney fees for both parties, and less direct negotiations. Everything that is said or done in a courtroom divorce is public record and can be brought up in future legal cases. Mediated divorces offer couples that are looking for more privacy and more direct communication when agreeing to the terms of their divorce a solution. This alternative route for divorce helps couples who are looking to reach an amicable agreement in their divorce sort through matters including but not limited to property division, finances, child custody, debt distribution, and more. Choosing to have your divorce mediated means all terms of, the agreements you come to will be private. Only you, your ex-spouse, and the neutral third party who acts as the mediator will know the specifics of your divorce settlement. If divorce mediation sounds more appropriate for your lifestyle, contact Renken Law Firm today to learn more about the services we offer and how we can help you find resolution in your case. At …

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Divorce Mediation in Cypress TX

Divorce Mediation in Cypress TX

February 11, 2020

Why Should I Avoid Litigation in My Divorce? In some cases, when it comes to divorce, litigation may be unavoidable. However, there are many reasons you will want to avoid litigation if possible. Listed below are the main reasons you should avoid litigation in  your divorce if possible: Affordability: Divorces can become financially straining for both parties involved. Paying legal fees for two separate attorneys can become costly quickly. Mediation is a less expensive alternative to going to court. This is because when you hire a mediator not only will their cost be significantly less, it is also typically shared between both spouses. Additionally, the turnaround time is typically much less expensive. Privacy: Whenever you have a litigated divorce in a courtroom, all proceedings and information that is shared will be considered public knowledge. This means your personal information will be accessible and can even be used against you in the future. When you choose mediation the only people who have any knowledge of the details of your divorce agreement are you, your spouse, and the mediator you have selected to be a neutral third party. Timeframe: Litigated divorces are indirect and can require months of back and forth negotiating …

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Top Divorce Attorney in Katy TX

Top Divorce Attorney in Katy TX

February 7, 2020

Katy, TX is a heavily populated community located on the west side of Houston. This suburban city has attracted many families with their safe community and superior school system. As this area has increased in popularity, so has its need for reliable and affordable family law attorneys. At Renken Law Firm, we are here to assist in providing legal advice, support, and representation. Our team of legal professionals understand how delicate the situation can be when legal needs arise within a family. Not only can it be a source of stress but also emotionally difficult trying to navigate this type of case. Our team is here to help you to not react emotionally and to instead come up with logical solutions for your family’s legal issues that work for your long term needs. At Renken Law Firm we offer a wide range of family legal services that include but are not limited to divorce, custody agreements, spousal support, alimony, property division, and many more. If you are in Katy, TX and looking for the top divorce and family attorney, contact Renken Lawfirm today. We will do everything in our power to help your family reach an amicable agreement that works …

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Mediation For Child Support and Custody

Mediation For Child Support and Custody

February 5, 2020

Often times, when married couples decide to divorce the impact has the ability to affect the entire family. While a divorce ultimately may be best for all parties involved, it is still important for these cases to be handled delicately, especially in situations where children are involved. It can be difficult for both spouses to come to an agreement that fits their needs when it comes to splitting financial assets and duties. In litigated divorces, it is possible for a judge to make a ruling that neither party is happy with, leading many couples to look for alternative methods of divorce, such as mediation. Typically, the most involved and difficult decisions for couples to make and agree on are those surrounding child custody and child support payment decisions. Unlike other aspects of divorce agreements, settling on child custody and child support agreements are subject to change. This is because as a child gets older, they may become involved in more activities that alter their schedule. Additionally, when it comes to child support payments the income of the parent that pays child support may change depending on their employment. In litigated cases, Texas courts use a specific system to determine how …

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Is Divorce Mediation Right For Me

Is Divorce Mediation Right For Me?

February 3, 2020

Are you wondering if divorce mediation is right for you and your spouse? There are a few different options for divorce that may be worth considering, including collaborative, litigation, and of course mediation. In divorce mediation, couples select a neutral third party to facilitate open discussions focusing on the issues in the divorce. When couples elect to use mediation as a way to reach a divorce agreement, the conditions are non-binding until a mutually agreeable settlement is reached and signed on. In litigated divorces a judge decides the outcome for the terms of a couple’s divorce but in mediation the parties determine and control the outcome. Listed below are some things to take into consideration when it comes to divorce mediation to determine if this is the right option for your divorce: Divorce Mediation is Voluntary: While a judge may order married couples to attend an initial mediation meeting, continuing in the mediation process will be on a voluntary basis only. The entire process will rely on both parties participation, meaning a resolution cannot be reached unless it is mutually agreed to. Divorce Mediation Is Private: Litigated divorces take place in public courtrooms, making them public record. Whenever you and …

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Licensed Mediator in Houston

Licensed Mediator in Houston

January 30, 2020

When it comes to working with a mediator for your case, you will want to enlist the assistance of a subject matter expert. This means, if you choose to have a divorce case mediated, you will want to work with a mediator who has extensive knowledge and experience pertaining to divorces, such as a family law attorney. No one will have a stronger understanding of the ins and outs of divorce, property division, custody agreements, and debt allocation after marriage than a family law attorney who specializes in divorce. These professionals have seen divorces play out in several different ways and are prepared to help spouses work together to reach an amicable solution that suits both of their needs. In addition to being recognized as an excellent family law attorney, who specializes in divorce, Dawn Renken is also a licensed mediator through ADR Services International Inc. In her training, Attorney Renken has learned how to navigate all types of personalities and dynamics, in order to help couples reach amicable divorce agreements. Divorce mediation works best for couples interested in working together to form compatible goals for property settlements and divorce disputes. Many couples choose to avoid long drawn out, expensive …

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Can You Divorce With One Lawyer

Can You Divorce With One Lawyer

January 28, 2020

In traditional divorces, both spouses will have the option to hire an attorney for legal representation. These attorneys will work privately for one spouse and represent them in court appearances. These two attorneys will engage in litigation, reporting back to their clients throughout the divorce negotiation process. However, it is possible for couples looking for a private alternative to divorce to skip the back and forth, drawn out, legal process by choosing to have their divorce mediated. Divorce mediation is the process in which both spouses work together with a neutral third party to come to a divorce agreement that fits both of their needs. These divorces are different than traditional divorces because the details of these cases are kept private, the solutions are reached collaboratively, and there is no need to hire two attorneys- making it more cost efficient. If you and your spouse are looking to file for divorce, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm can help you. Whether you choose to file a contested divorce, uncontested divorce, or are looking to have your divorce mediated by a neutral third party, we can help you. Contact us today to learn more about our family law practice and what …

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Do I Need An Attorney For Mediation

Do I Need An Attorney For Mediation

January 27, 2020

Understanding Mediation Mediation is a personal and flexible method for two parties to reach a resolution in a dispute. The mediator will work to help guide both parties towards their own resolution in the process. This process will be handled in joint sessions with both parties present in order to allow for total transparency. The mediator will be there to help both parties clearly form their own positions as well as understand the needs of each other, in order to reach a compromising resolution that satisfies both parties. Licensed mediators typically come with an area of expertise that they are most familiar with. This means, when it comes to a divorce, while you do not have to work with a family law divorce attorney for your mediation, they will be the most qualified. This is because these attorneys have become experts at understanding divorce proceedings and can help the parties reach a fair resolution for property and rights division. You wouldn’t want to work with an accountant as your mediator when it comes to dividing custody of your child right? Of course not! Working with an experienced divorce attorney in a non-traditional divorce gives you the knowledge of an attorney …

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How Much Is A Divorce Mediator

How Much Is A Divorce Mediator?

January 26, 2020

In traditional divorces, both spouses will seek representation from lawyers who work for them. This means, through all of the back and forth litigation, which can last months, both attorneys will be receiving compensation for their time. This can become costly and for some couples is not an option that works for their specific needs. Not only can traditional divorces become pricey and take several court dates over a period of time to reach an agreement, they also are completely public. Meaning, once you appear in court, anything that happens between you and your spouse is public knowledge. For some couples this may not seem like a big deal, however for those who wish to keep their divorce private it will be. Divorce mediation offers spouses many advantages that a courtroom divorce cannot. Instead of having to communicate through your attorneys, you can communicate your needs and wishes directly with one another, under the supervision and council of a licensed and trained mediator. The mediator’s job is to ensure both parties are being heard and that they are able to reach a divorce agreement that is not one-sided. The mediator acts as a neutral third party between the spouses, to …

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Do I Need a Lawyer for Divorce Mediation

Do I Need a Lawyer for Divorce Mediation?

January 24, 2020

For many couples seeking divorce, mediation is the best option. This is because there are a long list of benefits when choosing divorce mediation over traditional divorce. At the top of the list are increased privacy, flexibility, financial savings, and less emotional strain. If you are unsure which divorce method works best for you, contact Renken Law Firm today. Our team of legal professionals are here to help you find the best solutions for your family, to minimize the stress and inconveniences of a divorce. Contact our office today to explore your options and learn more about divorce mediation in Houston, TX. Many people going through divorce wonder, “Do I Need A Lawyer For Divorce Mediation?” The simple answer is, not all divorce mediators are lawyers and a lawyer does not by law have to be present during mediation. However, in order to protect your rights and property, you will want to ensure the mediator you choose to work with is proficient in divorce settlements and property division. This makes family law attorneys highly qualified to represent the best interest of both parties present, without overlooking details that will be significant in the divorce. In addition to Dawn Renken’s years …

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Using a Lawyer as a Mediator

Using a Lawyer as a Mediator

January 23, 2020

Before a mediator is able to take on the task of helping couples come to compromising divorce agreements, they are required to go through extensive training. Not only is it important for divorce mediators to understand how property and rights are divided in a divorce, they must also learn how to balance the personalities between the couple. It is important for divorce mediators to be able to recognize dominance and passive behaviors in order to come to actual fair compromise between both parties. When you work with a qualified mediator, they will pay close attention to the approach and the needs of both parties, and will work to actively apply techniques to correct imbalances. If there is a display of aggressive or dominant behaviors, the mediator will address this concern and may even end the session to let tensions cool. This can be extremely helpful for couples who are looking to compromise but struggle with communication. However, it is important to realize in order for divorce mediation to be successful, both parties will need to focus on working collaboratively. Who Is Qualified To Mediate? When it comes to hiring the right mediator for your divorce, you may be wondering how …

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What Are The Benefits To Having A Divorce Mediator

What Are The Benefits To Having A Divorce Mediator?

January 22, 2020

What Is Divorce Mediation? Divorce mediation is an alternative route spouses can take when dissolving their marriage. Mediation offers a way to resolve conflicts and disputes between married couples with the assistance of a neutral third party, the mediator. The mediator helps both parties to protect their best interests while working together to find a divorce agreement that works for all parties. There are many benefits to choosing divorce mediation, including: Mediation Is Private: When couples choose a traditional method for divorce, their case will be documented and available to the public. This means, anyone can sit in the court and listen to the intimate details of your marriage and divorce case. This can be less than ideal for anyone, but especially for couples who wish to protect their privacy. Mediation offers a totally private solution in divorce cases. All discussions and details surrounding the divorce will be considered privileged and confidential. This allows couples to openly confide in their mediator without fear of their personal information being public. Protect Your Children’s Best Interest: When a couple with children chooses to divorce, the process can be very stressful for the children. In some cases, the children may even be asked …

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Divorce Mediation in Katy TX

January 14, 2020

What is Divorce Mediation? For many couples, traditional divorce presents problems for their lifestyles. Traditional divorces involve long drawn out court appearances and attorney fees, not to mention there is public record of all that happens in a courtroom. However, mediation offers couples that are looking for more privacy and more direct communication, a solution. This alternative route for divorce helps couples who are looking to reach an amicable agreement in their divorce sort through matters including but not limited to property division, finances, child custody, debt distribution, and more. Whenever you choose to have a mediated divorce, the agreements you come to will be private between both spouses and a neutral third party who acts as the mediator. The mediator will be responsible for ensuring the agreement the couple reaches is fair and mutually beneficial. Since 2014, family law attorney, Dawn Renken has been helping couples privately reach a divorce agreement that works for them. She is a licensed mediator with ADR Services International Inc. At Renken Law Firm, we believe divorce mediation is an excellent alternative for couples who are looking to reduce the time of their divorce and avoid the additional legal fees that come with back …

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Divorce and Mediation Attorney in Humble TX

Divorce and Mediation Attorney in Humble TX

January 7, 2020

When a family makes the decision to file for divorce, the process can bring about a lot of stress for everyone involved. Divorces are known for being emotionally draining and can in some situations become costly for the spouses. At Renken Law Firm in Harris County, we make it our priority to help our clients dissolve their marriages in the most rational and affordable way. We understand the stresses and anxieties that come with changing your life so drastically. When you work with us you can rest easy knowing we are fighting to protect your rights and property, so that you can continue living your life with as little disruption as possible. Whether you are filing for a contested or uncontested divorce, the Harris County divorce attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you. Every family’s situation is unique and will come with its own set of circumstances that need to be worked out in your divorce. Let us help you come to a divorce agreement that works for you long term so you can focus on the things that really matter in your life. Contact our legal office today to learn more about how we can help …

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What Is The First Step in Divorce

What Is The First Step in Divorce?

January 3, 2020

If you are currently considering divorcing your spouse in the state of Texas, you may be wondering where to start. Divorces can be difficult to deal with, leading many couples to put off the initial filing. However, even the most simple of divorce cases can take several months to complete. In fact, the minimum amount of time it will take a couple in the state of Texas to have a finalized divorce is 61 days. If you are involved in a divorce with child custody, complex finances, or shared property, the process has the potential to last months, and in rare cases, over a year. The state of Texas requires every couple wait a 60 day period before having their divorce finalized, the following day. Texas courts do not recognize legal separation and will only begin counting your 60 days after the Original Petition for Divorce is actually filed with them. If you have not filed your petition for divorce, the experienced divorce attorneys at Renken Law Firm can help you. Our team of legal professionals do everything they can to ensure you are getting the most help for your case. Contact us today to learn more about filing for …

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What Rights Do A Conservator Of A Child Have

What Rights Do A Conservator Of A Child Have

December 27, 2019

What does it mean to be a conservator of a child? In the state of Texas, courts will use the term conservator to describe the person is appointed as a guardian of a minor. When a court declares someone as the conservator of a minor, they will be legally responsible for the care and custody of the child. This term can also be used in cases where someone of age has been recognized by the courts as unable to care for themselves. In the state of Texas, parents can be considered conservators, as well as other adults in the case of the minor’s parents being absent, deceased, incarcerated, or otherwise unfit or unable to fulfill the legal duties that come with custody of a minor. Rights of A Sole Conservator in the State of Texas In cases where one parent or guardian is granted a sole managing conservator role, they will be given exclusive rights to make decisions for the minor involved. In the state of Texas, the sole managing conservator will be granted all of the following exclusive rights and responsibilities of the child or children in their case, including but not limited to: -The choice of primary residence …

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What Are The Steps For Getting Divorced in Houston

What Are The Steps For Getting Divorced in Houston?

December 19, 2019

Divorce Procedure in Houston In order to divorce your spouse, there are many things you will need to do in order for Texas courts to grant you an official divorce. Most commonly. A Texas divorce will require you and your spouse completing the following steps: -First of all, one spouse, who will be identified as the petitioner, will file an Original Petition for Divorce with the court. The person most commonly has the papers served to the other spouse, who can be identified as the respondent. If this is a divorce where both partners wish to work together, this step can be avoided by the respondent waiving their rights to be served with the Original Petition for Divorce. Doing this will speed up the process and take away some of the initial legal paperwork. -Whenever the petitioner files the Original Petition for Divorce, they can speak to the courts and ask for a standard temporary restraining order to be issued in their divorce case. The point of this restraining order is to help both parties reach a fair settlement in their divorce. The restraining order can be used to ensure no assets are altered or disappear before they are divided, …

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Tips For Handling Child During The Holidays

Tips For Handling Child During The Holidays

December 18, 2019

The holidays are a welcomed break from our usual schedule. This time of the year gives us a reason to spend more time with family and can be a time full of excitement and joy. Unfortunately, just as they can be a time that brings great excitement and joy- they also have the potential to be stressful. For many people, especially those with shared custody of their children, this time of the year can come with its own set of unique challenges. Make sure to remember to put the needs of your children first this season and spend a little extra time planning and preparing for the holidays. Listed below are some tips for parents to keep in mind for handling child custody during the holidays: Plan Your Schedule In Advance: While this rule is applicable at all times of the year, it is especially good for both parents to be communicative and plan their child’s schedule in advance around the holidays. There are many different ways parents can decide where their child will spend holidays, some of the most common options for parents sharing custody are: Alternating Custody Annually: Meaning if you have your child for Christmas this year, …

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Divorce in Common Law Marriages

Divorce in Common Law Marriages

December 13, 2019

Have you shared a home with your partner for a significant amount of time and have decided to separate? You may be wondering if you are in what the state of Texas refers to as a common law marriage. Texas is considered a community property state, which means even if you have not gone through a legal marriage, there are still certain rights, especially when it comes to property division, that the state of Texas recognizes. The attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you enforce and protect your legal rights after separating from your common law spouse. This can be an especially difficult case to handle without legal representation. If you have any questions or concerns involving your separation, property division, or custody, contact our office today. We work with our clients to help them protect the best interest of themselves and their family. Am I in a Common Law Marriage? Whenever you are trying to determine if you are in a common law marriage in Texas, you must meet the following requirements: -A declaration of marriage signed by both parties or the couple presents themselves to others as a married couple. If you are unsure if …

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How Do I Protect Myself During A Divorce

How Do I Protect Myself During A Divorce?

December 11, 2019

While there are many things that will be swimming through your mind when it comes to filing for a divorce, the most important thing to consider will be what actions you need to take in order to protect yourself, and your children. Protecting your rights and your most important assets during the divorce proceedings can be difficult for those who are unfamiliar with how divorces and the court process work. A mistake made by many people during their divorce is trying to hide their assets, instead of coming up with a strong argument for why they belong to them. Hiding assets more often than not is unsuccessful, and by trying to hide them from Texas courts, you are putting yourself at higher risk for losing them due to your dishonest actions. Working with an experienced divorce attorney, such as those at Renken Law Firm, can help you to protect yourself so that you can go on living your life. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you during your divorce process and get you the results you are looking for. Listed below are some of the best ways you can protect your assets and rights:     …

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Mediation Attorney in Houston TX

Mediation Attorney in Houston TX

December 6, 2019

What Is Mediation In A Divorce? Mediation is an alternative route couples seeking divorce may choose to take, in order to reach an amicable agreement for matters involving property division, finances, and in some cases even custody of a child. This process is more private than other means of divorce because the agreement is made between both spouses, while a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to ensure the agreement reached is mutually beneficial. Mediation is helpful in cases where couples are looking to avoid lengthy court appearances and the additional attorney fees that come with long, drawn out divorces. Attorney Dawn Renken has been helping couples achieve a compromise that works for both of their long term needs. In 2014, Attorney Renken became a licensed mediator, earning this title through ADR Services International Inc. If you and your spouse are actively looking to work through your divorce together, Renken Law Firm can help. We work hard to help families maintain their lifestyles and come to a divorce agreement that suits everyone’s needs. If you are located in the Greater Houston area and are seeking a mediation attorney, contact Renken Law Firm. Our team of legal professionals can help you …

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Seeking Sole Custody in Houston

Seeking Sole Custody in Houston

December 4, 2019

Is It Possible To Get Sole Custody of My Child? While most Texas courts prefer to award shared custody between both parents, in some cases this is not in the best interest of the child. When a Texas judge is presented with evidence that supports this, sole custody may be awarded to one parent. Sole custody means that the child or children in the case, will reside primarily with that parent and exclusively has the right to make decisions that involve choices about the child’s upbringing.  The reason most courts prefer to award parents joint custody, is to ensure the child is being given the opportunity to have and maintain a healthy and meaningful relationship with both parents. In cases where joint custody is awarded to parents, the child will still primarily reside with one parent, while the other parent will be granted fair and adequate visitation rights. Additionally, in cases where the parents share custody like this, they will also share the decision-making when it comes to raising the child. Mandatory Parenting Class in Texas Often times in the state of Texas, following a divorce, Texas courts will require parents with underage children to successfully complete a mandatory parenting …

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Who Pays Child Support in Houston

Who Pays Child Support in Houston Divorces

November 26, 2019

For most people, going through a divorce can be extremely stressful and trying on all parties involved. Unfortunately for some families, divorces can be made especially complex in situations where children are involved. This is why working with experienced and knowledgeable family law attorneys, such as the ones at Renken Law Firm, can be so beneficial for those who are trying to find the healthiest resolution for their family. We work to ensure the needs of your children are a top priority and that you and your spouse are able to reach a divorce agreement that fits the long term needs of your family. If you are currently considering divorce, or are unsure of your options moving forward, contact Renken Law Firm today. We can help you understand your options, so that you can make the best choices for you and your family. How Is Custody Decided in Texas? Most often, when dealing with which parent will gain majority or total custody of a child, Texas courts will take many factors into account. Everything from which parent is most financially stable to which parent spent more time feeding and caring for a child will be taken into account. Whichever parent …

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What Are The Grounds For Divorce in Houston

What Are The Grounds For Divorce in Houston?

November 22, 2019

The state of Texas is what is considered a “no -fault” state. This means, in order to file for a divorce in Texas, you do not have to sight a specific reason or cause for wanting the divorce. However, if one spouse has done something that places them at fault for the breakup, this may be taken into consideration by the court. Meaning, when determining how to divide property following a marriage, the court may see the person at-fault responsible for giving more to the other spouse. For this reason, it is advised that even though it is not required, spouses include fault grounds in their petition for divorce. Listed below are the statutory grounds for which an at fault divorce can be filed: Adultery: When one partner goes outside of the marriage and has a relationship with another person, while they are still married. Cruel Treatment: Treatment that makes it too difficult to continue living together. Abandonment: A partner’s absence for a minimum of one year, without the intent of returning or working to keep in contact. Long-Term Incarceration: When one spouse is sentenced to jail for a period that exceeds one year. Confinement To A Mental Hospital: If …

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Modification of Custody Attorney in Houston

Modification of Custody Attorney in Houston

November 20, 2019

Whenever you have a custody order in place that is not being honored by both spouses, or no longer fits the unique needs of your family, the modification of custody attorneys at Renken Law Firm in Houston can help. A modification suit is a lawsuit in which one or both spouses are seeking to make a modification or change to the current custody order. In order to have a Texas Court grant you a modification to a custody order, you will have to prove that there is a good reason. This means, you will either have to prove the order gets in the way of what is in the best interest for the child, or that the circumstances surrounding your custody agreement have changed in a way dramatically enough that they must be modified. If you are looking to have your custody agreement modified in order to do what is best for your family, the modification of custody attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here for you. We will help you prove to a Texas Court that you have legitimate reasons for wanting to modify your order, to get you the results you are looking for. If you have any …

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What Is The Fastest You Can Get Divorced in Houston

What Is The Fastest You Can Get Divorced in Houston?

November 14, 2019

We understand, when couples decide they want to dissolve their marriage, they would like to get through the process as quickly as possible. However, in the state of Texas there are some factors you will want to take into consideration in order to have an accurate understanding of how long your divorce will take. For instance, in the state of Texas, the courts do not recognize legal separation. This means, even if you and your spouse have been living apart the last year, this time apart will not count as time spent apart. Texas requires a minimum period of 60 days to pass after the official petition for divorce before finalizing a divorce. So while it is possible to be divorced within 61 days, this does not necessarily mean a quick divorce is what is in the best interest of you or your family. Working with an experienced divorce attorney, such as the ones at Renken Law Firm, can help you to fight for what matters most to you in your divorce. We work to provide our clients with long term solutions that meet the needs of their family as quickly as possible. If you are contemplating filing for divorce …

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Houston Divorce Specialists

Houston Divorce Specialists

November 13, 2019

When it comes to filing for a divorce, working with an experienced divorce specialist can go a long way in helping you come to an agreement that works for the needs of your family. Your divorce lawyer should be your ally and advocate throughout the process, making sure all of the details of your legal case are being properly addressed. The goal of the attorneys at Renken Law Firm is to ensure every client we work with is able to come to an amicable and mutually agreeable settlement with their spouse. Whether you are filing for a contested or uncontested divorce, our team of Houston divorce specialists are here to help you navigate this trying time. Divorce may be a common, but this does not make it less complicated. Let us help you come to a mutually agreeable settlement with your spouse that works for your long term needs. What is a Divorce? Most people understand that a divorce is the legal recognition of a marriage ending. These proceedings are referred to as a “dissolution of marriage.” Most divorces can be put into one of two categories, “contested” or “uncontested”. Whenever a couple files for a contested divorce, this is …

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What Are The Texas Requirements For Divorce

What Are The Texas Requirements For Divorce?

November 7, 2019

Texas Residency Requirements For Divorce If you are looking to file for a divorce in the state of Texas, there are some residency requirements you must meet in order to do so. To file for a divorce in Texas, one spouse must be a current Texas resident, for a minimum of six months leading up to filing for divorce. Additionally, either spouse must have specifically resided in the country in which the petition is filed for the prior 90 days. In order for the court to choose to exercise personal jurisdiction over a non-resident of Texas defendant the couple’s last official marital residence must have been in the state of Texas. Beyond this, the divorce suit must be filed before two years have passed from the second the date on which marital residence ended. If only one spouse has resided in Texas for the last six months and wishes to file for divorce from their spouse who lives outside of the state of Texas, they can do this. In fact, as long as one spouse meets these Texas residency requirements for divorce, either can file in that country. Military Personnel Filing For Divorce If you are a Texas resident who …

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Does Texas Recognize Legal Separation

Does Texas Recognize Legal Separation?

November 5, 2019

If you are living in the state of Texas and considering getting a divorce, you are not alone. Texas courts grant divorces to more than 75,00 people each year. At Renken Law Firm, we understand how overwhelming and complex divorces can be for our clients. Our team of legal professionals work closely with you to ensure you are approaching your divorce thoughtfully and not skimming over any potentially important details. Whether you are ready to file for divorce or are simply looking to learn more about divorce, there are a few key elements you should know about divorces in the state of Texas: Divorces Do Not Happen Overnight: While we understand couples most often are seeking a quick divorce, it is important to remember that divorces are delicate. Matters this sensitive should not be rushed. In Texas, your divorce cannot be finalized for a minimum of 60 days after your official petition for divorce is filed. While each family is different and have their own set of unique needs that may influence the timeline you can expect for your divorce, the average divorce in Texas typically lasts between six months and a year. Texas Does Not Recognize Legal Separation: While …

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How Long Does A Divorce in Houston Take

How Long Does A Divorce in Houston Take?

November 1, 2019

If you are looking to dissolve a marriage in Texas, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. Divorces are one of the most stressful and emotionally draining experiences a family can go through. The attorneys at The Renken Law firm are here to help make your divorce process go smoothly and as quickly as possible. We understand every couple’s situation will come with its own unique set of circumstances and lifestyle needs. Our goal is to help our clients reach solutions in their divorce agreement that work for their lifestyle’s long term. If you are considering divorce, contact us today. Our legal team will work with you to help you make the first steps in putting your divorce in motion, to help make the process go quickly. If you are looking to file for a divorce in the state of Texas, there are a few requirements you will be required to meet in order for Texas courts to recognize your divorce. First of all, if you are looking to file for a divorce in Texas, you must have lived in the state of Texas, as a resident for 6 months. Additionally, you must have lived in the …

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Affordable Family Law Attorney in Houston

Affordable Family Law Attorney in Houston

October 30, 2019

There are several reasons a family may look for an attorney to help them sort out legal matters. Whether you are looking to dissolve your marriage, make an amendment to your custody or divorce agreement, or have another family legal issue, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you. Our dedicated attorneys understand legal issues within a family can be difficult to get through without high emotions. This is why we help our clients keep calm and make rational choices, to serve their greater needs. When you are up close to an issue, you may not be able to see potential pitfalls you are setting yourself up for. Our legal team can help you to make the best choices for the long term needs of your family. Do not agree to the terms of a divorce, custody, property division, or anything else without consulting one of our affordable family law attorneys in Houston. Contact us today to learn more about the services we provide and how we can help you get through this difficult time. Contested Divorce Attorney in Houston Houston is a massive city with millions of residents. In a city this big, it can be …

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Houston Divorce Attorney for Moms

Houston Divorce Attorney for Moms

October 25, 2019

Are you a mother in the Greater Houston area, looking to dissolve your marriage? Whatever your unique situation may be, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you get through the process with as little negative impact on your family as possible. We understand how emotionally draining and stressful divorces can be on families and work hard to help you come to rational divorce agreements that work for the needs and lifestyle of you and your children. We understand divorces are difficult without children, divorces involving children are even more delicate and can benefit greatly from being handled by an experienced family law attorney, such as the ones at Renken Law Firm. Our legal team is here to help you through every step of your divorce. We will help you to create a comprehensive custody plan, child support agreement, and all other things relating to the needs of your family. Contact our office today to find out more about how we can help your family get through this difficult time. If you have put off filing for a divorce because you are concerned about reaching a custody agreement that fits the unique needs of your family, you …

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Houston Divorce Attorney for Dads

Houston Divorce Attorney for Dads

October 24, 2019

Are you a dad in Houston, looking to file for divorce? At Renken Law Firm, we understand how serious of an impact of a divorce can have on your family. This is why we fight for our clients to help them reach a divorce agreement that benefits all parties involved. Divorces in families with children require being handled delicately by family law professionals who care about the welfare of your children. Our attorneys are here to help you every step of the way, from coming up with comprehensive custody plans, child support, and all other things relating to the needs of your family. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your family get to the other side of your divorce and to a place that works for your specific lifestyle needs. If you are actively seeking to dissolve your marriage but have concerns about coming to a custody agreement that suits the needs of your family, contact Renken Law Firm. During a divorce, emotions can run high, this is why our attorneys help you think rationally while coming to a divorce and custody agreement. We understand nothing is more important to you than the wellbeing of …

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Female Divorce Attorneys Near Me

Female Divorce Attorneys Near Me

October 17, 2019

Marriage is a popular choice for many couples throughout the country. Unfortunately, it is approximated that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. If you find yourself in the Greater Houston area, in a marriage you wish to dissolve, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you. We understand divorces are difficult, financially and emotionally for the families going through them. We want to help eliminate all additional stresses and help you reach a divorce settlement that meets your long term needs following the marriage. Working with an experienced family law attorney can greatly benefit you in a divorce. Not only do attorneys help you file all of the proper paperwork, they also help ensure you are exploring your divorce from all angles. It is always better to come up with a comprehensive divorce agreement before it is finalized, instead of making amendments to an agreement that has already been finalized. Do not face your divorce on your own, instead contact Renken Law Firm to learn how we can help you get through your divorce quickly and rationally. Custody Battle in Houston If you are currently seeking a divorce but have concerns about coming to a …

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Affordable Divorce Attorney Houston

Affordable Divorce Attorney Houston

October 15, 2019

Going through a divorce is often considered one of the most stressful and costly processes someone can experience. This can make an already emotionally draining experience, even more draining for the parties involved. At Renken Law Firm, we believe in helping our clients dissolve their marriage in a rational and affordable way. We understand how difficult it can be to go from living as a partnership, to figuring out how to make your finances and life work single. Whether you are filing for a contested or uncontested divorce, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you. We understand your situation is unique and will come with its own set of needs. Let us help you come to a divorce agreement that works for you long term so you can focus on the things that really matter in your life. Contact our legal office today to learn more about how we can help you reach an agreement in your case that works for your family. Custody Agreement in Houston In divorce cases that involve children, the stakes are higher. The attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help your family find resolution for your case. We understand …

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Questions To Ask A Divorce Attorney in Houston

Questions To Ask A Divorce Attorney in Houston

October 13, 2019

Divorces can be emotionally draining and stressful for every party involved. Working with a divorce attorney who offers you excellent legal representation has the potential to make your divorce process go smoothly and help you find an agreement that meets the long term needs of your family. Being prepared by knowing the best questions to ask a prospective family law attorney can help you to weed out the attorneys that offer less than excellent services. Another factor to consider in divorce cases that involve child custody, is finding an attorney that not only is a Board Certified Family law specialist, but also is proficient in handling settlements in a courtroom. It is critical that your Houston divorce attorney has a strong understanding of all relevant family code statutes in the county of your case. Whenever it is time to interview an attorney, here are some of the main questions you may want to focus on: -Have you completed any specialized training or earned a certification in family law that distinguishes you as a divorce specialist? -How many years have you been handling divorce cases? -How long have you been practicing law in Harris County? -How much courtroom experience do you …

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Legal Separation Attorney Galveston TX

Legal Separation Attorney Galveston TX

October 11, 2019

While no couple chooses to get married with the intention of even dissolving their marriage, sometimes it can unavoidable. Whether you come to the conclusion that you have irreconcilable differences in the marriage or find out your partner has not been faithful, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you. We understand how emotionally tasking a divorce can be for every party involved and work to ensure your divorce is handled rationally and in a timely fashion. If you are living in Galveston, TX and are experiencing family legal troubles, contact us today. We work closely with our clients and their families to ensure they reach their goals for any divorce agreement they come to. Our main focus is ensuring each client we work with is able to amicably find solutions for their family needs. Our team is proficient in family legal needs that include: divorce, alimony payments, spousal support, property division, debt division, drafting wills, and much more. If you are located in Galveston, TX and looking for the top divorce lawyer contact Renken Law Firm today. Why Hire A Divorce Attorney? While it may seem unnecessary to hire the services of a divorce attorney to …

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Divorce Attorney Heights Houston

Divorce Attorney Heights Houston

October 10, 2019

Whatever your reason for seeking a divorce attorney in the Houston Heights, Renken Law Firm is here for you. We are a law firm with a specialized practice in family law. It is our mission to help every client we work with find long term legal solutions for their lifestyle. Whether you are looking to file for a contested or uncontested divorce, our attorneys can help to ensure you are making the best choices for your unique financial and personal situation. Divorces are known to be emotionally tasking and stressful, don’t go through them alone, instead contact Renken Law Firm today. The state of Texas does not recognize legal separation, making your time precious, contact us to get your divorce process started as quickly as possible. Uncontested Divorce Attorney Houston While filing for an uncontested divorce in Houston is a best case scenario for couples wishing to dissolve their marriage, these cases do not exclude the need for a divorce attorney. In fact, in situations where couples are in agreement and wish to quickly dissolve their marriage, many financial and family factors are often overlooked. This can mean major trouble for both parties down the road, when situations arise that …

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Find The Best Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in Houston

Find The Best Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in Houston

October 9, 2019

If you and your partner have come to an amicable agreement that you would like to dissolve your marriage, you will be filing an uncontested divorce. This means, you will submit your divorce agreement to a court for their approval to make it finalized. A mistake many parties in uncontested divorces make it failing to involve a divorce attorney in their uncontested divorce. Not only does working without an attorney leave the burden of properly filing all necessary paperwork completely on you, it may leave your vulnerable to financial pitfalls in the future. Often, in uncontested divorces we find that both parties are in a rush to get their divorce over with and do not always have the knowledge or take the time needed to ensure their divorce agreement will work as a long term solution for both parties. There are many things that will need to be taken into consideration for couples choosing to file for divorce in Houston, TX. Texas is a community property state, this means, in addition to all assets incurred during the marriage, all debts amassed will be divided. This means property, inheritance, previous settlements, loans, credit card debt, and much more will all be …

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Can I Get My Spouse To Pay Divorce Attorney Fees in Houston

Can I Get My Spouse To Pay Divorce Attorney Fees in Houston

October 8, 2019

Houston Divorce Fees Most people who have been through a divorce can tell you firsthand, they can get costly. Divorces have a reputation for being a financial and emotional burden, especially in situations where one of the spouses either does not wish to pursue a divorce- or in circumstances where spouses cannot come to an agreement for how to handle the division of property, finances, debts, custody, and more. In addition to all of the preexisting components that must be divided, often times another component we see in a contested divorce is deciding how to pay for attorney fees in a divorce. You may find yourself in a position where you are wondering, “Can I get my spouse to pay divorce attorney fees in Houston?” If you have previously had a divorce in another state, you may be surprised to find that that Texas is a community property state. This means any assets or debts that were accrued throughout the marriage between you and your partner are open to be divided by the court. In the state of Texas, legal separation is not recognized by the court. This means a marriage is recognized as legal until the signing and rendering …

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Top Divorce Lawyers The Woodlands TX

Top Divorce Lawyers The Woodlands TX

October 4, 2019

The Woodlands have continued to expand in size and population over the last ten years. We have seen this area which used to feel confined to a couple of exits off the interstate become a massive hub for businesses and families. With the growing popularity of The Woodlands, families are choosing to relocate there in larger numbers every year. If you are living in The Woodlands and are experiencing family legal troubles, the attorneys at Renken Law Firm can help you. We work closely with families going through conflict or legal processes, to help them reach goals and agreements that work for their life. It is our mission to ensure every client we work with is able to amicably find solutions for their family needs. Our team is proficient in family legal needs that include: divorce, alimony payments, spousal support, property division, debt division, drafting wills, and much more. If you are located in The Woodlands and looking for the top divorce lawyer contact Renken Law Firm today. Do I Need A Divorce Attorney? Many times, couples who choose to divorce are able to do so peacefully and without the need for heated litigation. While this is clearly a much …

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Top Divorce Lawyers Spring TX

Top Divorce Lawyers Spring TX

October 3, 2019

Spring, TX is a prominent community located on the northwest side of Houston. This suburban city is known for its friendly community and excellent school districts, leading more families to move here every year. With the expansion of this area and rise in population, the growing need for strong family legal services has also continued to grow. The attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help those in need of legal advice and representation. We understand that when legal needs arise in a family, not only can it be a source of stress but also emotionally difficult. Our team is here to help you come up with logical solutions for your family’s legal issues that work long term for you. We offer a wide range of family legal services that include but are not limited to divorce, custody agreements, spousal support, alimony, property division, and many more. If you are in Spring, TX and looking for the best family attorney, contact Renken Lawfirm today. We will do everything in our power to help your family reach an amicable agreement that works for your specific needs in any family law case. Alimony and Spousal Support Spring TX If you are …

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Top Divorce Lawyers Cypress TX

Top Divorce Lawyers Cypress TX

October 2, 2019

Cypress, TX is a strong community that offers the convenience of proximity to the city while also maintaining the family friendly comfort of the suburbs. This area has seen a lot of growth over the last few generations, causing an influx of families to move into the community. As the number of families living in Cypress, TX has grown, so too has the need for more family legal services. At Renken Law Firm, we offer a wide range of family legal services ranging from divorce, custody agreements, spousal support, alimony, property division, and more. When you are looking for the hardest working, top divorce lawyers in Cypress, TX, contact Renken Law Firm. We work with our clients to help them reach agreements in family law cases that work for their lifestyle and family. Alimony and Spousal Support Cypress TX In many cases, once a couple separates and files for divorce, one party will seek spousal support or alimony from the other. This support may be needed to help maintain a lifestyle or cover the costs of managing shared properties. If you are unsure if you can seek financial support or alimony from your spouse, contact Renken Law Firm. In Texas, …

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Top Divorce Lawyers Humble TX

Top Divorce Lawyers Humble TX

October 1, 2019

Humble, TX is a forever growing area in the Northeast Houston. This area has grown dramatically over the last two decades and has become home to many new businesses as well as families. We understand that with an increase in families moving into the area, there is also an increase in demand for family law attorneys. If you are in the Humble, TX area and looking to file for divorce from your spouse, contact Renken Law Firm. We have the hardest working, top divorce lawyers in the greater Humble, TX area. Alimony and Spousal Support Humble TX After separating from your spouse you may be seeking alimony or spousal support to help you financially maintain your lifestyle or assist in paying your once shared financial burdens. While many people believe there is no difference between alimony and spousal support, the state of Texas views these two things are very different. At Renken Law Firm, we understand that divorces can be very emotionally and financially draining to both parties involved. This is why we work closely with our clients to come up with a divorce agreement that works for them long term. Even if your divorce is amicable, it is always …

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Top Divorce Lawyers Houston Heights TX

Top Divorce Lawyers Houston Heights TX

September 30, 2019

The Heights is known for being one of the most exciting neighborhoods within Houston! With plenty of restaurants, shopping, and entertainment it has become one of the best destinations for Houstonians looking for a place to live or spend time. If you are in the Houston Heights and looking for legal advice, contact Renken Law Firm today. We help our clients through litigation, find solutions that help them live their best lives. We handle all types of family matters and have earned the reputation as the top divorce lawyers in The Houston Heights. At Renken Law Firm, we specialize in Family Law with a focus in divorce. We understand that divorces are difficult and oftentimes a source of stress for every party involved. We make it our priority to work closely with our clients to ensure they are coming to a divorce agreement that works for them long term. Alimony and Spousal Support Houston Heights TX Many times, there is a misunderstanding of the terms “alimony” and “spousal support.” While these words are often used interchangeably, Texas legislation recognizes them differently. At Renken Law Firm we work to make sure your divorce agreement is looking out for your long term …

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Houston Enforcement and Modifications Attorney

Houston Enforcement and Modifications Attorney

September 27, 2019

Following a divorce, you may find that your existing custody or child support order is not in the best interest of your children. If you need to make a modification to an existing order, you will benefit greatly from the services of a Houston enforcement and modifications attorney to defend against child custody modifications.  Additionally, you may also find an attorney helpful to defend against an enforcement action. At Renken Law Firm, we have the experience you need to protect your rights in enforcement and modification cases that are related to child custody, visitation, relocation, support, and other child issues. Our staff takes a strategic approach to every case we work with. Reasons For An Enforcement or Modification Most commonly an enforcement or modification will be needed in situations where there is a change in family circumstances. This can include, but is not limited to: a guardian’s health, relocation, loss of income that affects a custody or support arrangement, or in circumstances where one parent violates a legal agreement or order. If you are in need of an attorney for an enforcement or modification, contact Renken Law Firm. We can help you reach a solution that works for your specific …

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Fort Bend County Family Law Attorney

Fort Bend County Family Law Attorney

September 26, 2019

What is a Family Law Attorney? While many attorneys are proficient in multiple areas of practice, some specialize in specific areas of law. Family lawyers are legal professionals who have chosen to make the specialized area of practice to do with family law. This means they are tasked with handling legal issues that come from within a family. Some of the most common legal issues family law attorneys in Fort Bend County face are divorce, child custody, property division, dealing with estates and wills, prenuptial agreements, and more. Whenever there is a serious disagreement in a family, a family lawyer can act as a mediator to help reach resolution. Additionally, these attorneys are able to represent litigants in family conflicts that end up courts. Listed below are some of the most common things family lawyers do explored further: Divorce Attorney Fort Bend County Unfortunately, for those who are seeking a divorce- this can be a very difficult and trying time for every party involved. At Renken Law Firm, we understand that emotions have the potential to run high, making it difficult to reach resolution. When this is the case, our family law attorneys can act as a mediator for you …

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What To Consider When Hiring A Divorce Attorney in Houston

What To Consider When Hiring A Divorce Attorney in Houston

September 25, 2019

In a city like Houston, where there are thousands of lawyers to choose from, how do you know if you are choosing a divorce attorney you can trust? As many people have found out the hard way, working with the wrong lawyer can be a devastating and expensive mistake that haunts you, especially in divorce cases. At Renken Law Firm, we understand how important coming up with a divorce agreement that works for you long term will be for your future. This is why we have dedicated ourselves to providing our clients with the best legal services in Houston. Do not work with an attorney that leaves you stuck with a divorce agreement that leaves you unable to maintain your lifestyle. Listed below are some points to consider when you are selecting an attorney to work with for your divorce: Work With A Lawyer That Does What You Need Most lawyers dedicate themselves to specific areas of law. If you are looking for a divorce attorney in Houston, you will not want to hire the services of an attorney who specializes in immigration or personal injury. While these lawyers may be more than competent at handling a simple divorce, it …

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Divorce Lawyers Near Me

Divorce Lawyers Near Me

September 24, 2019

While going through a divorce may leave you feeling lost and alone, you are not alone. There are thousands of couples going through the same process as you every day and the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you get through the process as smoothly and quickly as possible. We understand that divorces are generally a source of stress for all parties involved and do our best to help you navigate this process without worry. Each yeah there are over 75,000 people seeking divorce in the state of Texas. These couples must abide by the state laws that govern divorce in order to properly file. Let us help you get through this trying time. We have the experience and knowledge needed to help you come to an amicable agreement that works for long term planning. Do not get stuck with the shorter side of the stick in your divorce, reach out to the Renken Law Firm today to learn more about what we can do to help you begin your process for divorce. Texas Divorce Process Divorce laws are decided by the state. This means, each state has various requirements that must be met, within certain specified …

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Should I Get A Lawyer For A Divorce In Houston

Should I Get A Lawyer For A Divorce In Houston?

September 23, 2019

Whenever a couple, or one member of a couple, decides they no longer wish to be married, there may be many questions that surface. Divorces are known to be complicated and oftentimes difficult for the parties involved. This is not only due to the emotional stresses that come with separation, this is also in response to the difficult task of dividing assets and responsibility among both parties. Some couples may find the division of property to be simple and may be able to reach an agreement on their own about what belongs to who, and ultimately how to carry out these plans. While it is true that amicable divorces that are uncontested are much simpler to handle legally, this does not eliminate the need for a divorce attorney in Houston. Why Hire A Divorce Attorney In  An Uncontested Divorce If you and your spouse have been able to reach an agreement that suits you both, you will submit a settlement agreement to your judge to sign. These divorces are typically finalized within a matter of a couple of months and allows both parties to have a say in the outcome of their property, assets, and more. While it is preferred …

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Top Divorce Attorneys in Houston

Top Divorce Attorneys in Houston

September 16, 2019

Are you currently going through a separation with your spouse and are looking for the top divorce attorneys in Houston? At the Renken Law Firm, we put our clients needs first. We understand how difficult divorces can be on all parties involved. This is why we work relentlessly to help you find solutions that keep your divorce civil and fair. We want to help make the process go as smoothly as possible for you while also ensuring your needs are being met in the divorce. Make sure your finances, property, and custody agreement have your best interest in mind, with Renken Law Firm. Top Contested Divorce Attorney in Houston Divorces are always stressful but a contested divorce especially can be a source of stress and complications for the parties involved. A contested divorce is a divocre in which the two spouses cannot arrive at an agreement on their own. There are many different terms that need to be worked out in a divorce. Most commonly, we find the issues that require resolution during the course of a contested divorce include matters dealing with child custody, child support, property division, asset division, debt allocation, alimony, and more. If you are looking …

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How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer in Houston

How to Find the Best Divorce Lawyer in Houston

August 26, 2019

When you are looking to get a divorce in the Greater Houston area, you may feel overwhelmed with where to start. Divorces can be complex situations, especially in cases involving child custody, child support, property division, asset division, debt allocation, alimony, and other financial matters. Working with an attorney can help alleviate some of the stresses that come in a divorce and help to ensure you are being properly advocated for. Strong representation is important, but you find yourself wondering, “How to find the best divorce lawyer in Houston”. Working with an experienced attorney, such as Dawn Renken, can help you get the best results in your divorce. For almost two decades, Attorney Renken has focused her legal practice on family law. In this time, she has earned her place as one of the best divorce lawyers in Houston, by taking on a wide range of cases in which she helped families resolve legal issues quickly and fairly. The goal is always to help families reach resolution so that they can continue focusing on the most important things in their lives. If you or someone you love is looking for the best divorce lawyer in Houston, contact the Renken Law …

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Can A Divorce Attorney Represent Both Parties in Houston

Can A Divorce Attorney Represent Both Parties in Houston?

August 1, 2019

When coming to the conclusion that a marriage needs to be dissolved, you may be faced with many questions. For couples that are separating on good terms, they may wonder, can a divorce attorney represent both parties in a Houston divorce? The simple answer is, in an uncontested or collaborative divorce in Texas- yes.  While sharing an attorney is an option that works for some couples, it is important to take into consideration that no matter how agreeable your spouse and you are during the divorce, it is your attorney’s job to represent your interests and ensure you are fully aware of your options moving forward. This can make it tricky when an attorney is representing both parties. Most often, sharing an attorney is an attempt to cut out the back and forth between two attorneys and an attempt to save money on divorce proceedings. While it may seem to make sense for spouses in an amicable divorce to want to share one lawyer, it may not always be in their best interest. Before deciding to share an attorney, it will be in both parties both interest to seek a legal consultation with separate attorneys. If a couple does not …

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Who Is The Best Divorce Attorney in Houston

Who Is The Best Divorce Attorney in Houston?

August 1, 2019

If you are looking to have a marriage dissolved in the Greater Houston area, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. You may find yourself asking, “Who is the best divorce attorney in Houston?” Many people fear overpaying, or working with an attorney who is not dedicated to getting their clients the solutions they are looking for. At Renken Law Firm, we have made it our priority to dedicate the same amount of attention to every client we work with. We understand that divorces make for hectic times and want to help make the process go as smoothly as possible for you. We have b Attorney Dawn Renken Since 2003, Attorney Dawn Renken has made family law her primary legal focus. She handles a wide range of cases, helping to resolve family issues quickly and efficiently so all parties can move past their litigation and focus on what really matters in their lives. When you are looking for the best divorce attorney in Houston, contact the Renken Law Firm. We are waiting to hear the specifics of your case, so that we can help you to explore your options moving forward. Whether you are looking to end …

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Divorce Attorney for Same Sex Marriages in Houston

Divorce Attorney Same Sex Marriages in Houston

July 31, 2019

In late June of 2015, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. This ruling has been marked as one of the greatest achievements in our country’s fight for equality. While we look at this as a victory, marriage for same-sex couples comes with more family matters than just a simple marriage certificate. When any couple chooses to get married, they are choosing to combine their property and assets. Unfortunately, this means, whenever a couple chooses to separate and end their marriage, there is a long list of family matters that may come into play. These include but are not limited to, child custody, child support, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, division of property, visitation rights, child abuse, domestic violence, and more. At Renken Law Firm, we understand that divorces are often times difficult and stressful for both parties to endure. No matter their gender or sexual orientation. This is why we do everything we can to offer our clients peace of mind knowing they are working with the most dedicated legal team in the Greater Houston area. We want to help alleviate your stress, and make your divorce process go as smoothly …

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Divorce can be an emotionally and financially taxing process, but mediation can offer a more amicable and cost-effective alternative to courtroom battles. In this blog post, we’ll explore the critical do’s and don’ts of divorce mediation. We’ll also introduce you to experienced divorce mediator and attorney, Dawn Renken, of The Renken Law Firm in Houston, who can help couples navigate this process and make thorough and informed choices when drafting a divorce agreement. Divorce is never easy, but divorce mediation can make the process smoother and more manageable. Unlike traditional divorce proceedings, which often involve lengthy courtroom battles, mediation allows couples to work together with a neutral third party to resolve their differences and create a mutually acceptable divorce agreement. When done right, mediation can save time, money, and emotional distress. However, divorce mediation isn’t a walk in the park. It requires open communication, patience, and a willingness to compromise. To help you navigate this process successfully, here are 10 things you should never say or do during divorce mediation: 1. Refusing to Communicate Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful mediation. Refusing to talk or listen can hinder progress and lead to a more protracted and contentious divorce. It’s essential to be open and honest about your concerns, needs, and preferences during mediation. Dawn Renken, an experienced divorce mediator, is skilled in facilitating constructive communication between divorcing couples. She can help create an environment where both parties feel heard and understood. 2. Letting Emotions Take Over Divorce is an emotionally charged process, but it’s crucial not to let your emotions dictate your actions during mediation. Outbursts of anger or resentment can escalate conflicts and hinder resolution. Instead, try to remain calm and composed. Dawn Renken specializes in guiding clients through the emotional challenges of divorce, helping them focus on their long-term interests rather than short-term emotions. 3. Failing to Prepare Preparation is key to a successful mediation. Failing to gather and organize your financial documents, legal papers, and other relevant information can lead to delays and misunderstandings. Dawn Renken can help you prepare for mediation by ensuring you have all the necessary documentation and information at your fingertips. 4. Being Inflexible Mediation involves compromise, and being too inflexible can hinder progress. While it’s crucial to protect your interests, it’s also essential to understand that some give and take will be necessary to reach an agreement. Dawn Renken has extensive experience in helping clients find middle ground and make compromises that are fair and reasonable. 5. Bringing Up the Past Dragging up past mistakes, hurts, or grievances during mediation is counterproductive. It can create tension and prevent a positive resolution. Dawn Renken can help keep the focus on the present and the future, guiding couples toward constructive discussions that lead to productive solutions. 6. Playing the Blame Game Blaming your spouse for the divorce or trying to make them feel guilty won’t help during mediation. In fact, it’s more likely to create animosity and impede the process. Dawn Renken can act as a neutral mediator, keeping discussions on track and preventing blame from becoming a roadblock to resolution. 7. Disregarding Your Children’s Well-Being If you have children, their well-being should be a top priority during divorce mediation. Failing to consider their needs, feelings, and interests can lead to contentious custody battles and long-term emotional repercussions. Dawn Renken is well-versed in helping divorcing parents create a custody and visitation plan that prioritizes their children’s needs. 8. Making Unrealistic Demands Mediation is about finding realistic and mutually beneficial solutions. Making extravagant or unrealistic demands can lead to an impasse. Dawn Renken can provide insight into what is legally and practically achievable, ensuring that both parties understand the boundaries and possibilities of their divorce agreement. 9. Hiding Assets Concealing assets during mediation is not only unethical but also illegal. It can result in severe legal consequences and damage your credibility in the eyes of the mediator and the court. Dawn Renken can help ensure full financial transparency during mediation, preventing disputes over hidden assets.

The Renken Law Firm has worked hard to earn a reputation for efficiently practicing diligent and focused legal services. During the course of our representation, you can expect expert legal advice in the areas of divorce, separation planning, custody disputes, child support cases, grandparents rights, prenuptial agreements, attorney general cases and enforcement actions. Prenuptial agreements, commonly referred to as prenups, are contractual agreements made between two individuals prior to their marriage. They establish the framework for how assets, debts, and other financial matters will be handled should the marriage end in divorce or due to the death of one spouse. Prenuptial agreements provide a level of financial security and peace of mind to both parties by outlining their rights and responsibilities. When considering a prenup, it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable Prenup Attorney in Houston, like the experts at The Renken Law Firm, to ensure that your agreement is comprehensive and tailored to your unique needs. The Importance of a Prenuptial Agreement Prenuptial agreements are not only for the wealthy or those anticipating divorce. They can be invaluable tools for protecting individual assets, managing financial expectations, and ensuring a fair resolution should the marriage end. Here’s a breakdown of what is typically included in a prenuptial agreement: 1. Property Division One of the primary purposes of a prenup is to specify how assets and debts will be divided in the event of a divorce. This includes real estate, personal property, bank accounts, and investments. The agreement can outline whether certain assets will remain separate property, and which will be considered marital property, subject to division. By clearly defining these terms, you can protect your financial interests and avoid potential disputes in the future. 2. Spousal Support Spousal support, also known as alimony, can be a contentious issue during divorce proceedings. A prenuptial agreement can specify the amount, duration, and conditions under which spousal support will be paid. This allows both parties to have a clear understanding of their financial responsibilities, reducing the risk of prolonged legal battles. 3. Division of Debts Debts incurred during a marriage can be a significant source of concern if the relationship ends. Your prenup can outline how debts will be divided, whether they are considered marital or separate, and who will be responsible for paying them. 4. Inheritance and Estate Planning A prenuptial agreement can address how inheritance and estate planning matters will be handled. It can specify whether certain assets are to be kept separate and secure the interests of children from previous relationships. 5. Business Interests If you own a business or have a stake in a company, a prenup can help protect your business interests. It can outline how the business will be managed and whether your spouse will have any ownership rights in the event of divorce. 6. Financial Responsibilities Your prenuptial agreement can include provisions detailing each spouse’s financial responsibilities during the marriage. This may cover how household expenses will be shared, savings and investment strategies, and other financial matters that will affect your day-to-day life.

Divorce is an emotionally charged, life-altering event. When a marriage reaches a point where it can no longer be sustained, the process of legally ending it can be intricate and emotionally draining. While Texas law provides for various divorce options, understanding the different types of divorce is crucial for making informed decisions. In this article, we will explore the various divorce options available in Texas, from uncontested to contested, mediation, and more. Additionally, we will highlight the invaluable role of an experienced divorce attorney like Dawn Renken from the Renken Law Firm in Houston, emphasizing how they can help make the process smoother and ensure you don’t overlook important details. 1. Uncontested Divorce An uncontested divorce is often the most straightforward option for couples who have reached an agreement on all significant aspects of their separation, such as child custody, property division, and alimony. This type of divorce is generally less time-consuming and costly than other alternatives, as it minimizes the need for court appearances and lengthy legal battles. An experienced divorce attorney like Dawn Renken can guide you through the process, ensuring all legal requirements are met. Their role is to make sure that the agreement is comprehensive and that no crucial details are overlooked, thus preventing future disputes or complications. 2. Contested Divorce Contrary to uncontested divorce, a contested divorce occurs when spouses cannot come to an agreement on one or more critical issues. These disputes often lead to court proceedings and can be lengthy and emotionally taxing. In a contested divorce, a skilled attorney becomes crucial in protecting your rights, ensuring a fair outcome, and representing your interests in court. Dawn Renken’s experience in contested divorces allows her to navigate the intricacies of Texas divorce law effectively. Her insight into the legal system can prove invaluable in resolving complex disputes and advocating for your rights. 3. Collaborative Divorce Collaborative divorce is an alternative to traditional courtroom battles. In this process, both parties work together with their attorneys to reach a mutually beneficial settlement. This approach can save time and money while preserving relationships and reducing emotional stress, especially when children are involved. An experienced attorney like Dawn Renken can help you through this process by providing legal advice and ensuring that all legal requirements are met. Their guidance can lead to a more amicable resolution, which is especially important when co-parenting in the future. 4. Mediated Divorce Mediation is another non-adversarial option for couples who wish to avoid the courtroom. In a mediated divorce, a neutral third party, often a certified mediator, helps couples negotiate and reach an agreement. This approach encourages open communication and collaboration while addressing concerns and needs of both parties. Having a divorce attorney like Dawn Renken on your side during mediation can be advantageous. Her legal expertise ensures that your rights are protected and that any agreements made align with Texas divorce laws. Additionally, her presence can provide guidance and reassurance during a potentially challenging process. 5. Default Divorce In some cases, one spouse may not participate in the divorce process or may be unreachable. In such instances, Texas law allows for a default divorce. This process typically moves forward with minimal involvement from the absent spouse, making it necessary to ensure all legal steps are correctly followed. An experienced attorney like Dawn Renken can help you navigate a default divorce to ensure that all legal requirements are met, minimizing the risk of complications down the road. Her guidance can expedite the process and provide you with the resolution you seek, even in the absence of cooperation from your spouse. 6. No-Fault Divorce Texas allows for “no-fault” divorces, which means that neither party has to prove wrongdoing or assign blame for the marriage’s dissolution. Instead, one or both parties can simply state that the marriage has become insupportable due to discord or conflict of personalities. While a no-fault divorce may seem straightforward, an experienced attorney can help ensure that this process is executed correctly and that the necessary legal documents are filed. Dawn Renken’s expertise can prevent any issues that might arise from improperly handling the paperwork. 7. Fault Divorce Although Texas recognizes no-fault divorces, some situations may warrant pursuing a fault divorce. Grounds for fault divorce in Texas can include adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or a felony conviction. This type of divorce typically requires the gathering of evidence to support the allegations of fault. Dawn Renken’s experience as a divorce attorney can be invaluable in building a strong case for a fault divorce. Her knowledge of the legal requirements and procedures ensures that your claims are well-substantiated and your interests are protected. 8. Annulment An annulment is different from a divorce, as it legally declares a marriage void or null from the beginning. Grounds for annulment in Texas include bigamy, impotence, fraud, or underage marriage. An annulment can be a complex process, and having an experienced attorney is crucial to present a convincing case before the court. Dawn Renken’s experience and legal acumen can be instrumental in successfully pursuing an annulment in Texas. Her expertise in the intricacies of the legal system can guide you through the process and ensure your interests are protected.

What Is Divorce Mediation? For couples that have come to the decision together to divorce, mediation provides an alternative method than traditional courtroom divorces. Mediation involves a neutral third party: the mediator. The mediator works to help both spouses work through divorce issues and communicate while trying to make decisions that impact their futures. Divorce mediation has become increasingly more popular because it is private, affordable, and allows both parties to have more control over the final outcome of their divorce agreement. Divorce mediation is a great option for divorcing couples where both parties are willing to put their emotions aside and work together to amicably end the marriage. Family law attorney, Dawn Renken is a licensed mediator who can provide helpful legal advice throughout your divorce case. This includes resolving disputes, creating a child custody schedule, settling on child support payments, property divisions, and much more. Why Choose to Mediate Your Divorce? Although judges often order divorcing couples to participate in mediation before going to trial, you have the option of mediating on your own—either before you file for divorce or at any time after. Mediating your divorce has a lot of advantages over litigating it (fighting it out in court). ost. Mediation is much less expensive than a trial. Settling the case. Most mediations end in settlement of all of the issues in the divorce. Confidentiality. Mediation is confidential, with no public record of what goes on in your sessions. Freedom. Mediation allows you to arrive at a resolution based on your own ideas of what is fair in your situation, rather than having a solution imposed upon you based on rigid and impersonal legal principles. Advice still available. You can go to mediation and still choose to have a lawyer give you legal advice. Control. You and your spouse—not the court—control the process. Communication. The mediation process encourages communication between you and your spouse, helping you avoid future conflicts. Successful mediation makes the rest of your divorce easier: Because you’ve done all the hard work of hammering out the details in the mediation, you can file an “uncontested” divorce. Uncontested divorces are usually less expensive and faster than litigated divorces (divorces where the couple battles in court). With an uncontested divorce, you’ll save money on attorneys’ fees and the costs of going to trial. Also, many courts fast-track uncontested cases because everything has been worked out in advance, meaning that a judge will be able to finalize your divorce faster than if you’d gone to trial. There are many reasons that make divorce mediation attractive to couples but it is not for everyone. In order to have a successfully mediated divorce, both parties must be willing to work together and compromise in a civil exchange to come to an agreement. Reaching an amicable divorce can be difficult in relationships where spouses do not share similar goals or ideas about property division, child custody, or other important aspects of their divorce. Additionally, in situations where emotions are high and discussions are strained, mediation may not be the most efficient manner to reach a divorce agreement. There are other options such as collaborative divorce, arbitration, and of course litigation for couples that mediation does not work for. Contact us today to get the answers you are looking for about divorce in Houston, TX and surrounding areas. Experienced Family Law Attorney in Houston, TX Our team proudly serves the Greater Houston area. All marriages are different, making each divorce equally unique with its own set of needs that must be addressed. Our team is dedicated to helping you and your family move forward without legal matters complicating your life. Contact our law office to explore your options for traditional marriage divorce and common law divorce, and find out how we can help you resolve any legal problems you are currently facing.

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