Licensed Divorce Mediator Serving Houston

Licensed Divorce Mediator Serving Houston

Between the emotional pain, financial stress, and time consuming back and forth negotiation, it’s no secret that divorces can get pretty nasty. This is why more and more divorcing couples are deciding to pursue divorce mediation to dissolve their marriage. Divorce mediation works by assigning a neutral third party to work with both sides throughout their divorce case. The goal is to come up with an amicable divorce agreement that both parties are satisfied with.

Working with a Houston divorce mediator that is also a certified family law attorney can help to ensure you are exploring all of the necessary facets of a divorce agreement before finalizing any decisions. It is important to keep in mind that divorce mediation can only work if both parties agree to put their emotions aside and have calm, peaceful, and productive conversations about how to move forward with their divorce.

Attorney Dawn Renken is a practicing family law attorney in Texas, that specializes in divorce cases in Houston, TX. Attorney Renken received her mediation license through ADR Services International Inc. in 2014. Since this time, she has worked with a wide range of divorcing couples looking for alternatives to traditional courtroom divorces.

The Divorce Mediation Process

Although every mediator will have their own style, the general process of mediation is pretty consistent.

Before Mediation

Before the mediation, you might speak with the mediator or an assistant and provide background information about your marriage, your family, and the issues in your divorce. Or your mediator might have you fill out a questionnaire. The mediator might also ask you to write up a “mediation statement” outlining your basic information and the divorce-related issues you think need to be resolved.

The mediator might also ask you to sign an agreement that says that you’ll keep what’s said in the mediation confidential and that you understand that the mediator can’t disclose any of what goes on in your session in court.

During Mediation

Unless you do online mediation, mediation sessions are usually held in a conference room or comfortable office. Some mediators meet with everyone in the same room for the entire mediation, while others might break the spouses out into separate rooms for private discussions. For couples who have attorneys with them at mediation, the mediator might ask to meet privately with both sides before beginning the session.

After the mediator takes care of housekeeping issues such as the agenda for the session, you’ll probably get a chance to make a short statement about your situation, as will your spouse. After you’ve each had a chance to speak, the mediator might ask some questions to clarify or get more information. Your mediator might repeat or summarize your points to confirm that they understand what you’re trying to say.

The next step will be to figure out what issues you and your spouse really agree and don’t agree on.

The two most important things you can do to reach an agreement are to:

  • -be open to compromise and
  • -listen to (and try to understand) your spouse’s point of view.

Understanding your spouse’s position doesn’t mean you have to agree with it. But it’s possible that, once you’ve listened closely to your spouse’s concerns, you’ll have new ideas about how to resolve disagreements.

Completing the Agreement

If you finish negotiations and resolve some or all of your divorce-related issues, the mediator will write an agreement and, in many cases, a parenting schedule or parenting plan. Your settlement agreement will include only the topics that you resolved during mediation. (If you aren’t able to agree on all the topics, you’ll have to either agree on the unresolved issues later or ask a court to decide them after a court hearing.)

Some mediators will help you file divorce your paperwork with the court; others won’t. (You’ll want to ask potential mediators about the scope of the services they provide.)

If the court approves your settlement agreement, the agreement will become part of the final divorce decree. You can then enforce the terms of the settlement agreement just as you would any other order from a court.

Divorce Mediator Serving Houston Texas

Renken Law Firm is here to help couples who wish to dissolve their marriage, whether that be through divorce or legal separation. We are here to help those who are ending marriages that have been contested, uncontested, or collaborative. We are fully prepared to help you navigate the specifics of your case. All marriages are different, making each divorce equally unique with its own set of needs that must be addressed. Contact our law office to explore your options moving forward, and find out how we can help you.


Renken Law Firm, PLLC
11500 Northwest Fwy #586
Houston, TX 77092
(713) 956-6767
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