Category: Galveston TX Divorce Attorney

Who Is The Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston?

Who Is The Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston?

When it comes to filing for a divorce, you will want to work with the best Galveston divorce attorney for your case. Having the knowledge of an experienced divorce attorney on your side can go a long way in helping you reach an agreement that works for the needs of your family. A good divorce attorney will represent you by being your ally and advocate throughout the entire divorce process. The focus of the attorneys at Renken Law Firm is to ensure every client we work with is able to come to an amicable and mutually agreeable settlement with their spouse. No matter how you file, our team of divorce specialists is here to help you navigate this difficult time. We offer the best divorce mediation services in Galveston, TX as well as the best-contested divorce services in Galveston, TX. Let us represent you in your divorce case to ensure you are doing everything you can to protect yourself and your property.  Divorce Mediation in Galveston Texas In addition to traditional divorce methods, our team provides the best divorce mediation services in Galveston, TX. Divorce mediation can be a more affordable and private method for divorce that leaves the final terms of divorce up to the divorcing parties. Learn more when you call our office today! Texas Divorce Attorneys Many individuals put off filing for a divorce because they are unsure how to begin the process and fear overpaying for the guidance of an attorney who is not invested in helping them succeed. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, our team has a history of getting results that satisfy our clients. We understand how difficult this process can be for families and do everything we can to help make the process go smoothly. We dedicate ourselves to providing the

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Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston TX

Best Divorce Attorney in Galveston TX

Divorce is a difficult process that comes with many emotions and complications that may leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to begin. While it may feel like an isolating process, you are not alone. Over 75,000 people each year seek divorce in the state of Texas. If you are one of the 75,000 people who is looking to dissolve your marriage the attorneys at Renken Law Firm are here to help you get through the process as smoothly and quickly as possible, so that you are able to refocus on the things in life that bring you joy.  The couples that choose to end their marriage must take the legal steps recognized by the state in order to properly and officially divorce. The team at Renken Law Firm in Galveston is here to help you find the solutions you are looking for in order to reach a divorce agreement that fits your immediate and long term needs. We have the experience required to help you reach an amicable agreement that allows you to move forward with your life. Do not get stuck with a divorce agreement that does not fit your needs and lifestyle. Instead, reach out to the attorneys at the Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX today to learn more about what we can do to help you begin your process for divorce. When it comes to choosing the right divorce attorney, many people fear they will be forced to overpay or work with an attorney who is not committed to helping them achieve the results and solutions they need out of their divorce. At Renken Law Firm, we have a history of working hard for our clients, leaving them satisfied with our services. We have made it our priority to dedicate the same amount of

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Is Divorce Mediation Cheaper?

Is Divorce Mediation Cheaper?

For many couples, divorce mediation offers solutions for the aspects of filing a divorce that can be most problematic. For one, mediation is a direct process that allows couples to work together to reach agreements over all aspects of their divorce. No issue is settled until both parties agree to the terms together. In divorces that go to court, the judge will have the final say in all aspects of your divorce. This means both parties have the potential to walk away unsatisfied with the terms of their final divorce agreement. Unfortunately, mediation does not work for everyone as both parties have to be willing to work together to reach an amicable agreement in order to successfully mediate their divorce.  From a financial aspect, divorce mediation may also be preferred for many couples. This is because divorces that go to court may require several court dates and meetings with a divorce attorney, for both parties. This can quickly become an expensive process that for many couples is just not worth it. Divorce mediation allows couples to work together with the help of a neutral third-party in order to come to fair and mutually beneficial terms for their divorce. This can many times be entirely accomplished in one singular meeting with a mediator which is a much more affordable option for both parties. When is mediation not a good idea? In some divorce cases, mediation is not a viable or well-suited solution for the divorcing couple. If you are divorcing due to infidelity, spousal abuse, child abuse, or another specific reason that is due to the actions of one individual, divorce mediation may not work for your needs. Additionally, if you are unable to amicably discuss issues in your relationship in order to find mutually beneficial solutions, mediation will not be

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Same-Sex Divorce Attorney in Texas

Same-Sex Divorce Attorney in Texas

Working with a divorce attorney that has experience in same-sex divorce cases can make it easier for same-sex couples. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX our attorneys are able to navigate this difficult time to help couples dissolve their marriage in any method they choose. This includes same-sex divorce mediation, same-sex contested divorced, and same-sex uncontested divorces. We work with our clients to ensure their needs are being met and they are treated with respect. If you would like to learn more about the services we offer or begin the process of divorce, contact our office today. We can get you the answers you are looking for while helping you get started as soon as possible. Same-Sex Divorce Mediation in Texas: Divorce mediation is a private and personal method for divorce. Instead of leaving the final say up to a judge, mediation allows couples to come up with the terms of their divorce on their own. This method requires couples to work together in order to reach an amicable agreement that suits them both. If you are looking for a same-sex divorce mediator, Renken Law Firm can help you. Same-Sex Contested Divorce: A contested divorce can be difficult to endure. Back and forth litigation and the inability to agree on important issues may make the divorce drag out. Working with an attorney who understands your specific needs can help make the process go smoothly. Schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys today to protect yourself during your contested divorce case.  At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, our team fights for families to ensure they are protecting themselves, their assets, and are promoting the best interest of any children that may be involved in the relationship. Our legal team is dedicated to getting the best results for you

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Experienced Same-Sex Divorce Attorney

Experienced Same-Sex Divorce Attorney

Same-sex marriages share the same rights and privileges as any other marriage. This means when these marriages do not go according to plan, and the couple chooses to divorce the process is also the same. However, same-sex marriages are not always considered as traditional, which can make coming to a divorce agreement a bit more involved. At Renken Law Firm, we have experience handling many different types of divorce cases, from mediating same-sex divorces to going to court to represent one party of a same-sex marriage in a divorce. We understand every divorce case is unique and we believe in treating it as such. When it comes to handling your case our attorneys are prepared to help you with: Child Custody: For same-sex marriages, custody over a child may be less traditional than with other divorce cases. Working with an experienced same-sex attorney can help you navigate this difficult time and get the results you need for the happiness and wellbeing of your family. Schedule a consultation with Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX today.  Child Support: Child support is a topic that can be difficult to tackle in any marriage. Our team of legal experts can ensure your child’s needs are being met financially and otherwise. Talk to one of our attorneys today. Same-Sex Mediation: When both parties in a marriage wish to work together to reach an amicable divorce agreement mediation can be an extremely beneficial option. Not only is a mediated divorce typically much less expensive, but it also is a private method of divorce. Instead of having the proceedings of your divorce become public knowledge, mediation allows you to keep it between the divorcing parties and one mediator. Have the final say in your divorce agreement when you choose mediation.  Dawn Renken is a practicing family

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Same-Sex Divorce Mediation

Same-Sex Divorce Mediation

In June of 2015, the United States Supreme Court made a ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. This ruling has gone down in history as one of the greatest achievements in our country’s fight for equality. While this is an absolute victory for our society, it also has brought new dynamics to the surface, such as how to handle a same-sex divorce. While the concept of divorce and property division is not new, finding an attorney who you can confidently rely on to navigate these circumstances can be a bit difficult. At Renken Lawfirm in Galveston, TX we help couples from all walks of life come to divorce agreements that fit their individual needs.  For couples who are able to work together in order to amicably resolve the division of rights and property, divorce mediation is often the most affordable and convenient option. Attorney Dawn Renken specializes in divorce mediation and has experience working with same-sex couples to reach divorce agreements that fit the needs of their circumstance. This includes resolving issues that include but are not limited to, child custody, child support, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, division of property, visitation rights, child abuse, domestic violence, and more. If you are in a same-sex marriage and wish to explore your options for divorce mediation with someone who is well versed working with the LGBTQ+ community, Renken Law Firm can help you. We have experience working with same-sex and opposite-sex couples to find solutions that work for their situation. Whether you are in need of property division, custody agreements, or are just looking to dissolve your marriage, contact us today. Our legal team is ready to help you get the solutions you need, so you can move past this time in your life. Dawn Renken is a practicing

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Do Both Parties Require A Mediator in Divorce?

Do Both Parties Require A Mediator in Divorce?

Divorce mediation offers many couples an alternative to traditional divorce that better fits their needs and lifestyle. Litigated divorces can be long and drawn out, full of court appearances, and attorney fees along the way. This is not appealing for many couples who wish to work together to reach an amicable agreement in their divorce for matters including property division, finances, child custody, debt distribution, and more.  Mediated divorces will only require one mediator who works with both parties to ensure their needs are being met and that neither party is using intimidation tactics or their position to influence the other party into agreeing with them. Whenever you choose to have a mediated divorce, the agreements you come to will be private between both spouses and a neutral third party who acts as the mediator. The mediator will be responsible for ensuring the agreement the couple reaches is fair and mutually beneficial, presently and in the future.  Working with a divorce mediator can be helpful because they will have insight and knowledge that can help you to make the best choices for your divorce. Even if both divorcing parties are in total agreement about how they would like to divide their shared property and rights, it is helpful to have a neutral third party weigh-in to ensure there will be no problems that arrive down the road that they may not be thinking of. If you have any questions or concerns about how divorce mediation works, schedule a virtual consultation with our team today. Since 2014, attorney, Dawn Renken has been working with couples to help them privately reach a divorce agreement that works for their needs. She is a licensed mediator with ADR Services International Inc. At Renken Law Firm, our team believes divorce mediation is an excellent alternative

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Virtual Divorce Mediation in Texas

Virtual Divorce Mediation in Texas

COVID-19 has led to many businesses closing down temporarily or altering the way they conduct business in order to help fight against the spread of this highly contagious virus. At Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, we are doing our part to continue offering quality family law and divorce services without requiring in-person visits. We understand that divorces are often difficult in normal circumstances, but during a pandemic, the stresses are increased. We specialize in helping divorcing couples that wish to work together through the mediation process to reach a resolution in their divorce case. Schedule your virtual divorce mediation consultation with one of our trusted attorneys today. We can help you understand your choices for divorce moving forward, as well as begin the process for divorce as soon as you are ready. Whether you choose divorce mediation or another process of divorce our team can help provide you with useful information and services. You do not have to wait until after the pandemic ends to begin the process of divorce. Instead, schedule an online consultation with one of our attorneys to explore your option for divorce in the state of Texas. While many couples choose divorce mediation because it is typically an accelerated process for divorce, there are still restrictions to the timeframe that apply. In the state of Texas, the minimum amount of time it will take to have a finalized divorce is 61 days. If you are involved in a contentious divorce with issues to work out such as child custody, complex finances, or shared property, the process has the potential to last months, and in rare cases, over a year. However, for mediated divorces where both parties are willing to work together to reach an agreement, 61 days can be enough time.  The courts in Texas

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Affordable Divorce Mediation in Galveston

Affordable Divorce Mediation in Galveston

Mediation is often the most affordable option for couples seeking a divorce. If you and your spouse are capable of working together to reach an amicable agreement for matters involving property division, finances, and in some cases even custody of a child, divorce mediation may work for you. The mediation process has many positive attributes, including that it is considered one of the most private methods of divorce. This is because the mediated divorce agreement is reached between both spouses, while a neutral third party, the mediator, helps to ensure the agreement reached is mutually beneficial. There is no court record or transcript of the conversation that leads to the divorce agreement. Mediation can also be more affordable in divorce cases where couples are looking to speed up the process and avoid lengthy court appearances and the additional attorney fees that come with long, drawn-out divorces. This makes it a very popular choice for couples that are able to work together to settle their differences. Family law attorney, Dawn Renken, has been working as a mediator with couples to help them negotiate divorce agreements that work for both of their long term needs since 2014. She is a licensed mediator, earning this title through ADR Services International Inc. If you and your spouse are actively looking to work through your divorce together, Renken Law Firm can help by offering affordable divorce mediation in Galveston, TX. We are committed to helping families reach a divorce agreement that suits the needs of all parties in a fair and amicable manner. If you are located in Galveston, TX, or surrounding communities and are seeking a mediation attorney, contact Renken Law Firm. Whenever couples have made the choice to work together to reach an agreement that outlines the terms of their divorce with the

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How Quickly Can I Get A Divorce

How Quickly Can I Get A Divorce?

For many couples, once they have made the decision to end their marriage, the first question they have is, “How quickly can I get a divorce?” This answer varies depending on the state you are divorcing in. In the state of Texas, there is a minimum of 60 days that must pass after the initial petition for divorce is filed with the court system. However, it is important to take into consideration that while you may be eager to go complete the process and go your separate ways, a quick divorce may not be in everyone’s best interest. Working with a professional divorce attorney, such as the ones at Renken Law Firm in Galveston, TX, can help you to determine what important factors you should take into consideration before reaching a divorce agreement. In some cases, it will take several months to a year, for couples to find a mutually beneficial agreement for the terms of their divorce. What Factors Should Be Taken Into Consideration? Before rushing into a finalized divorce, you will want to take a survey of many different aspects of your marriage and lifestyle, to ensure that you are protecting yourself and legally prepared to walk away from your marriage. Some of the main things you will want to explore with your divorce attorney, in order to find an amicable agreement for your divorce are: -If you have kids, determining an effective plan for child support, child custody, and child visitation timelines. This means deciding how much money will go to the child, who will be the primary caregiver, as well as determining how holidays and visitation schedules will be decided. -If you own property with your spouse, determining how the division of this property will be made. This may mean selling the property and splitting the

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